Everything LED, Open Source Light?

ya it is some deep stuff. so the clear lights help smell, thc and flavor? and the black are what add the weight? i am not ready to go back to HPS right at this moment. i have one more 600w full spec 3w led light a company sent me to try out and log a journal. i really want to add weight, and of course thc, but really want the weight. what would u think would be best to use with my set up? thanks for taking the time to explain this to me, this is all new to me. what are ur thought of this new light i am going to test out compared to my 126W and 180w.

is hps the only way to add weight? so it be wise to use the clear when lights on then use the black light when lights off? and if i must pic one then go with the clear light for sure?

Unfortinatly with all the LED lights you are using, All of spectrums are on at the same time.. You could do this method BUT you would only be running the full spectrum led light 6 hours a day or less... (i'm sure you would think this is a waste).... You then run a 660nm/black light only combo for 18 hours a day. That's the basic of it.. But it's a little more involved then that BUT not much..
so the clear lights help smell, thc and flavor?

Yes, smell and flavor and will add to the bud sparkel.. Increasing THC is a little more complex then using clear inc's. They do help you get there but you don't need to use them in the 24 hour flower method if you don't want to. (not saying you don't) Just saying..
Unfortinatly with all the LED lights you are using, All of spectrums are on at the same time.. You could do this method BUT you would only be running the full spectrum led light 6 hours a day or less... (i'm sure you would think this is a waste).... You then run a 660nm/black light only combo for 18 hours a day. That's the basic of it.. But it's a little more involved then that BUT not much..

cool bro i understand how this all works now and what light dose what. so black spends up flowering but no weight in the dark time? clear add thc smell taste in the day time. 660nm and hps add the weight? now my next question is dose 660nm interrupt the dark period? since i would be running black/660nm 18hrs? some reason i am thing since their is no blue in the 660nm that it wont make it go back to veg when its flowering? or am i just high.lol
So whats the methods already? Or are you going to tease us with tid bits all day long?

Let's hear some subjective material, even if you don't have pics or a journal to show yet, where is this information in full? We are all here to learn, and if your onto something, then by all means we are willing to learn!


Hold on your jumping the gun here..LOL .....No teasing...... I've been answering all the questions here.. It's advanced and I'm not saying you can't understand it but....... I'll post it up tomarrow for ya.. It's NIght Night time for me sorry..
now my next question is dose 660nm interrupt the dark period? since i would be running black/660nm 18hrs?

No it dosent (good eye irish)... But it's not like you can just trow 660nm and black light on in your dark time... There is a method to this madness...LOL

Tomarrow folks... Peace..
Sorry guys I meant no disrespect whatsoever, thats not my game, irish can vouch for that.

Peace dudes! I have my eye tight on this thread! Eager to learn! Been using my HGL lights as side lighting. One note..DONT let anything obstruct the air vents. THEY GET HOT!!!

Peace for now everybody. Sorry again. Much respect.

-go green-
i am reading old mac uvb thread right now, and its some crazy info their, good job. did you ever get that chart of the diff speeds? so the Halogen light bulbs are the better then the clear inc's? going to read the PAD later on. this just opened a whole new world for me, my brain is spinning after all that reading.
now my question is if i was going to run the Halogen light bulbs for the last 5 days of flower, do i only use those and no leds? plus all this will do is ripen them faster right?
Based on my own experience and everything I have seen and read, I think I would shoot for something like this:

70% 660nm
15% 630nm
7.5% 460nm
7.5% 440nm

for a ratio of around 85:15 total red to blue.

I am slowly starting to think that warm white is a total waste of time in LED grow lights.

I also think that square lights, like the new HGL model (shape only with no comment on performance) are a better solution for those growing in square tents. I would like to see a 300w model using 3w leds with outer casing dimensions of about 24 inches. That would be killer in a dr80 tent!

As always, this is just my 2 cents.....
Based on my own experience and everything I have seen and read, I think I would shoot for something like this:

70% 660nm
15% 630nm
7.5% 460nm
7.5% 440nm

for a ratio of around 85:15 total red to blue.

I am slowly starting to think that warm white is a total waste of time in LED grow lights.

I also think that square lights, like the new HGL model (shape only with no comment on performance) are a better solution for those growing in square tents. I would like to see a 300w model using 3w leds with outer casing dimensions of about 24 inches. That would be killer in a dr80 tent!

As always, this is just my 2 cents.....

According to HGL, the square case is hers and hers alone. Also, what lens degree do you think is best?
i am reading old mac uvb thread right now, and its some crazy info their, good job. did you ever get that chart of the diff speeds? so the Halogen light bulbs are the better then the clear inc's? going to read the PAD later on. this just opened a whole new world for me, my brain is spinning after all that reading.
now my question is if i was going to run the Halogen light bulbs for the last 5 days of flower, do i only use those and no leds? plus all this will do is ripen them faster right?

Kick ass you found one of them.. Ya I put a lot of good info in there..

Yes the info is in the book for all the time factors if that is what you ment... If you have any ?... I will answer them as best as I can.. Your gonna have to read it a few times...Triust me.... What I was going to attempt to do here is explain the book in lamin terms before you were to read it... It's kind of confusing if you have know previous knowledge... But it will be better for me if you read the book and then just come ask questions... Plus the two guy's that own the METHOD will also answer questions for us... Just not here... I can tell you were to find them if my answers don't suit your needs...LOL

Here is the deal... They are 100% for the use of mmj.. The book says nothing about our favorite plant.. The reason is, this method is not only for improving mmj but greatly improves fruits and vegetables and alot of other growing plants for that matter.


They own the patten on this timing method. They have absolutely no issues with mmj users using their timing method for FREE. They just ask that you only do it in a 3x3 space publicly...So absolutely no treads larger then a 3x3 space with this 24hour flowering method can be publicly displayed. It's their rules and it MUST be respected.... The amount of respect I have for these two gentlemen is beyond what I can tell you.. When I look back at what they have tough me it's like 90% of how I currently grow..So it is what it is.... What you do in the privacy of your own home is your business.. So what i'm saying is if you want to do this method in (I don't no) a 10x10 area.. That's fine, just don't publicly show or talk about it on any fourm... Thank you in advance...LOL .....Notice the word FREE.....

Also... The statement above is not talking about any person in particular.. It is referring to all who reads it..

Yes this type of ripening method was tough to me by them..
You simply just use clear inc's or those halogen. both work real good, But personally I like the halogens better IMO they have more 730nm.. I'm glad you found that tread.. But remember plants ripened like that will not re-veg... Just so you know..
Also.... IMO we need to rap up and put a nice little bow on the 12/12 Clear Inc's discussion before we move on to the 24hour flowering method.. I will get the post together and put it up here later today...
According to HGL, the square case is hers and hers alone. Also, what lens degree do you think is best?

I would go with 60° or 90°. I think the idea of physically spreading out the LEDs and then having them fire their light downward in a more targeted beam is the best approach.

I also like the idea of solid state, a la Haight PPF models. I think having no moving parts has to be a good thing!

I am sure this will all get worked out eventually and we can relax with our budget 300w units, producing tons of dank green magic!
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