FAQ: How to Pass a Drug Test

Hey everybody. Just joined the forums, and I have a quick question.

I have a drug test coming up this Friday.

It's been about 35-36 days since I've last smoked, and I was a chronic user. I'm 6'2, about 208-210 lbs., low metabolism, 27% body fat, not very active.

Last week I took a First Check at home drug test. When I took the test, it was the first time I urinated that day (the urine was pretty dark, so that would be worse case scenario), the test resulted in a Very Faint line. So technically I tested a weak negative.

So with all the details, do you guys think I am all set for the drug test coming up this Friday??????
yes , as long as you flush your system with about a gallon or two a day of water and get some exercise in , and basically follow the first post of this thread , you'll be good .

Well, today's the day.

I just took another at home test. I had about 5 cups of water before I took the test (2.5 cups in the morning, and then another 2.5 cups a couple of minutes before the at home test).

I got a pretty dark line for the drug, a little more faint than the control line.

My test is later tonight at around midnight. I'll probably drink a bottle of water (2.5 cups) and I should be okay.
Hey all--

I'm currently job searching. I just finished a job that didn't require drug testing, but I smoked maybe....7-8 times since feb-march of this year. No blunts, just bowls. Before this weekend, my last time smoking was mid july. And before that, mid june. So everything's been pretty spread out.

I'm back in the job market and I had a bit of a homecoming celebration with my friends that involved a bowl on thursday night, followed by 2 hits of a tiny tiny bowl and a full out toke of a 4 person bowl saturday afternoon and evening. (i just really couldn't resist. i'd been waiting to do this for months)

I'm female, 5'4", 120 lbs, high metabolism, and relatively active. My last job involved working outside all day every day so I am that kind of active. However, since coming home my activity has included house work which has kept me off the couch but is obviously not tough exercise.

I could potentially be drug tested this week and I'm worried. Do you think very much would be detectable by, say, tomorrow? I've read online and it says 3-5 days for infrequent smokers but since we hit some good shit (by no means chronic, but damn good weed) i'm worried the concentration will still be high enough to fail me on a standard test. Would you think I'd be ok by wednesday? If I do by chance get offered a job and have to test, I am wondering if I can excuse my way into a certain day that I'd most likely be clean by.

Thanks. It was a book but I'm trying to be as specific as possible :)
u are going to be fine, dont worry , just dont forget to drink water and blah blah, work out, run like 30 mins, drink cranberry juice ... since u have high metabolism I dont think u will fail..

There are even some cases of people who have been smoking a lot and tested negative like in 1 week due to high metabolisms :)

good luck and pls tell us if u succeed :)
Im a heavy toker, a few times a day every day for the past few months. I just passed a urine test yesterday and I'm super stoked. I didn't use any detox products or synthetic urine either. I had two fatty blunts on monday and for the rest of the work week i drank a fuck ton of water, did my insanity workouts, and ate cranberry pills as directed on the bottle and on friday I passed the test. Im sure the thc wasn't removed from my system but just diluted. either way I passed and thats all that matters, right?! Im slightly above average in height, and avg weight so I'm sure that played a role as well. I did get tired of the water but it wasn't anything a toker can't handle. hope this helps anyone in need.

-spread the positive vibes :bigtoke: :goodluck: :bongrip:
Hey guys, brand new to this forum here. I hope someone can help me out with this. I was smoking pretty hardcore, about three bowls a day for 10 days straight. Prior to that, I was clean for about a month. I haven't smoked in seven days, and I have a urinalysis coming up in five days. So twelve days of being clean. I've been drinking plenty of water and cranberry juice. Pissing clear for the past three days. I work out everyday. (I run two miles every other day) I'm 5'5" 155 lbs. I'm have a pretty average build and metabolism. What are my chances of passing naturally?
Update on Goldenseal Tea I've looked around and even tried it myself , and it DOES NOT WORK . Please remove Goldenseal from the list because I have failed a drug test (praise the good lord I didn't get in trouble) and I don't want others to think it'll work for them . If it works for some , great , then make sure it's not that it only works for a few people because I've found no evidence supporting that it works .

It does however work wonders to detox other stuff from your body , boost your immune system , and make you feel great and increase overall health !

Hey guys, brand new to this forum here. I hope someone can help me out with this. I was smoking pretty hardcore, about three bowls a day for 10 days straight. Prior to that, I was clean for about a month. I haven't smoked in seven days, and I have a urinalysis coming up in five days. So twelve days of being clean. I've been drinking plenty of water and cranberry juice. Pissing clear for the past three days. I work out everyday. (I run two miles every other day) I'm 5'5" 155 lbs. I'm have a pretty average build and metabolism. What are my chances of passing naturally?

You should be alright as long as your body fat is extremely low , and give yourself a day of rest before the test to let the extra metabolites from working out flush out to be safe , it's cutting it close though
Hey, was wondering if you guys think I would be clean -

Was a daily smoker for a few months, a few blunts a day (1-3), 23yo white male. 5'11" 220lbs. Well I didn't smoke for a month (well, 29 days) and then visited some buddies and shared maybe 2 blunts 3 bowls of so between 3-5 people over a course of 3 days. Well I have an interview coming up soon, and on the date of the interview it would have been 39 days again since I last smoked. (so no smoking for 29 days, smoked 3 days, no smoking another 39 days)

Since unemployed since graduating I have gained some weight, but have still been active. It's mostly due to having nothing to do and just filling time with eating food. I have maybe gained 15lbs, 20 TOPS. But, I am also still active with running, in the last 3 days I have ran 15 miles for example. I drink lots of water (1.5+ gallons a day), and am a heavy sweater.

So based on this, think I will be clean?
okay so i have a question. i had quit smoking for about 4 months, until about 2 weeks ago. i smoked about 3g of ak47 hydro. i weigh 275 pounds and have already failed 1 pre-employment drug screening. i have another urinalisys next tuesday. that being said my question is what would be your best suggestion for how i can pass this drug tests ?
from experience when i was in the military. i would have to say definately yes. given the length of time since you smoked, plus alot of exercise, plus heavy sweating and your water intake. i wouldnt worry about it if i was you bro
Hey Scooby,
Without a doubt I would recommend getting the quickfix 4.0 urine! My girlfriend has used it several times on her pre-employment tests and has passed without any problems and I have a friend that used it to pass a test for a federal job and still had no issue. (I have been fortunate enough to not have to take a dt for a job yet but have some just in case!) Really the only way you can fail with it is if the liquid isnt warm enough to pass the preliminary temperature check or if you have someone in the room watching you "piss" and see you pouring it into the cup...You shouldn't have to worry about the latter on pre-employment tests though cause its a pretty big invasion of privacy...that would usually only happen on probation tests or something like that.
Hey brahs im in desperate need of help D:
im getting an antidop test tomorrow (urine) and well i havent smoked since oct/16/2011 but the problem is that i was a heavy smoker i mean a really heavy smoker i smoked up to 6 joints a day and i allways carried my hitter even at school i smoked.
The thing is that maybe in october em 7? 8? well around does days i ate some weed cake but i think the THC was burnt off couse i didnt feel a high or anything but ok heres my profile
Im 18 years old not so active got expelled from school couse some one ratted me out that i had weed on me o well thats another story wont bother you guys with it
any ways:
18 years old
Not active
I weight about 55kilos/121pounds +/-
I'm maybe 5'7 really skinny and been drinking lots of water
My metabolism i guess its fast couse i can eat alot of food and maybe at about 30mins i can eat more and i dont get fat what can i do to pass my test? :S help!! D: i live in mexico so the stuff here isnt so potent. I heard that maybe 2 or 3 drops of clorox can help ? :S HELP ! D:
ways to pass drug test

-drink any type of clear liquid (as much as your body can handle) if you haven't pissed 20 times before going to take the test your probably screwed
-Drink something or eat something that is high in b12 vitamins because the more B12 vitamins in your body the more yellow your piss will be (if you piss is clear you could fail for dilution)
If you want a 100% Guaranteed way to pass a urine drug test then you have to use 100% percent human urine. Fake pee works sometimes but real human urine works all the time. I and my sister use Everythingurine.com and have passed with their real human piss. If you go on google you"ll see alot of people are failing with quick fix 5.7 and other kinds of fake pee. Why risk it, just get 100% drug free labortory tested urine from Everythingurine.com and make sure you pass your drug test no matter what!!!:high-five:
ways to pass drug test

-drink any type of clear liquid (as much as your body can handle) if you haven't pissed 20 times before going to take the test your probably screwed
-Drink something or eat something that is high in b12 vitamins because the more B12 vitamins in your body the more yellow your piss will be (if you piss is clear you could fail for dilution)

You hit the nail right on the head. Water works perfectly so that your urine will be diluted. HOWEVER, the tester will see an unusual amount of dilution in your pee and that's a red flag right there.

Any type of B-complex vitamin will do. Take it 2 hours before the test. The yellow hue that it will provide will cover up the unusual dilution.

Can anyone confirm if this works? If it helps at all?

Proper timing can also help you pass a test. Always try to make sure you do not have your first urine of the day tested, as it will contain the highest concentration of detectable substances. If possible, make sure you have urinated at least a couple of times earlier in the day before the test is performed. When collecting the urine that will be tested, catch it "mid-stream." This technique can also help to avoid collecting high-concentration urine.

Source: beat a drug test
Hello folks, new poster here and I'm looking for advice and consolation, as my current job is at stake with a wife & three kids at home. I was informed yesterday that I was randomly selected for my employer's new random UA drug screening policy (I'm pissed b/c it wasn't in place when I was hired, but they made me sign an employee handbook 2 years after I was hired that had the new random drug test requirement). I never thought it would be me.

The last possible date to take the UA is February 8th, and my last toke was the night of January 18th - Exactly 21 days.

Personal stats - 5' 8, 160 lbs, have been smoking a quad a week for last 6 months. I'm not skinny, but relatively thin and exercise regularly and have an average metabolism.

If I do the exercise/dilution/creatin/vitamin b-2 do you think I have enough time to cleanse?
Just want to get your guys' thoughts. I didn't smoke for a month. Then the day after my drug test I started smoking again and I smoked for 35 days straight just 1 blunt a day between 2-3 people. Then I stopped smoking for 8 days and on the 9th day I took 8 hits out of a blunt. Smoked again the next night and took about 6 bowl hits. Then again the next night and took 6 bowl hits again. Now I have gone 7 days without smoking and plan on going 8 more days. And then the 16th day I get drug tested. I am 5' 7" 140 pounds with moderate metabolism. Do you guys think I will pass without doing anything? Also, since the last night I smoked I have ran 3 miles at the gym everyday and ate as little fat as possible and have drank at least 8 cups of water a day. I plan on doing this for the next 6 days as well and then just start eating fatty foods the 2 days before I get tested. How do you guys think I will do? Or should I invest in some sort of detox?
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