Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL - 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

Broken shit's great, especially when only some of it is broken and you just say it all is... then say that the replacement never arrived lol

Sometimes Karma intervenes though; the LED was pristine when i told them chinese it caught fire and got a refund of all £73 of my English poundies... three days later it popped. Yeah. fixed it though :)
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

Gotta be careful doin that shit man, it'll come back to haunt you lol
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

Yeah like Amazon not paying corporation tax in my country for years came back to haunt it... oh wait they got away with that lol :)
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

Day 17

So tonight i administered the first nute feed:

24 Litres of water with 12mls each of canna coco A & B mixed in and then PH'd.
This was done in three servings of 8 litres (4mls of each in each... yeah lol)

This was a fucking metric tonne of water and my towels - ALL my damn towels - tell a tale of hardship and woe.
Needless to say this is a lesson learned and next feed will comprise one litre of water per plant instead of two ... since they piss most of it out anyway (am blaming the perlite!)

So the next feed will be water alone, then after that, nutes.

And obviously this post has been relatively dry of photos for two pages; this will not do.

Apologies in advance; the 'banding' is because of the HPS and i hadn't the compunction to turn it off for the photo shoot; am tired and it's been a long old life.

If anyone here has experience modifying a camera's settings to help it keep up with (or slow down to) the refresh rate of a HPS bulb, please let me know!

re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

I always just shoot my pictures in RAW and then edit then afterwards. See if you can adjust the light temp in the camera settings. Might help out a bit
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

Fuck yeah! getting BIIIG

they're not even. people who's grows started after mine already have like 6 inches height versus mine. oh, that reminds me, got a question about nutes...

I found this stuff in a local "99c store" (we call it a pound shop) and it's a bloom nute, I'll pop up a pic of the ingredients label and you can tell me if it's of any use to my buddage when i flip to 12/12?
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

If its a bloom nutrient then yes its for flower. The npk should read like 0-3-5 or 1-3-5 something of the sort.

And they are getting big. They are just compact. Seeds always take forever, I'm just being positive man. :)
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

it's a phone camera, so i only have access to white balance, quality, and exposure. then there are 'scene modes' which all have the banding and finally HDR (high dynamic range) which only seems to make the device take longer to process the image. Colour temp is not happening for me lol

This is the stuff; it is a bloom booster but my apprehension of it is that it was very cheap; albeit for a small bottle, but cheap nontheless. i'm worried that it might do more harm than good on account of it's cheapness.
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

Is it the one with brand name DOFF? Npk of 7-7-7 or 3.5--3.5--3.5 ? Think iv looked at that...... looking good btw. Lmaoo about the tone of water lol
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

poundland carried it in spring and Snakelad (member here) spotted it and posted about it in his journal. there's a corresponding Grow version as well for Veg (i grabbed that too but have not used it); I'm getting a "too good to be true" vibe from it; due to it being so compatible yet so very cheap.

Snakelad was meant to be my Guinea pig but i think he dropped off the map as my email box hasn't been pinged about his grow in some time :(
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

Thats for the first 4 or 5 weeks of flower. After that you want to use something with a lower nitrogen rating
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

Reckon it's safe tho? could be playing with fire... i should ask toker69 about using bloom boosters on plants i want to get seeds from... whether it works or what lol

I'm gonna give it a whirl along with the Molly and see what i end up with. worst case is bad tasting bud like last time, it still put me to bed though lol it practically made me a cup of cocoa and tucked me in ffs (which a boon to any insomniac)
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

It'll be fine man, You just gotta be flushing the plants out for a week or so before you cut down. Those salts all get diluted in the plant itself and used, that's why the leaves turn yellow and die off at the end. Lack of nutrients. It's ok to use concentrated nutrients
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

Speaking of yellow, did you notice how pale my leaves had become? I was meant to start nutes sooner but didn't get the chance, i do hope I'm not too late. shouldn't be. i let them go a bit pale before i started nutes last time, i have no other way of knowing when to start them really. i guess anywhere between 15 and 21 days is the goldilocks zone.
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

As i look into my bright white grow room i can see cells moving on my actual eyeball and i keep deceiving myself into thinking "it's a creature infiltration!" and scrambling for the neem oil and poring through the coir with my fingers looking for them, like checking the kids hair for lice. Think i should get some sleep lol
re: Equanimity's 2nd Grow - The White Room - HPS & CFL; 3 Strains & Sex for Afters

Lol probably be a good idea. Start giving the little ones nutes now. Little by little build up their strength. Dont worry about flushing out the coco after every feeding. Wait a few before flushing, your not going to get nute lock with the little bits of nutrients your giving them.
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