Fanleaf Tries For A TLO, True Living Organics, Grow With 6 Plants

Just starting out with his second book I think he's vague in this area. I missed the 250 - 300 ppm area and wouldn't have let it go that high. Then Emilya's comment and you find this. I'm glad once again to be here being helped. Thanx Captain.

I highly recommend getting some little "post-it" stickers, to mark pages with reference notes, as the info is there, it's just kinda "random". I'd also like to recommend, don't sample your meds while writing a book. ;)
My next watering I'll be trying for the flowering tea. Bring on the micro life baby! I don't know how much to bubble up. Maybe you can help. If I'm going to need 6 gallons of water will one gallon of tea split between them be enough?
As mine is concentrated I would certainly think so. I think the 1 gallon of tea that I'll be diluting for 5-7 gallons tonight will be a good indicator for you.
Just starting out with his second book I think he's vague in this area. I missed the 250 - 300 ppm area and wouldn't have let it go that high. Then Emilya's comment and you find this. I'm glad once again to be here being helped. Thanx Captain.
He never mentions 250-300ppm teas. He says like 50ppm approximately lol. 50!
I wonder if he is putting his inputs into a nylon sock or something so that this doesnt become part of the ppm. I just dump everything in the bucket knowing that over time, it will all add in to my very old soil. So far, this has not been an issue in my garden, yet I remain very interested in Rev's newest techniques too. I still havent seen his 10 commandments either, and now I wonder if part of that will also blow my mind.
I wonder if he is putting his inputs into a nylon sock or something so that this doesnt become part of the ppm. I just dump everything in the bucket knowing that over time, it will all add in to my very old soil. So far, this has not been an issue in my garden, yet I remain very interested in Rev's newest techniques too. I still havent seen his 10 commandments either, and now I wonder if part of that will also blow my mind.
He mentions not to use bags but to strain when ready. There's so much in the book. It's like the electrical code book. One needs to know where in the book the things needed are and go there for the facts. It's rich with information. Funny at the moment I don't remember seeing the commandments though I'm sure they're there.
I wonder if he is putting his inputs into a nylon sock or something so that this doesnt become part of the ppm. I just dump everything in the bucket knowing that over time, it will all add in to my very old soil. So far, this has not been an issue in my garden, yet I remain very interested in Rev's newest techniques too. I still havent seen his 10 commandments either, and now I wonder if part of that will also blow my mind.
He says that we should not use a nylon for our ingredients but rather just add them directly to the vessel that is going to contain the tea. As soon as I get back home I'm going to find the area in the book where he talks about the Tea concentrations and just double check that I read and understood what he is saying correctly.
Another thing. The flowering tea section says to use it from two weeks before flowering starts. P186. Then in Rev's tip he says "I use a tea at the two weeks before entering flowering point (vegging tea) and another about 3 weeks from harvest (flowering tea) " P191. A contradiction! He adds to use the finishing tea 3 weeks from harvest.
I think he should lay off the pipe when writing too. I have to say all things considered, so far I'm having a good start and if it keeps going this is going to be something special.
So, I think I will just give the tea to the 3 plants that are showing the deficiencies so I dont have to spread the power of the tea too thin.
This batch of tea foamed like crazy!

I diluted that 1 strained gallon of tea to 3 gallons of RO water and BAM...642ppm!

I will give this to the 3 that are showing need for it. The other 3 will get straight water tonight while I brew a batch for them on the next watering.
What I have learned here is to make perhaps 2 gallons of tea from now on. No biggie, that just means I get to use my 5 gallon tea making contraption I made 3 months ago.
I was able to give the 4 plants that are still in the smaller pots a full tea drench with the 4 gallons I had.
Good time to do so or not, I did some cleaning up on the same 4. I figured right now they are stretching so fast it wont hurt them a bit.

Also, as you can see, Malauwi X Panama is stretching FAST, separating herself at the canopy. Shes acting like she isnt already getting 1250+ par. Let's just see about that. I'll just booster seat the others a few more inches if I need to. From this picture shes easy to pick out.

I raised the lights again tonight. Another 3 inches to give them some space and help keep canopy temps in order. I'm pounding them with light right now and dont plan to ease up for at least 4 more weeks. Then I will tame it down but not much. I do this as my version of fall setting in. After bud set and about 50% through flower I tame the lights. They will go from a ppfd of about 1250 or 1300 down to about 1100-1150. Just something I do. I will give you guys my secret too. I dont touch the 16 3000k chips at all. I will tone down the 9 blue 5000k chips just a bit. More of a red fall sky for the rest of the grow!

I can tell you guys this much, the ceiling in this room isnt very high and as of right now I can raise the lights 14" more before we are out of room.

If that does happen it's no biggie, we will just switch gears to a grams per watt style setup where we drop the lights down 6-8" above the canopy and run the lights soft. They will still get over 1000 par that way.

As long as I can get the few showing a tad bit of deficiency taken care of I think even with the problems I had in veg that we can exceed expectations.
Looking great Fan. Your tea looked good enough to drink. I went back and found where he wrote he makes two gallons out of one and uses it like that. Confusing for first timers.
You are right. I went back and seen where I got confused too.
He was talking about 60ppm calmag in the water before making the tea. My fault..
Tons of info brother. It's going to take a few grows to figure out.
You're not kidding. Honestly there's plenty of mixed information as well. Mentioned several times on how great it is for TLO and even with pictures of it, is General Organics CaMg. Rev talks about how he uses it with every tea. Then in another spot it says "I no longer use General Organics CaMg". :thedoubletake:

His reason was not because it's no good for TLO but for some other reason he dont need it.
Anyways, I'm starting to feel the grow. I like it. After this grow I'm going to re-ament the soil while I make a run with some seeds sent to me by a member. After that grow I'll make a few small TLO "style" changes to the pot layout and give it another go in a way I think will suit my garden area.
Those microbes get to work quickly don't they?
I've never really watched stretch rates this close before. I knew they stretch fast but I didnt know over an inch in a day was even possible. I guess it grows like asparagus during stretch.
I sure hope the new population of microbes are in there putting in overtime breaking things down, my plants are counting on em. :)

Is there a downside of giving tea more often? I mean, if they are thirsty and ready to drink do we still want to moderate how often tea is given? I would like your take on this. Rev spaces them out at least 10 days I think is what he says. Is that to limit raw material into the pot while there should already be a very high microbe population in the soil?
I try to shoot for about once a week during veg and every 10 days or so during bloom. I don't think you could get away with giving the tea every time you watered, even if you really wanted to work that hard and if you were varying the teas a bit each time so as to produce different microbes. Too much of a tea high in some element might start to build up and affect the grow later on if tea was given too often. It is probably best to get one or two plain water (maybe with other supplements) in between. I don't think that it is necessary to give a tea more often than that since if you are doing this correctly, the specialized microbes are surviving quite well on the raw nutrients you sent along with them. The time in between teas allows all of that stuff to get eaten up by the active microlife and converted into the form the plants need, so very little of it accumulates in the soil. About the time this cycle is dying out due to lack of food, you come back in with the next tea. Timing does seem to be important with AACT.
In my next grow I am going to experiment with supercharging this process even more. I am going to start using a supplement like Voodoo Juice, to regularly add supercharged microbes to the grow. It is all about the microlife and their relationship with the roots. It is my belief that there are now ways to add so many highly specialized microbes to our soil that our Rev inspired teas are going to seem primitive in comparison. I am sort of glad to see that he is human just like the rest of us and prone to making some mistakes in his method. That shows me there is room for improvement and sometime this year I plan on proving to myself that I can increase my root density by 1000% simply by applying some hard science to the methods I have learned.
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