Sorry Robert420... Didn't get here in time... Did it go well?
Anyways, it's been quite some time since I've been on here, but this thread in particular caught my eye. I've had a lot of experience with drug tests.
Smoking Your Brains Out Before You Go In – I actually had one person tell me that tests have a upper cutoff point, and that if you smoked a ton the night before and morning of your test, you would actually test off the chart and return a negative result. I strongly discourage anyone from attempting this method.
I think this works, I've passed two drug tests after smoking all night because I didn't care!
First of all, dip stick tests are quite unreliable. That's what the government used on me back in MD when I first got into trouble. I ended up smoking multiple times a day except the day before my test, and I'd STAY passing. I was so confident back then, that I'd do some really idiotic things. For example, since it was near college, I'd end up bringing my bong, packed in a violin case, to my drug test (that's how I toted it around school). My friend even has a picture of me sparking a chillum while walking out the door, one foot still in the building. Stupid... but exciting at the time, as well as a big F.U. to the man. Eventually I started testing positive, but with dipstick tests, flushing your system doesn't pose a problem, nor do the many cleaning drinks that are available.
But anyhow, I am once again in trouble, 8 years later. Now, the government lab tests every specimen I give them. In order to determine whether or not a specimen is dilute, it is NOT creatine that they test for! It is in fact creatinine, a toxin created when your body breaks down creatine phosphate. I know in my case, any level below 20ng/ml is considered dilute, and if you're deliberately trying to flush your system, it's fairly easy to dip under that level.
The upper cut-out point is 50,000 nano-grams...i smoke an ounce and tested positive with 945 nanograms. So you would have to smoke close to 3 pounds in order to pass the upper cut-off point.
Now, in response to the quote, here's a little funny story. I typically smoke A LOT! Several times a day, and since I live in CO, add some hash oil, edibles, and earwax in the mix, and you have my smoking habits. When I first started drug tests, I refused to stop smoking. The judge told me, "well, as long as your levels go down, you'll be ok." Well, I find that my levels are above the testable level, which, through BI (the company that the state uses), are 650ng/ml. In fact, my levels were so high that I had a dilute where my creatinine levels were 7ng/ml, on the verge of poisoning my body, and I STILL tested positive for weed. I'm 5'6", 140 lbs, athletic, with a very high metabolism. Within a week and a half of not smoking at all, it was all out of my system. This is where I get to another post to respond to:
Hey everyone. I'm new here but have read this entire thread and think that I can add!
5'11 and pushing 215 lbs. I used to be very active though not much lately (however I have begun running again some and doing other exercises).
I've potentially got diversion coming up for getting pulled over with 2.5 grams. My diversion court date is the 23rd. If I have to go (my attorney may be able to go for me), they may test me. The 23rd gives me 32 days since I smoked last (maybe 5 - 6 hits of some pretty good stuff). Before those bowls, it had been about a month as well.
Anyway, in my searches I came across a few things that might be helpful for everyone:
**50 ng tests versus 15 ng**
Obviously, the 15ng tests will be more sensitive. However, take a look at this:
Scroll down to the THC test, and you will see a chart. Basically, they took 150 negative and positive tests at 50ng and then tested those at 15ng. The chart says that only 7 of 150 tests that were negative at 50ng were positive at 15ng.
This might provide some confidence to those who have to take a test that will be done at 15ng. They may be able to try a home test at 50ng and be at least a little bit more confident
Of course, these 50ng tests HAVE to be this accurate in order to be FDA approved so there may be some slight of hand as far as their data is concerned.
**30+ days to be clean**
This is always the rule of thumb. As everyone likely knows, this is always different for different people. However, here's something that might give people some confidence:
Drug test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quote: " . . . more recent studies have shown that detection times of 30+ days are actually quite exceptional, even for chronic users subjected to tests with lower than normal cutoffs. Under the typical 50 ng/mL cutoff for THC, an occasional or one-off user would be very unlikely to test positive beyond 3–4 days since the last use, and a chronic user would be unlikely to test positive much beyond 10 days. Using a more sensitive cutoff of 20 ng/mL (less common but still used by some labs), the most likely maximum times are 7 days and 21 days, respectively."
As the article states, it is all relative to the person and the test that you are taking but these things have given me more confidence that 32 days should be enough even though I am not terribly active and a bit overweight.
I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions (for research or for passing my own test)
Now, I've learned that the very much most common test has a cutoff of 50ng/ml, since certain foods, like brussel sprouts, have natural cannibinoids, and people who eat lots of veggies can fairly easily surpass that 15ng/ml mark. So, with your typical lab test, under 50ng/ml is what you want to shoot for. Again, dip stick tests are unreliable, so unless you have your own private lab to use, using a dipstick bought from the store is NOT surefire! You can DEFINITELY pass a dipstick, but not a lab test!
But anyhow, I haven't really been smoking. But hypothetically, *wink wink*, if I did smoke once or twice, or even once or twice a couple days in a row, someone with a body type, metabolism, and activity level like me, would pass in mere days, ESPECIALLY if you take supplements, workout, and ride a bicycle everywhere you go. HOWEVER, keep in mind that the ONLY surefire way to pass every piss test is absolute abstinence! Granted, it is not a route most of us are willing to take, but when your freedom or livelihood hinges upon it, abstinence is something you should seriously consider, especially if you have frequent or random drug tests, low metabolisms, high body fat, or low activity levels. Many collection places, especially for the court system, will watch you urinate, so without a whizzinator, there is no way of substituting. I've even known several people who got busted using the whizzinator! So, if you don't want to risk it, don't smoke! I know it's hard... I'm one of those people who fought it tooth and nail, but in the big picture, isn't it worth a few weeks or months of not smoking (or if you're on probation or parole, years
Consider the how the liver evolved through natural selection.
Nature needed a way to get the toxins out of the living body otherwise harm would befall the animal.
If you think about it, Cannabis is non-toxic, and not damaging to the body (I'm not talking about the smoking aspect here, just the effect of the active Cannabinoids).
Why would the liver function have evolved to do this in a hurry - there's no harm so what does it matter.
With alcohol and other poisons the body get's right on the case and cleans out the system in hours (I'm speaking about hard drugs and why most are completely gone in 2-3 days).
Well, the big difference between herb and other drugs in regards to getting metabolites out of your system is not necessarily toxicity. It is purely the fact that THC is not water-soluble, and only fat-soluble, whereas the vast majority of other drugs are water-soluble. This simply means that, since everybody has fat stores, THC metabolites stick around, while other drugs are flushed out relatively quickly, since they dissolve in water. In fact, one of the other drug categories that has a minimal negative effect on the body is opiates. Opiates don't harm your body quite like other drugs, either, although not as little as THC. But still, despite the fact that the human body doesn't hate it, and because of the fact that it is water-soluble, metabolites are still flushed out relatively quickly.
In closing, I hope my comments help a little, teach a little, or at least pose some form of amusement!
Edit: I'm not trying to give you the impression that you can smoke and be clean faster than you should expect, so PLEASE don't take that from this! As stated before, the rule of thumb is 30 days, and sometimes 60 or more! So PLEASE try to give it as much time as possible! The suggestions on this thread are NOT to help you keep smoking for as long as possible! They are simply for the people who didn't have the heads up, and now find themselves between a rock and a hard place! But anyways, take care of yourselves and stay positive! One love!