Experimental Grow To See The Difference Between Coco Perlite & Living Soil

Hold on to your pearls boys and girls, (especially you @Trala, I know how much you love her :sorry:)
I had to amputate boot girls arm.
I'm sorry.
She got a disease or something. Mold I think.
I had to do it in case she gets worse.
A bonus is the huge, beautiful smelling buds I get to smoke now.








Oh. my. fucking. God!

What kind of medieval shit have you got going on there?!

Bootgirl: JoeDaddy I got a splinter… it stings :(

Seriously tho such a bummer. I have lost my best Coca-Cola’s on every single grow so far to budrot. I too amputated. From everything I’ve read in here we did the right thing. She is an extraordinary plant, tho after the go hard bondage and now amputation of her arm, don’t leave that axe around while she still has a good arm left.
Oh. my. fucking. God!

What kind of medieval shit have you got going on there?!

Bootgirl: JoeDaddy I got a splinter… it stings :(

Seriously tho such a bummer. I have lost my best Coca-Cola’s on every single grow so far to budrot. I too amputated. From everything I’ve read in here we did the right thing. She is an extraordinary plant, tho after the go hard bondage and now amputation of her arm, don’t leave that axe around while she still has a good arm left.
I'm gutted. She's my favorite plant ever.
Oh well, life goes on.
Looking forward to smoking her though.
I'm gutted. She's my favorite plant ever.
Oh well, life goes on.
Looking forward to smoking her though.
You simply must clone her.

The main reason I clone is coz I can’t let go. I am so stupidly sentimental. I still have a ratty piece of paper that states my name and the written message that says “Patient to be admitted Wednesday 31st October for caesarean PATIENT DOESN'T KNOW”. This is how I found out my vagina was going to dodge birthing a 7lb14oz baby bullet. It’s now over 31 years old lolllll.
You simply must clone her.

The main reason I clone is coz I can’t let go. I am so stupidly sentimental. I still have a ratty piece of paper that states my name and the written message that says “Patient to be admitted Wednesday 31st October for caesarean PATIENT DOESN'T KNOW”. This is how I found out my vagina was going to dodge birthing a 7lb14oz baby bullet. It’s now over 31 years old lolllll.
Way ahead of you darl. She's going to be repotted as soon as I get more soil.

I know right?
I can move her branches around a bit to get her back in shape, but it's not the same though. Probably a little bit late now anyway.
She's forever lopsided :(
She is still beautiful. She's eccentric now, even moreso! Nobody has that!
I just hope the spores haven't spread to the rest of the plant.
Fingers crossed for sure!

On the bright side, the branch I had to amputate is free of mold, and smells like bubblegum.

Oh yummmmmyyy....I bet she tastes like it, too
Probably my fault for not having a clearer journal lol.
Yeah true.

If I have an option, I always blame someone else rather than take responsibility. In fact sometimes if I have no one else to blame, I just make someone up.
I decided to pull №6. She's given me some clones, but her time is up.
I added 4 cups of worm castings to the soil she was in and mixed it in. It should be fine, she wasn't there long enough to deplete the soil and the worm castings will help.
The clone I took from boot girl is the new tenant. She's been sulking in her tiny pot so it's time.
I'm going to get some more of the sphagnum moss for mulch. The soil stays nice and moist, more so than the straw mulch.
I completely forgot about the baby praying mantis living on her, and after I was done, guess who I see? Still there.
Now I've got one on boot girl and one on the plant by the bamboo. Cool.

I haven't figured out how to get the photos in the right order.








The 4 plants that are currently getting 12 hours sleep in the tent are looking nice, smelling good and getting fat.
They are,
Left front, Short stack clone
Left rear, soil plant clone
Right rear, №6 clone
Right front, boot girl

The cottonwood fluff has stopped, but the stuff stuck to the trichomes. Ugh. What a pain. I'm sure they'll get over it. I might not though.

I've been feeding the 3 in the terrazilla soil with EC 1.8 and pH 6.5 for a few days and they're slowly greening up. It's obvious that soil needs help.








Hi all,
This is what I got from the branch I had to cut off boot girl when she got the mold. It definitely needs more time to fill out, but it's not bad. Bummer I had to do that, but at least I saved the plant.

There was another bud, but I smoked it already. :ganjamon:


The 4 plants that are currently getting 12 hours sleep in the tent are looking nice, smelling good and getting fat.
They are,
Left front, Short stack clone
Left rear, soil plant clone
Right rear, №6 clone
Right front, boot girl

The cottonwood fluff has stopped, but the stuff stuck to the trichomes. Ugh. What a pain. I'm sure they'll get over it. I might not though.

I've been feeding the 3 in the terrazilla soil with EC 1.8 and pH 6.5 for a few days and they're slowly greening up. It's obvious that soil needs help.








I love the first pic....
32 here yesterday, plants are thirsty as hell.
I can't stand it, too bloody hot.
Don't know how you Aussies do it.
I actually don’t mind the heat during the day, it’s the night time heat I hate.

I was in my pool almost all day yesterday it was lovely.

I’d garden for a bit, swim, garden, swim. It was so nice. My bloke was on day shift so I had a full 12 hours to myself. He’s on a nightshift tonight, and I already have my night planned lolllll
I actually don’t mind the heat during the day, it’s the night time heat I hate.

I was in my pool almost all day yesterday it was lovely.

I’d garden for a bit, swim, garden, swim. It was so nice. My bloke was on day shift so I had a full 12 hours to myself. He’s on a nightshift tonight, and I already have my night planned lolllll
Yeah, that night time heat is the worst. Lucky you have a pool to cool off, I have a river, not as convenient but still nice.
Poor bugger changing shifts, pretty hard on the body clock.


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