Fanleaf's Huge 42 COB Array Build Plus Other Builds

Fanleaf's Huge 42 Cree CXB3590 COB Array Build Plus Other Builds

Well it's pretty simple really. It''s even covered with several people through the large array build. How many cobs per square feet TOTALLY depend on the end result you would like to get. I would put it in 3 options really.

Option 1
Drive the cobs hard to get more coverage vert and horiz. You can cover over 2 square feet per cob easy. Less cobs, less $$, far far less efficient and still a good amount of heat. You will be in the low to mid 40's as far as efficiency. Double ended hps = 41% at most

More cobs driven at a medium drive. Still cover over 1.5 square feet fer cob. More money but not a bunch more, more efficient somewhere in high 40's to low 50% efficient. More efficient then a double ended hps but not enough to brag about. Still a fair amount of heat but not too much.

Option 3
1 cob per square foot. Much more $$ than option 1 up front. very even canopy coverage, driving cobs very very soft, least amount of heat, more efficient than ANY grow light on the market. 60% efficient.

This all depends on what chip you use though. Some are far far more efficient then others.

Bro, I have programs and can make this whole thing very very simple for you. All you needed to do is give me your room size and I can give you several options like the ones listed above. These programs give pretty accurate ppfd numbers for any array I tell it to calculate.

By the way. A guy just sent a Cree chip off for a very expensive scientific test in a light sphere. That chip matched the manufacturers specs on the nose. Those data sheets are a Guaranteed sheet with minimum and maximum tolerances listed. That's why Cree sorts their chips by bin.

We dont need to be wasting time with LUX or anything like that man. No matter what you see or read you cannot convert LUX to par/ppfd with ANY accuracy. There are calculators out there for it but even they tell you they may be far off. It's impossible to convert it accurately because the 2 are in no way related. Lumens can be considered related and more easily converted with "some" accuracy but not lux from what I understand.

Just give me your room size man....From that I can give you a "less expensive" option, a middle option and an all out "performance" option and we can tweak it from there. I can tell you how many heat watts will be created in each scenario and everything man.

I can tell you how much par you could expect in different scenarios as well.

Ok. Thanks

I didn't know you had all the info ready to go.

It's 5 foot wide and 11 foot long

If you know about light movers.

So u say double end hps 41 efficiency. And cob at high watt is around that 41 efficiency also. So to light that same room with either one of those it should cost same and produce near same results right?

I was thinking if I can get drivers that do it. I can get a few cobs at first and turn them up then add on and turn down later?

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D series? Ya. I'm learning Arduino uno to take advantage of the D series. Until then I've ordered the Typhoon 4 channel LED controller. I want to up the game on my LED array builds and offer things you usually find in a $1800 array. I was looking at bluefish too but I'm not sure if there's a big demand for wifi controllers without some programmer building a iPhone/android app that supports it and a live video feed function. For those who want to check water levels, hygrometer settings automated ph balancing (hydrofarm autopilot) etc and view a live feed of your plants. Hoping to produce a full start to finish auto system at a good price in one easy to use kit. Gonna be a long ride.
These are the features typhoon offers. Don't think wifi connectivity will be too much of an issue

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The one I grabbed is the SDP-001
Ok. Thanks

I didn't know you had all the info ready to go.

It's 5 foot wide and 11 foot long

If you know about light movers.

So u say double end hps 41 efficiency. And cob at high watt is around that 41 efficiency also. So to light that same room with either one of those it should cost same and produce near same results right?

I was thinking if I can get drivers that do it. I can get a few cobs at first and turn them up then add on and turn down later?

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So, what size panel would be be comfortable with to start with your light mover? 5'X6'? 5X8'?

Hey hows it going,enjoy reading and learning from your setups and journals.I have couple questions could you show some pictures on how you wired the meter in the control box. I need help in figuring out options for a 4x8 area from least expensive ,middle option , higher end option.Some people are doing set ups with hlg 185h-c700 drivers and they are efficient ,some are updating using newer higher output drivers ,are the higher output drivers like the 320 series more efficient then the lower output drivers? Thanks for your time and for sharing your knowledge
Hey hows it going,enjoy reading and learning from your setups and journals.I have couple questions could you show some pictures on how you wired the meter in the control box. I need help in figuring out options for a 4x8 area from least expensive ,middle option , higher end option.Some people are doing set ups with hlg 185h-c700 drivers and they are efficient ,some are updating using newer higher output drivers ,are the higher output drivers like the 320 series more efficient then the lower output drivers? Thanks for your time and for sharing your knowledge

The HLG-XXXH-C drivers all have the potential to run at about 94% efficient. Whether your running the 185-700 or the 320-2100. I'll put some pictures up for how to wire in the meters here shortly.

Here's 3 Cree options. If you want an idea with a different chip maker let me know. Right now I'm trying to show you efficiency.

Cheaper option
16 cobs running at 2100ma. That's about 80 watts per cob. Notice Cob efficiency is 49.71% and ppfd is a pretty good 846.
We could build this option with cheaper chips other than the Crees and probably add a few more chips and still be cheaper. Hitting that 49% efficiency would be the goal.

Here's a middle option. This is running 24 chips.. Notice here your efficiency jumps up to 56.34%. That's really good efficiency. Now we are driving 24 chips at roughly 50 watts per cob instead of 80. The ppfd is a great 929ppfd. This would make a nice, very respectable room.

Option number 3 is how I build my arrays. This is 32 cobs in 32 square feet of grow space. Expensive? YES! However, look at the unmatched efficiency numbers as well as ppfd. Now we are only pushing the cobs at 35 watts each. The 61.5% efficiency is absolutely amazing!!! As is a very good 983ppfd.
The HLG-XXXH-C drivers all have the potential to run at about 94% efficient. Whether your running the 185-700 or the 320-2100. I'll put some pictures up for how to wire in the meters here shortly.

Here's 3 Cree options. If you want an idea with a different chip maker let me know. Right now I'm trying to show you efficiency.

Cheaper option
16 cobs running at 2100ma. That's about 80 watts per cob. Notice Cob efficiency is 49.71% and ppfd is a pretty good 846.
We could build this option with cheaper chips other than the Crees and probably add a few more chips and still be cheaper. Hitting that 49% efficiency would be the goal.

Here's a middle option. This is running 24 chips.. Notice here your efficiency jumps up to 56.34%. That's really good efficiency. Now we are driving 24 chips at roughly 50 watts per cob instead of 80. The ppfd is a great 929ppfd. This would make a nice, very respectable room.

Option number 3 is how I build my arrays. This is 32 cobs in 32 square feet of grow space. Expensive? YES! However, look at the unmatched efficiency numbers as well as ppfd. Now we are only pushing the cobs at 35 watts each. The 61.5% efficiency is absolutely amazing!!! As is a very good 983ppfd.
Has anyone in here calculated this one:

Besides the heat benefits, how long does it take to cover up the extra upfront cost between a 49% and a 60% efficiency 42sqft CXB3590 setup fe? Lets say 24cent per kWh and an average american kWh price

Current Grow SeymoreNuggets Flowering Journal - Nebula & Atomical Haze - Soil - 2x3 - 420W DIY COB

My journey seeking the light. Found some
SeymoreNugget's DIY talk - Building lights - Sharing ideas
24 cent pet kwh, damn I'm complaining about 10 cents per kwh

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Now you can stop doing that. :) In some european countries thats not even something to complain about. With my flimsy 500W setup (all devices) i pay arround US$1,52 per day during flower.

Current Grow SeymoreNuggets Flowering Journal - Nebula & Atomical Haze - Soil - 2x3 - 420W DIY COB

My journey seeking the light. Found some
SeymoreNugget's DIY talk - Building lights - Sharing ideas
Has anyone in here calculated this one:

Besides the heat benefits, how long does it take to cover up the extra upfront cost between a 49% and a 60% efficiency 42sqft CXB3590 setup fe? Lets say 24cent per kWh and an average american kWh price

Current Grow SeymoreNuggets Flowering Journal - Nebula & Atomical Haze - Soil - 2x3 - 420W DIY COB

My journey seeking the light. Found some
SeymoreNugget's DIY talk - Building lights - Sharing ideas
Will see more it's not so much that it's only the 12 to 15% less power being used. You also have to take into account the 100 to 300 extra heat Watts that can be produced by using other ones. So the more efficient you get, the less heat watch your producing so it's also easier to deal with heat which often means less air conditioning. You are right though, it does take a few years to pay for itself but at the same time if you're running five thousand less BTUs of air conditioner it sure don't take long. Tell you what I'll put together and a array right now using some 1212 and let's look at the heat watt difference

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Heres an array with 16 Citizen 1212's with the power adjusted to provide the same ppfd to the plants (841) as the less expensive Cree model I posted a bit ago.

32 square feet. 16 cobs to 16 cobs.



Now, while it's true for the cost of the Crees you can put in more 1212's instead but then there goes some or most of your initial money saving.

Now let's look at the 16 Crees power adjusted to give the same ppfd to the plants. Look at that....Heat watts = 608!!! Almost 300 less heat watts then the Citizen. Now efficiency is also better than a double ended hps. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY LET'S LOOK AT THE CHARTS AND SEE THE PRICE DIFFERENCE IN RUNNING THE LIGHTS FOR 18/6 LIGHT CYCLE PER MONTH!!!

IN THIS SITUATION AT .12 PER kWh. The Citis cost us $203 per month to run while the same ppfd with the Crees cost us $83.84 to run and less heat to get rid of.
I guess saving $119 per month running the Crees looks pretty good huh.

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