Escape Velocities: Syenite's Stealth Miniatures

Grub is a beauty with all those cloudy trichomes and frosty flowers, but there's something calming and wonderful about the shape of Loom, especially when you see how flat it is from above. Well done sy!

Congrats on your resignation! :goodluck: in the next place you find employment. This made me laugh though:

Don't worry, this is your safe space. :high-five:

Thank you Shed! I've been very appreciative of the support I've gotten around this decision.

As for how to handle toxic assholes with grace, I'm still trying to figure it out. A combination of having good/strong boundaries and letting the CEO handle the bullshit and emotional labour instead? :laughtwo: :high-five:

It'll be interesting to see Loom/HSC Bigfoot Glue develop. I think the strain notes suggested she was pretty dank in smell when flowering starts. So many strains like that which we love of course, but for stealth purposes that smell is a bit of a stress maker.

She's looking very nice. And likewise with those genetics I am looking forward to your smoke report on her when she's ready!

Good stuff on getting your de-employment sorted out and being able to leave a bunch of unwanted life stress at their office. All the best for a much improved number next time. :ganjamon:

Cheers Stunger!

Loom's definitely starting to give off a hot tire/burnt rubber smell! And it's just the beginning of flower, too. I'm excited to witness the changes in smell. Grub, for example, only started showing off that astringent/gassy nose late into flowering, where previously it was a floral-coffee-chocolate smell.

De-employment is right mate. I'm ready for my bloody garden leave. In all senses of that phrase.

Grub, Pre '98 Bubba Kush, day 58 of 12-12

As much as I love Loom's shape and training, I just can't take my eyes off Grub.
She’s looking nice, mate. They both are. :yummy:
‘grats again on the lifestyle upgrade!
Awesome news on your impending exit!
It already becomes you well, so I’m sure you will
:meditate: with a healthy dose of :headbanger:
hot tire/burnt rubber smell!
That’s one I have had dance around some of mine. I had a WW that had it big time late in flower and right through cure. I discovered it wasn’t my cup of tea - and suspected that burnt rubber aspect, still do. I always got headaches after it.

but then the Panama had a touch of it during drying and of course I freaked a bit thinking my holy grail was gonna be bust... but it was overtaken by the other notes of lavender and geranium and a little dankness and hasn’t been a problem for me, thankfully!

I’ll be curious how it develops for you, over time.

all your plants are looking really great. A superb job developing your micro-grower kung fu. :adore:

garden leave

They're both looking awesome mate. Shame Loom didn't stretch a little more but she's gorgeous. It's tricky timing the flip in small spaces when we don't know for sure how much they'll stretch. Still better to have a slightly smaller plant that's easier to look after than wrestling one that's too big and risking it burning etc. Love what you're doing. Fair play for making that change with your work situation. I think this pandemic has reinforced to me that I need to stop wasting my days doing a job that makes me miserable. Looking at options for a career change.
I'd say if you've got the outtake top right then put the intake bottom left. If you go passive intake you might need one on each side. Then you also need to consider how you will light proof those intakes.

Ah crap I was feeding the baby and didn't notice I'd pressed the back button. Wrong thread.:rofl:
And then there were two

It's been a big week here! I've formalised my resignation and my final day at the job. It's a massive relief. Have been working with a toxic asshole for way too long!

I'm still recovering a bit from all the tough conversations, but the hard part is out of the way now. I just hope to finish my time with some grace. Thank you all for the well wishes. :Namaste:

I look forward to reclaiming all that mental energy that's disappeared into the vortex of that shitty job.

Now, enough about that. On to the fun stuff!

If you recall, Wish was taken down last week, and the flowers are happily drying in the fridge. We now have two flowering girls left.

Loom, HSC Bigfoot Glue, day 19 of 12-12

I have to say that this is my best trained plant so far. Great symmetry and structure.

I regret flipping this one so early though. You can't tell from these pics, but there is enough room for the plant to be almost twice as tall as it is! I was perhaps a bit too conservative when deciding when to flip. Oh well. It should still yield decently, but it could've been a monster! A lesson for next time. At least I won't have to stress about it getting too tall.

I will be rejigging the lights a bit after stretch. You can see that the centre and frontmost leaves are a bit lighter, and this is largely due to the light placement.




Grub, Pre '98 Bubba Kush, day 58 of 12-12

As much as I love Loom's shape and training, I just can't take my eyes off Grub.

I am anticipating her to run for 10 or 11 or even 12 weeks, and the trich shots seem to back that up.






On the smell front, I have been able to contain it enough that there is no leakage out the front door/path, which is the most important thing. However, the smell still floats about the house a bit! I've ordered my first proper can filter and a bit of ducting.

Very sexy looking pics brotherman and congrats on your new decision. New things ahead my man
She’s looking nice, mate. They both are. :yummy:
‘grats again on the lifestyle upgrade!

Thank you DD! It's so nice to have people remind me that this move is also something celebrate. :green_heart:

Awesome news


It already becomes you well

Ahhh, it's a constant aspiration! :Namaste:

so I’m sure you will
:meditate: with a healthy dose of :headbanger:

Yes. No big projects when I take my break. Only small big projects. :laughtwo:

I always got headaches after it.

OK, I'll be paying close attention.

but then the Panama

2021 might just have to include a Panama run for me.

micro-grower kung fu

:headbanger: Still learning, still tweaking, still twerking

They're both looking awesome mate. Shame Loom didn't stretch a little more but she's gorgeous. It's tricky timing the flip in small spaces when we don't know for sure how much they'll stretch. Still better to have a slightly smaller plant that's easier to look after than wrestling one that's too big and risking it burning etc. Love what you're doing.

Yeah you're spot on, Vet! Appreciate your thoughts. I will take the silver lining of not having to stress about space/burn and roll with it! Mmm. Spaceburn.

Fair play for making that change with your work situation. I think this pandemic has reinforced to me that I need to stop wasting my days doing a job that makes me miserable. Looking at options for a career change.

Amen. 2020 was a mirror held up to the world and our lives. Life is too precious for bullshit. :cheer:
End-of-stretch update!

Loom, HSC Bigfoot Glue, day 20 of 12-12

OK it's probably not the very very end of stretch yet, but with budsites popping up and vertical growth greatly slowed, I decided it was a good time to give Loom a haircut.



I also got sick of having to deal with asymmetrical light intensity resulting from the angled panel, and with Loom settling into her final height, I rejigged the light configuration in the cabinet. All lighting is now perpendicular and the spread consistent.

You can also see in the following pic how much head room is left! That's ok. It has been another successful training experiment, and gives me great information for how I want to approach the next grow. Loom is gorgeous and should have a fairly comfortable flowering experience.

IMG_1231 sanitised.jpg

IMG_1230 sanitised.jpg

With my other plant, Grub, due to go down in the next couple of weeks, it's about time to start thinking about the next run. :yahoo:
She looks wicked mate. What you got in mind for the next one then?

Thanks man!!! I think so too.

Hmm, I'm still wondering how many tops is enough/too many. This is 8 tops, and I wonder how much of a squeeze it's going to be when the flowers fatten up. I would consider going down to 6? Right now though 8 looks pretty perfect.

Everything else I'm happy with!
Everything else I'm happy with!
Can’t say fairer than that, mate :high-five:

Nice to have a light at the end of the tunnel on the work front.

Loom is looking luscious :yummy:
I quietly predict more, not less tops on your next one in there with, as you say, a slightly longer veg time.
She looks gorgeous Sy. :green_heart:

Thank ya Stunger! :Namaste:

Can’t say fairer than that, mate :high-five:

Nice to have a light at the end of the tunnel on the work front.

Loom is looking luscious :yummy:
I quietly predict more, not less tops on your next one in there with, as you say, a slightly longer veg time.

Chuurrrr mate! Hmm I could consider 10.. Let's see how this one goes though!

This looks like something from a museum display...

...except for the unwieldy handles!

Constant aspiration is necessary to sustain life!

Still learning - check
still tweaking - check
still twerking - pics or it didn't happen ;)

Thank you Shed! Yeah those handles don't do anything for me either. I'll chop them off next time.

You don't wanna see pics of me twerking, TRUST. :laugh:
Right now though 8 looks pretty perfect.
She sure does! man, that's a great looking plant!

Congrats on "moving on" from your job, Sye- I did the same thing 5 years ago, after 18 years of working in an office with 3 back stabbing of the best things I've ever done, no regrets.
I was close to retirement, so I just started it a couple years early...

edit*...Thank you for not sharing those twerking pics ;) ..
Waddaheck been going on??

It's been quite the couple of days!

Grub, Pre '98 Bubba Kush, day 64 of 12-12

At midnight, night before I'm due to fly out to the Stable of Impermanence, I thought to myself, ahhh let's have a last, long look at Grub! And then I noticed that one of the colas had strange, twisted leaf growth.

Now.. I'd been tracking these twisted leaves for a couple of days. I thought initially that it had to do with the way they had been pushed up against the box. But no. They were extremely dry feeling. And a little tug on the bud told me everything I needed to know! Budrot.

I looked at the time and sweared. I had about 8 hours until my flight. I was going to have to do an emergency harvest right then and there!

So I took down all the other branches first. I then brought the plant with its single top outside and lopped off the affected top bud, before assessing the rest of the branch, which looked fine. I then did a round of wet trimming in preparation for the wash. I paid very close attention to each and every flower at this point, wary of more signs of botrytis. Thankfully, it only seemed to have affected that one top bud.

It's a pity that this all happened at night, and I didn't have the light or time to take nicer photos. However, the following aren't the worst!

IMG_1266 flipped.jpg




It was all in all suboptimal conditions for a harvest, LOL! It's the middle of the night, and in the back of my mind, I couldn't ignore the fact that I would barely get any sleep before heading to the airport and onto a plane! I was buoyed by the incredible, incredible scissor hash that I was vaping on the way. Very much like a lemon-pine cleaner. Very strong flavour.

It was just after 3am when I loaded the fridge drying box. My GF had very kindly stayed up with me throughout the ordeal. I fell into bed still smelling like fresh cut flowers. All in all, it was a good harvest. Looks like I got a bigger crop than my first run. I was very grateful not to have lost any more to budrot. The trichs were mostly cloudly with a hint of amber, so I was happy enough about the harvest window.

I felt like I'd barely slept when the 6am alarm went off. And you know what? It was time to get my shit together again. I was off to the stables!
Thankfully you managed to save the majority of the plant in a good harvest window. That lemon pine sounds really nice, it is hard to believe cannabis can make lemon smell but until I grew a Gorilla Glue I would never have believed they could produce a strong fuel smell either. Glad you enjoyed a great time! :ganjamon:
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