Fanleaf Goes Hi-Brix On 6 Auto's

If you're going to dunk 'em....and you should....double the drench amount.
Perfect. I will dunk in 1oz shortly tonight. Thanks Doc. This is so strange to me to feel like I have no idea what I'm doing LOL. I'm sure once I run the kit a few times things will start to click.

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Dunk Time

So I learned a few things in the last few hours. Number one is that when growing in a smaller room like the one I'm currently in that dunking these plants is a huge PITA!
I managed to get it done but wow.

Also learned that your dunk tank needs to have many gallons of extra RO water in it to get the job done. I used a tote that has a roughly 20 gallon capacity. I started with 15 gallons in it. By the time I was dunking plant 4 of the 6 my water level was pretty low. By the time I was done with the 6 I bet there wasn't but 2 gallons left at the most. I had to end up feeding some from the top as well as letting the plant sit in the tank. Then drained.

So that left me a bit confused on the dunk directions by not being able to have the water level 3/4 the way up to the soil level I think I would have needed to have 25+ gallons of RO water ready to get the 6 plants dunked and be able to keep the water level up that high.

Lots for me to learn here :Namaste:

I hope the dunk helps them out some because now I am starting to see some burn on the new growth of the Gorilla glues.
Environment is fine too. Ive got the humidity at 54% right now
Dunk Time

So I learned a few things in the last few hours. Number one is that when growing in a smaller room like the one I'm currently in that dunking these plants is a huge PITA!
I managed to get it done but wow.

Also learned that your dunk tank needs to have many gallons of extra RO water in it to get the job done. I used a tote that has a roughly 20 gallon capacity. I started with 15 gallons in it. By the time I was dunking plant 4 of the 6 my water level was pretty low. By the time I was done with the 6 I bet there wasn't but 2 gallons left at the most. I had to end up feeding some from the top as well as letting the plant sit in the tank. Then drained.

So that left me a bit confused on the dunk directions by not being able to have the water level 3/4 the way up to the soil level I think I would have needed to have 25+ gallons of RO water ready to get the 6 plants dunked and be able to keep the water level up that high.

Lots for me to learn here :Namaste:

I hope the dunk helps them out some because now I am starting to see some burn on the new growth of the Gorilla glues.
Environment is fine too. Ive got the humidity at 54% right now

I don't know where you're coming up with some of this stuff.....20 gallons? I use a 5 gallon bucket with maybe 2 gallons of water and the drench in it. I've posted numerous pictures of this process.
I don't know where you're coming up with some of this stuff.....20 gallons? I use a 5 gallon bucket with maybe 2 gallons of water and the drench in it. I've posted numerous pictures of this process.

My pots won't come close to fitting inside a 5 gallon bucket Doc. I had to use about 15 gallons to get the water level close to 3/4 to the soil level as your "how to" says.
I've read some of your hundreds of pages and I've read the "how to" many times. I haven't yet seen pictures of the process.

Still reading though.
My pots won't come close to fitting inside a 5 gallon bucket Doc. I had to use about 15 gallons to get the water level close to 3/4 to the soil level as your "how to" says.
I've read some of your hundreds of pages and I've read the "how to" many times. I haven't yet seen pictures of the process.

Still reading though.

What sized pots are those little seedlings in? Mine would be in one gallon pots....which easily fit into a 5 gallon bucket. Did you start them in 10 gallon pots?
What sized pots are those little seedlings in? Mine would be in one gallon pots....which easily fit into a 5 gallon bucket. Did you start them in 10 gallon pots?
No, since they are autos they were started in the 7 gallon pots from start to finish.

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Ah. It is a general gardener "no-no" no matter what type of system you use that you should start in smaller containers. I suspect that's the problem. Things should clear up.
Hey Doc
It seems that the drench was needed. Here only 1.5 days later they all look so much better and all have grown quite a bunch in just that day and some change. Ive got several tied way down instead of topping any of them.
The 2 Gorilla glues that were having the burn problems look much healthier all around. All six of them appear to be a little more perky then they have been. I do have a question though... Should I go ahead and start the foliar sprays now? These only have at the very maximum two more weeks before they will start showing some preflowers.

I probably should have started with even lower wattage with the cob LEDs than I did. Not that it's a bad thing but I like to let the stems stretch a few more inches before they start building nodes. These things are stacking nodes on top of nodes.

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Subbed in and ready to learn, don't know much about organics and autos so this should be a good one.
Welcome in Terp! We can both learn lol. This organic stuff is all Foreign to me as well. I know that there's nothing better than Doc's High Brix kit so I need to get good at it both with autos and photo period plants..

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Hey Doc
It seems that the drench was needed. Here only 1.5 days later they all look so much better and all have grown quite a bunch in just that day and some change. Ive got several tied way down instead of topping any of them.
The 2 Gorilla glues that were having the burn problems look much healthier all around. All six of them appear to be a little more perky then they have been. I do have a question though... Should I go ahead and start the foliar sprays now? These only have at the very maximum two more weeks before they will start showing some preflowers.

I probably should have started with even lower wattage with the cob LEDs than I did. Not that it's a bad thing but I like to let the stems stretch a few more inches before they start building nodes. These things are stacking nodes on top of nodes.

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Start the sprays when you have 5 true nodes. If you really, really want to spray them, you could use some half strength DeStress, but I'd wait if it was me.
Ok. 3 days now after the drench. What a difference! They really needed that.

I gave them their first Foliar of Brix this morning. I think you would agree Doc that they are plenty big enough for it now . They have more true nodes than you suggested I wait until so I did it.
Now if Im not mistaking I can hit them with destress spray tomorrow or the following day right? .

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Ok. 3 days now after the drench. What a difference! They really needed that.

I gave them their first Foliar of Brix this morning. I think you would agree Doc that they are plenty big enough for it now . They have more true nodes than you suggested I wait until so I did it.
Now if Im not mistaking I can hit them with destress spray tomorrow or the following day right? .

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Looking good! Give 'em a few days before spraying again...see where they're at.

Now you're in the zone.
Been a bit since my last update. Life happens. .
Anyways. Doc I listened to you on your "wait a few days to spray again" advice. The day before yesterday I gave them a destress spray. Figured it may help the nutrient burn the 2 gorillaa glues have had. Figured also it may be good just for the minerals.
Plants still have some water weight down in the pots somewhere from the first and only drench they got in their 7 gallon pots just over a week ago. So I havent given them another thorough watering yet.
They are all looking pretty darned healthy with the exception of a few spots on several leaves that stayed wet after foliar feeding them and the lights kicked on a bit too soon.
I have noticed that all 6 plants are now starting to go into flower mode. Since these are autoflowers and they haven't been in the soil too long is there anything that I should be doing since they are going into flower? I think the soil probably still has a ton of nutrients left in it wouldn't you think? Should I just keep giving them Brix spray for now?

On a side note, I am seeing on all 6 plants they have some leaves that are pulling off to one side or the other. Could that be caused by maybe the soil being a little bit hot for them still? Or is this maybe pointing towards magnesium?

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Good to see an update! Looking great man.
I started my first grow around the same time as you, and already your plants look like trees compared to mine :bravo:
Goes to show how much experience and high brix can impact the plant!
I hope you can find a moment to check out my first attempt at LST and give me some tips.
Would have asked through PM but apparently I dont have enough posts under my belt for that.
Good growing mate!
It all looks good to me, Fanleaf! :thumb:

I'd be looking to give them a GE/Tea drench next.
It all looks good to me, Fanleaf! :thumb:

I'd be looking to give them a GE/Tea drench next.
Hey Graytail. You mentioned GE/tea drench. What ammount of each would you use if your talking both at the same time? I think they will be dry enough by tomorrow to do it. Should I stay with the standard 2.5 mL tea with it and say 1oz GE? Thx

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