Fanleaf Goes Hi-Brix On 6 Auto's

What were they sprayed with recently fanleaf? Is it possibly a foliar burn? How close to harvest, and does it really matter at this point? Nice trichome development going on, from what I can see, and we don't grow them for the fan leaves, or at least most of us don't. I use them for medicinal oils, so I DO grow them for the fans.

This looks like something I recently did to my LOS plants playing with a new foliar.
Hi Sue.
That unfortunately isnt a foliar spray/light burn. Im pretty careful not to spray them when the lights are going to be on right away. Usually 30 mins before lights on or off time is when I hit em. And I always turn the fan up one more notch just to help them out a little bit quicker when they do get sprayed. Ive been even more careful about that for the last few weeks because several weeks back I did get a few spots from Spraying to close to lights on. They got sprayed with destress just the other day but those spots were already there. I'm not hugely concerned about it. They have 3-4 weeks left. They should start packing on some serious weight anytime now.
I am pretty impressed with the trichome production for sure. I just hope they start to put the weight on and I'll be looking at some good stuff.

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Does this look like a calcium issue guys? Its happening on a Pineapple express more than the rest. I can see a few spots like this on a few other plants but this ones the worst.
They all look like they are lacking a bit of N as well.

Trichome production looks fantastic for this early in bloom.


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Let it dry out and do a rescue drench. Important that it get pretty dry....not wilting dry, but definitely light. You can dribble a pint of water on the top every other day until it gets good and light, then soak it with the Rescue Drench.
Let it dry out and do a rescue drench. Important that it get pretty dry....not wilting dry, but definitely light. You can dribble a pint of water on the top every other day until it gets good and light, then soak it with the Rescue Drench.

Please forgive me for asking again, and this time I'll be sure to add it to my file Doc, so I don't have to ask again, but the components of a Rescue drench would be.....?

Also, it occurs to me that it might be beneficial if we share the reasons one might consider a rescue drench, as well as when you definitely wouldn't want to do one, should such a situation exist, if it's not too much trouble.

Fanleaf, my burn was caused by having the foliar too concentrated, not from being under the lights. When I do a foliar I use a fine, fine mist and focus on the underside of the leaves. It's a meticulous dance with me, trying to maximize coverage and minimize overspray. More a game I challenge myself with. I'm almost anal about it :laughtwo: but, unfortunately, I get sloppy with mixing every now and then. I'm human. Shoot me.

That's what happened in my case. I'm assuming you are more attentive than I but mistakes can happen.
Please forgive me for asking again, and this time I'll be sure to add it to my file Doc, so I don't have to ask again, but the components of a Rescue drench would be.....?

Also, it occurs to me that it might be beneficial if we share the reasons one might consider a rescue drench, as well as when you definitely wouldn't want to do one, should such a situation exist, if it's not too much trouble.

Fanleaf, my burn was caused by having the foliar too concentrated, not from being under the lights. When I do a foliar I use a fine, fine mist and focus on the underside of the leaves. It's a meticulous dance with me, trying to maximize coverage and minimize overspray. More a game I challenge myself with. I'm almost anal about it :laughtwo: but, unfortunately, I get sloppy with mixing every now and then. I'm human. Shoot me.

That's what happened in my case. I'm assuming you are more attentive than I but mistakes can happen.

Great question Sue,

From the directions:
If the plants seem weak and need a boost---almost never happens unless you made a mistake or there has been some environmental issue or circumstances beyond your control---try this:

1 oz. Transplant per gallon of water with 6 mils of Tea. Feed a solution with this composition to all the plants. It will re-colonize the roots and get things back on track. Do not do this if you aren't having any problems.

The Rescue Drench is designed to recolonize the roots. It also mitigates salt buildup a bit but the main purpose is to get the roots "hooked up" with the soil again.

If the environment is good, and the roots and soil are good....everything else follows.

When a plant starts digesting fan leaves it can mean a few things:

1. Normal action. Fans that aren't getting much light will drop off. Strains that normally drop large sun leaves will do so, etc.
2. Under feeding
3. Poor communication between roots and biota.

The Rescue Drench deals with 2 and 3....

Fanleaf's issues might be a combination of all 3
Great question Sue,

From the directions:

The Rescue Drench is designed to recolonize the roots. It also mitigates salt buildup a bit but the main purpose is to get the roots "hooked up" with the soil again.

If the environment is good, and the roots and soil are good....everything else follows.

When a plant starts digesting fan leaves it can mean a few things:

1. Normal action. Fans that aren't getting much light will drop off. Strains that normally drop large sun leaves will do so, etc.
2. Under feeding
3. Poor communication between roots and biota.

The Rescue Drench deals with 2 and 3....

Fanleaf's issues might be a combination of all 3

Thank you Doc. I appreciate the thorough response.
Did the rescue last night when I knew they were dry enough. Thankd Doc. Ill have a longer reply tomorrow. Been a long day here. My neighbors TV antenna tower fell down on my roof today so I've had a long one and I am ready for bed. I'll type out a longer response when I'm on the laptop tomorrow instead of my phone in bed. Good night all.

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So 4 days after the rescue drench I think they are hooking up with the soil now. I gave them their brix today. I think my lack of knowledge about growing with the high Brix method will cost me some of my final Harvest but all in all I think it's starting to come together. After this girl I'm going to have to re cook the soil and try this bricks thing again with a little more understanding when I start. I think this way is actually easier than I tried to make it in the beginning. While it is 180 degrees from the way I am used to doing things I think after another cycle or two I can really get the hang of this.

That is some of the Gorilla Glue that had such a hard time burning when it was a Seedling and half way through veg. It's a little bit behind the other plants formation wise but it's coming along pretty well now.

I just need to do the high Brix method a few more times so I know when and what. I think I would like to do it on a few photo period plants next time.

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So 4 days after the rescue drench I think they are hooking up with the soil now. I gave them their brix today. I think my lack of knowledge about growing with the high Brix method will cost me some of my final Harvest but all in all I think it's starting to come together. After this girl I'm going to have to re cook the soil and try this bricks thing again with a little more understanding when I start. I think this way is actually easier than I tried to make it in the beginning. While it is 180 degrees from the way I am used to doing things I think after another cycle or two I can really get the hang of this.

That is some of the Gorilla Glue that had such a hard time burning when it was a Seedling and half way through veg. It's a little bit behind the other plants formation wise but it's coming along pretty well now.

I just need to do the high Brix method a few more times so I know when and what. I think I would like to do it on a few photo period plants next time.

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Yep. Pretty simple. You had a problem and the directions said "Do this if you have a problem" and you did and it worked. Cool.

You could do a grow seed to harvest with ONLY Growth Energy *except for transplanting*. Feed it every other time, moderate dosage. Then, when you get the hang of that add the Cat Drench.....and you're there.
Keep in mind that HB plants can bloom a lot longer than usual. Any yield you think you may lose could be gained back with additional bloom time.

I'm seeing issues with some of the new growers lately, and I'm not sure what it is. The rest of us may have become complacent and are forgetting to mention small stuff. Dunno. :hmmmm: Usually, the whole process is brainless ... they just grow beautifully.

You have to have well mixed soil, wetted down real good, not just moist ... then a 70+ degree environment to cook it - no cold sinks like cement slabs, etc ... then start 'em in cups or small pots, getting a parch/drench cycle going ... then into big pots, drench 'em and spray 'em on schedule, and bob's yer uncle. :slide:

The biota get started during the cook, while the soil does its own chemical transformation, then the root exudates appear and the biota use the sugars to start eating rocks in volume. The plant uses that for food, as it needs it, and in the proportions it needs. We spray stuff on 'em to change what they ask for from the biota, and to directly feed the plant with soluble minerals and growth regulators.

If the soil is right, all you have to do is watch. :cheesygrinsmiley: So we nurture the soil.
I'm seeing issues with some of the new growers lately, and I'm not sure what it is. The rest of us may have become complacent and are forgetting to mention small stuff. Dunno. :hmmmm: Usually, the whole process is brainless ... they just grow beautifully.

I'm not sure what the issues are either but I agree.

SLOT0wn's stems turned purple a few days ago....right in time with the record cold streak. He upped his night temps 2 degrees which also got the day temps up a degree and the stems started greening up overnight.

Most problems are environmental.

Folks, I use the exact same products you all use, from the same tote. I use the same minerals, etc. The ingredients in the kit are fine. Believe me, I'd catch it if there was an issue.
I'm not sure what the issues are either but I agree.

SLOT0wn's stems turned purple a few days ago....right in time with the record cold streak. He upped his night temps 2 degrees which also got the day temps up a degree and the stems started greening up overnight.

Most problems are environmental.

Folks, I use the exact same products you all use, from the same tote. I use the same minerals, etc. The ingredients in the kit are fine. Believe me, I'd catch it if there was an issue.

I hear you loud and clear Doc. Your message on "ENVIRONMENT IS EVERYTHING" couldn't be clearer, and your own results prove it. What we're seeing, and those of us challenged are struggling with, is the reality that for a home hobby grower, regardless of the need for the end result, it can be more than a little difficult to keep the environment under control. It's a learning curve we all meet under our own constraints. Most of us get it quick, and having monetary resources and adequate spaces available make that process much smoother. But we're a tenacious lot and you are dedicated disciples of a proven method. Together we can solve these issues, one grow at a time.

We still turn out some of the best cannabis you can find, and much better than anyone's selling. Even struggling we come out ahead of the crowd. That says something pretty powerful about your kit.
I hear you loud and clear Doc. Your message on "ENVIRONMENT IS EVERYTHING" couldn't be clearer, and your own results prove it. What we're seeing, and those of us challenged are struggling with, is the reality that for a home hobby grower, regardless of the need for the end result, it can be more than a little difficult to keep the environment under control. It's a learning curve we all meet under our own constraints. Most of us get it quick, and having monetary resources and adequate spaces available make that process much smoother. But we're a tenacious lot and you are dedicated disciples of a proven method. Together we can solve these issues, one grow at a time.

We still turn out some of the best cannabis you can find, and much better than anyone's selling. Even struggling we come out ahead of the crowd. That says something pretty powerful about your kit.

MInerals, microbes and magic. We really don't have to do much....
Nice, fat, apparently dense and frosty colas. I'd say you have this in hand fanleaf. :high-five:
Nice, fat, apparently dense and frosty colas. I'd say you have this in hand fanleaf. :high-five:

Thanks SweetSue!
Yes, I'm starting to really like what I'm seeing here. The weird thing is that a few of the plants are getting close while others that are the same strain still have quite a ways to go yet. Ive never had that happen to the extent I'm seeing here. I'll probably be harvesting 3 of them and the other 3 will have a few weeks left! That's a big time difference for autos, especially being the same strains. That is in no way a complaint but just an observation. I have 1 Gorilla glue, 1 Bloody skunk and 1 Pineapple Express that are starting to show a few ambers while 1 more of each of those strains are weeks out yet. Kinda strange.
Either way I'm quite happy with them. They are getting quite frosty and sticky!
One of the Bloody Skunk is getting close. Its about 10-15% amber and heres how shes lookin.

Have 1 of the Pineapple Express girls not as close but getting there.

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Wow. Juicy, greasy looking things. Just the way I like 'em. :cheer::goodjob:

The greasier the better! They really turned around after that rescue Doc. That Skunk has some ugly leafs but at this point in it's life I think it probably should anyways. She's getting to the end of her life cycle already.

I have a confession to make Doc.

Several grows ago I fell into a groove with the way I was growing and having the environment in my room the way I had it and it was just consistently great plants every time. Hey, it worked for me. I had perhaps gotten too used to "my way", the way I had down, the way I knew I always got great and big plants. So when I started the Brix grow and got halfway through and found that I needed to change the environment just a tad from what I was used to and honestly because of that and "maybe" a few other minor screw ups as you know:laughtwo:, they weren't looking so hot halfway through the grow it did have me worried.

My biggest problem was to allow myself to make subtle changes away from what works for me "the other way", put confidence in the kit, stop being afraid of change and let the soil do the work.

I see a few things I needed to do differently. I'm just really happy these plants came right back around and are sprinting to the finish line strongly.

So as for Brix growing goes.....I'm in. I'm in for a few reasons. #1 is I just know it's superior product simply because it's not chemical ferts. On top of that it's based on Brix levels. I don't see how it can get better.
Now don't get me wrong, all of my grows with Advanced nutes were huge beautiful and very tasty potent plants but why go that route when you can do the same in the end on some levels and better on other levels and be organic? There's no reason not to.

I still have about $500 worth of Advanced nutes to use up. Meanwhile I will be getting more kit/s at least a month and a half before I need them.
I am choosing not to reuse the soil from this grow. Instead I want to start over "brand new" and have a totally fresh whack at it again.

I know now, I can do even better with this kit and I haven't even tasted the product yet!

And Graytail.....Thank you again for your help thus far. Thank all of you for hangin here with me.

Now, let's finish this ride. Theres still quite a bit of time left for half of them. The other half......well, they will be consumed much sooner.
So, one of the Bloody Skunk was done first. Chopped and washed and hung on the 8th at about 35-40% amber.

Look at this rock hard goodness that looks like it was mummified in 10 layers of sticky sugar.

After a 5 day hang, trim and now gonna sit in the rack for a few more days.


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