Emmie's Perpetual Vegetative Grow Rooms - 2020-2021

Hydroxys documented for Covid that it doesnt have significant benefit, if any. all the studies I look at show very few tests done, and it's always like within a 2-4% window of benefit, which isnt enough of a skew to actually say hydroxychloroquine works IMO.
We can't really say here's hydroxy - when hydroxys administered 3% less people die when given it, that's silly lol.even if there was more of a like 20% number that's not a fair guess,

Hydroxy would have to be given on a scale of thousands, and we'd also have to see their data on people admitted for covid versus deaths, than find that percentage..
than do the same with covid people admitted than x of those people given hydroxychloroquine, and find death rates.
All the articles I look at have very skewed presentations on numbers.
I am open to the possibility with some fine tuning it could be a helpful treatment. I think it was first used as an antiviral for something or rather, and as a side effect they found the anti inflammatory property, much like when viagra was first used for cardiac patients and the side effect was a boner property in men, headache in women lolll

Covid does cause terrible inflammation in your lungs and it is a virus, so it kind of makes sense to me that this could be a viable treatment- not that I am in any way scientisty, and I could be 100% wrong, but it does sound like a possibility.
I believe that there have been several treatments identified to stop the cataclysmic reaction in the lungs that is killing people. Hydroxy combined with zith and zinc seems to stop it cold and act as a preventative. The simple breathing treatment that any hospital is equipped to give a severe asthmatic also seems to stop it dead in its tracks. People smoking a lot of cannabis seem to be shielded somehow, but not tobacco smokers. People taking large amounts of supplements including zinc, vitamin c and magnesium also seem to be less susceptible.

So I believe that we have many ways to fight this, before it gets to the point of needing a respirator, because if it has gotten that far, you are in pretty bad shape and likely are not going to make it. You are right that the biggest reason we put the first social distancing things in place was because we needed to slow it down so that we could get the hospitals up to speed to be able to handle the pandemic. We did that, we flattened the curve... and now most hospitals are back at their normal 80% of capacity, trying to catch up on things that were put off in the pandemic.

I believe we all need to keep our heads and get back to common sense... things we seem to have lost in our modern society. If you are sick or have a fever, stay home. If you see someone that is sick, compel them to isolate themselves. Wash your hands and stop touching everyone you meet. It is no mystery why we are all healthier this year than in the past.

Regarding the masks... since they have been mandated, yet in short supply, personal cloth masks have become popular and acceptable. When not in use, they are quickly put into one's dirty pocket or purse, incubating whatever is on there, not just from your exhalations, but from the bacteria on your hands when taking off, putting on and adjusting the mask, not to mention the creepy crawlies that live in your pocket. Unless you wash them daily, they are filthy. It makes me shudder just thinking about what people are doing to themselves without even knowing it.
I’m not going to pretend I know what treatment works best.

From what I understand the vast majority of people needing hiflow/ventilation have terrible comorbidities, so their immune system is already compromised, so health wise they weren’t in great shape precovid. We flattened it here too, and our numbers prove it has been effective.

I totally agree.

Oh my mistake. I thought you were suggesting masks don‘t work. Any area that is warm and moist (not including lady flowers ;)) is a breeding ground for horror and germs. I am constantly shocked at how fucking dumb people are. My favourite so far has been a person lifting their mask to sneeze. And don’t get me started on these fucktards and their filthy all day gloves.
Other rootballs in the move:

Strawberry Cough

Deep Cheese

Gummy Bear
One thing I wanted to mention.. Look at Deep Cheese.. Run your eyes up from dirt level up the stalk and notice how thin the stalk is at the base and how it really starts getting thick once it hits nodes where the leaves start coming out.. Seems like this should be in reverse thick to thin.. Such a small base supporting a heavy plant. Both base and mid section dont even out in thickness for another week or so.. I recently cut down a male after pollination and got to see the inner workings of the plants stems and branches and it's hollow on the inside like a thick drinking straw, much like bamboo.. Just something to keep in mind as to how nutrients flow into the plants along with LST training. Cause once you break one of these branches, I dont know if you can splint it back together lol..
CRAZY thing happened over the weekend..So I'm 12/12ing my plants from patio to garage carying them in from outside through the kitchen and dont lower it enough in the doorway to make it though into the garage. I end up snapping a huge primary showcase bud in half.. Its hanging there when i set the plant down... I was mad angry at myself, and reached up to try standing it up to see where it snapped.... Since it's hollow it acted like a bendy straw and stood itself back up like nothing ever happened... Oh man was I relieved wiping my brow.. I didnt sleep all night wondering if i was gonna wake up and see a wilted lifeless bud drooping but was surprised everything was fine and will take more care at this stage moving them around.
A quick note on our Ancient White Widow seeds... it is not happening. Despite little squirts of water morning and night, nothing has surfaced.

Regarding germination of the Kosher Daddy seeds... I am seeing many long tails on first glace at the paper towel this morning and will no doubt be planting some this afternoon when I return. I have been reminded that it is important to not keep them immersed in water in that sealed up paper towel, it needs to start to dry on the top forcing the seeds to go chasing some of that water... it shouldnt dry out completely... but the seeds should not swimming in water either.

Regarding the Deep Cheese... she still has some sort of stability problem and I am suspecting a just under the surface J-root. I have propped her up and am waiting for her to send out more roots in order to stabilize herself. Good catch @Anthony Suszko !
A quick note on our Ancient White Widow seeds... it is not happening. Despite little squirts of water morning and night, nothing has surfaced.

Regarding germination of the Kosher Daddy seeds... I am seeing many long tails on first glace at the paper towel this morning and will no doubt be planting some this afternoon when I return. I have been reminded that it is important to not keep them immersed in water in that sealed up paper towel, it needs to start to dry on the top forcing the seeds to go chasing some of that water... it shouldnt dry out completely... but the seeds should not swimming in water either.

Regarding the Deep Cheese... she still has some sort of stability problem and I am suspecting a just under the surface J-root. I have propped her up and am waiting for her to send out more roots in order to stabilize herself. Good catch @Anthony Suszko !
Ha Ha, I cant take credit for the catch, because this is a weird but natural occurrence.. But there are preventative measures one should take if the seedling shows an abnormally thin stalk at the base compared to the others. Don't mound up soil around the base because you invite rot and maybe mist the stem occasionally if you feel it looks dry.. In a week or so the stem diameter is going to even out and cary more of the load without having to be propped up...
My clones acted like little cry baby bitches for a while and had to use prop sticks to support them during that high humidity spell we had. Seemed if I looked at them sideways they would automatically droop there leaves. I had to really watch them outdoors making sure they were out of the hard beating sun, keeping them in dappled sunlight and pots had to be cool. I even went as far as cutting the sleeves off an old white T-Shirt using them as slip covers over the black pots to keep the pots cool.. Worked like a charm..
Ha Ha, I cant take credit for the catch, because this is a weird but natural occurrence.. But there are preventative measures one should take if the seedling shows an abnormally thin stalk at the base compared to the others. Don't mound up soil around the base because you invite rot and maybe mist the stem occasionally if you feel it looks dry.. In a week or so the stem diameter is going to even out and cary more of the load without having to be propped up...
My clones acted like little cry baby bitches for a while and had to use prop sticks to support them during that high humidity spell we had. Seemed if I looked at them sideways they would automatically droop there leaves. I had to really watch them outdoors making sure they were out of the hard beating sun, keeping them in dappled sunlight and pots had to be cool. I even went as far as cutting the sleeves off an old white T-Shirt using them as slip covers over the black pots to keep the pots cool.. Worked like a charm..
Yes, she had a spoon holding her up for a few days, now her name marker is doing it and I am sure she will be ok. She just needs some solid roots underneath her, and a quick dig near the trunk shows that she is sending out some more roots right along the surface to add to her footing.

I have just planted 4 of the Kosher Daddy seeds and expect them to all come up quickly. The tails on these fresh seeds were already 1/2 inch to a full inch long and they look so much stronger than the other seeds we have been seeing during this last month. I have realized that my recent method of folding the paper towel over onto the seeds and then putting it in the baggie has been keeping the seeds too wet and if there are casualties in the 3 remaining seeds this time, this is what I am going to blame. Thinking back, I had my very best luck by placing the folded paper towel on a plate and then covering that with plastic wrap, making sure to keep an air gap between the seeds and the plastic. The time and space saving baggie trick needs some work to beat the success of that old method.
Yes, she had a spoon holding her up for a few days, now her name marker is doing it and I am sure she will be ok. She just needs some solid roots underneath her, and a quick dig near the trunk shows that she is sending out some more roots right along the surface to add to her footing.

I have just planted 4 of the Kosher Daddy seeds and expect them to all come up quickly. The tails on these fresh seeds were already 1/2 inch to a full inch long and they look so much stronger than the other seeds we have been seeing during this last month. I have realized that my recent method of folding the paper towel over onto the seeds and then putting it in the baggie has been keeping the seeds too wet and if there are casualties in the 3 remaining seeds this time, this is what I am going to blame. Thinking back, I had my very best luck by placing the folded paper towel on a plate and then covering that with plastic wrap, making sure to keep an air gap between the seeds and the plastic. The time and space saving baggie trick needs some work to beat the success of that old method.
Well, I like that you are adapting to the situation and open to looking at everything.. Premium seed, and Crop King I thought had the two strongest germination step by step instructionals. I bookmarked to use as a refresher for next time I germinate incase i missed something..
I'm hoping the plastic wrap thing does the trick for you..Good Luck!, and Make it happen! :green_heart:
Well, I like that you are adapting to the situation and open to looking at everything.. Premium seed, and Crop King I thought had the two strongest germination step by step instructionals. I bookmarked to use as a refresher for next time I germinate incase i missed something..
I'm hoping the plastic wrap thing does the trick for you..Good Luck!, and Make it happen! :green_heart:
I am glad you stepped in with that info because you never know what will click. We all are not experts on everything and I certainly have not been very good at germinating lately, but it takes being fearless and willing to fail in front of your peers to learn something from the community. Again, your straight shooting say what you feel way of approaching this thing has proven its effectiveness in helping to create an open dialog.

As soon as I read through the method I realized that I had been drowning some seeds. So after an experiment this time of simply unfolding the paper towel and not bunching the baggie over the seeds, I immediately saw a strong response from the seeds. I am thinking at the moment that if I graduate up to zip resealable plastic baggies, put my paper towel in there with the seeds on top of it, and then seal it with enough air in there so that there is an air gap, it should work. That will be the next try.... I'm thinking some Durban Poison Fems are needed in the mix... what do you think?
I am glad you stepped in with that info because you never know what will click. We all are not experts on everything and I certainly have not been very good at germinating lately, but it takes being fearless and willing to fail in front of your peers to learn something from the community. Again, your straight shooting say what you feel way of approaching this thing has proven its effectiveness in helping to create an open dialog.

As soon as I read through the method I realized that I had been drowning some seeds. So after an experiment this time of simply unfolding the paper towel and not bunching the baggie over the seeds, I immediately saw a strong response from the seeds. I am thinking at the moment that if I graduate up to zip resealable plastic baggies, put my paper towel in there with the seeds on top of it, and then seal it with enough air in there so that there is an air gap, it should work. That will be the next try.... I'm thinking some Durban Poison Fems are needed in the mix... what do you think?
HaHa, Fail all you want infront of me, that wont change my opinion of you as a person or as a grower. I respect the hell out of you, and I have others around here I can secretly laugh at ... Yeh I know I'm bad .., and yeh, strait shooting works for me, and glad that you got that it comes from the heart..

Side note: So watched a youtube on Colorado's booming weed scene recently and they interviewed the shops specialist weed barista, who pointed to a burp jar of Durbin Poison from Africa on the shelf behind him and said "It's the strongest weed I have in the house".. So on that note, I say "HELZ YES, I think you should plant some .. :laugh:
HaHa, Fail all you want infront of me, that wont change my opinion of you as a person or as a grower. I respect the hell out of you, and I have others around here I can secretly laugh at ... Yeh I know I'm bad .., and yeh, strait shooting works for me, and glad that you got that it comes from the heart..

Side note: So watched a youtube on Colorado's booming weed scene recently and they interviewed the shops specialist weed barista, who pointed to a burp jar of Durbin Poison from Africa on the shelf behind him and said "It's the strongest weed I have in the house".. So on that note, I say "HELZ YES, I think you should plant some .. :laugh:
PS on the plate-dish thing, All a plate should be used for is to contain a little excess water from damaging your furniture..Id stay away from thick ceramic or glass because I've learned from experience they tend to get cold overnight... Probably microwave safe plastic plate or an old Frisbie disc will work the best.. I like your idea about keeping seeds warm sitting on a computer..I'm going to steal that trick of yours placing them on top of my stereo amp with the volume level down lol..
who pointed to a burp jar of Durbin Poison from Africa on the shelf behind him and said "It's the strongest weed I have in the house".. So on that note, I say "HELZ YES, I think you should plant some ..

The real Durban is quite potent (and not overly plagued with indica genetics from someone "improving" it :rolleyes: ). But it's said to be scarce even in Africa these days. Everyone seems to want granite-dense buds that flower in ten weeks or less and puts them to sleep instead of getting them high. Well, not everyone, but enough so that the crosses are still popular. If you can get your hands on the authentic strain (or even one of the older 14-week worked (crossed) ones) then you will probably be happy and able to maintain a highly productive - and highly buzzed - state from sunrise to long after sunset. Doesn't have that "narcotic pain-relief" effect, it's more like... "Do I hurt? Well, uh... <SCRATCHES HEAD> Yeah, I hurt. My back is still tweaked from yesterday, my leg hurts from 30 years of walking on a badly-healed foot, the arm gives me twinges now and then, I guess from when I broke it several years ago and didn't bother to go to the hospital, and-- hey, when I was up at dawn trying to hurry up and patch the roof so I could get on over to Bob's place and cut down those two trees for him before his boy got there to haul them off, I saw it was going to be a great day, sunny but not too hot. Let's go fishing! I went ahead and put everything in the jon boat when I got back from helping Bob. <BENDS OVER AND PICKS UP ONE END OF BOAT> Grab the other end and we'll throw it onto your truck and go. Well, don't just stand there all slack-jawed, youngin', I took the heavy end. And what were we talking about, anyway? I forgot." Like that; yes, the pain is still there - but you won't have time to notice it. Because life is short, there's too much stuff to do... and you're going to do as many of them as possible, lol.

OtOH. if you get one of the Durban crosses that are just called Durban (or Durban Poison), well... Meh.

IMHO, of course. YMMV. . . .
For germinating seeds, you mean? I don't think there is a best way. But that's certainly a good one. Especially if the gardener is planning on growing the plant in perlite anyway.
Plucking it out of the perlite is no difficult task. I say best way, cause I’ve never failed to get a seed to pop.. even 12 year old bag seed
Plucking it out of the perlite is no difficult task. I say best way, cause I’ve never failed to get a seed to pop.. even 12 year old bag seed
Sounds like a great topic to run some tests on and dont mind Co-moderating - exploring this topic with you guys .. I'm going to be seed heavy come harvest time in a few weeks having pollinated two large females, so I dont mind contributing 30 or so seeds to this endeavor.. People can submit their germination instructions and I'll do my best to make it happen and photo document the results..
The real Durban is quite potent (and not overly plagued with indica genetics from someone "improving" it :rolleyes: ). But it's said to be scarce even in Africa these days. Everyone seems to want granite-dense buds that flower in ten weeks or less and puts them to sleep instead of getting them high. Well, not everyone, but enough so that the crosses are still popular. If you can get your hands on the authentic strain (or even one of the older 14-week worked (crossed) ones) then you will probably be happy and able to maintain a highly productive - and highly buzzed - state from sunrise to long after sunset. Doesn't have that "narcotic pain-relief" effect, it's more like... "Do I hurt? Well, uh... <SCRATCHES HEAD> Yeah, I hurt. My back is still tweaked from yesterday, my leg hurts from 30 years of walking on a badly-healed foot, the arm gives me twinges now and then, I guess from when I broke it several years ago and didn't bother to go to the hospital, and-- hey, when I was up at dawn trying to hurry up and patch the roof so I could get on over to Bob's place and cut down those two trees for him before his boy got there to haul them off, I saw it was going to be a great day, sunny but not too hot. Let's go fishing! I went ahead and put everything in the jon boat when I got back from helping Bob. <BENDS OVER AND PICKS UP ONE END OF BOAT> Grab the other end and we'll throw it onto your truck and go. Well, don't just stand there all slack-jawed, youngin', I took the heavy end. And what were we talking about, anyway? I forgot." Like that; yes, the pain is still there - but you won't have time to notice it. Because life is short, there's too much stuff to do... and you're going to do as many of them as possible, lol.

OtOH. if you get one of the Durban crosses that are just called Durban (or Durban Poison), well... Meh.

IMHO, of course. YMMV. . . .
The seeds that I have are from Crop King and are not the original Durban Poison, they are the Europeanized feminized version, running 10 weeks flowering time instead of the 14 weeks of the original land race and better suited for indoor growing. I understand that the strong psychedelic high is still there though and that this version is a good producer of tight sticky buds. It is going to be fun growing up a good storehouse of this quality smoke.
The seeds that I have are from Crop King and are not the original Durban Poison, they are the Europeanized feminized version, running 10 weeks flowering time instead of the 14 weeks of the original land race and better suited for indoor growing. I understand that the strong psychedelic high is still there though and that this version is a good producer of tight sticky buds. It is going to be fun growing up a good storehouse of this quality smoke.
anything with landrace genetics in it you'll have strong vigorous seeds IMO.. I can also see TorturedSoul 's point about too many cooks spoiling the soup / ymmv.

I think it's a crap shoot nowadays unless you are buying from a vendor who uses the best seed houses and you pay a premium for those seeds.. I think 2 of my plants were engineered for tent growers because they stopped growing tall once they hit 58 inches, In the other plant the color is blue green and found examples of 3 leaf Rudaralis all over the plant in the next generation clones. This tall ass late stretching female shot up near 6 feet despite growers trying to shorten it down.. This is why I pollinated both females, because both plants are so different from one another..
PS on the plate-dish thing, All a plate should be used for is to contain a little excess water from damaging your furniture..Id stay away from thick ceramic or glass because I've learned from experience they tend to get cold overnight... Probably microwave safe plastic plate or an old Frisbie disc will work the best.. I like your idea about keeping seeds warm sitting on a computer..I'm going to steal that trick of yours placing them on top of my stereo amp with the volume level down lol..
I’ve been using paper towel, in an open ziplock, on a paper plate, on top of the water heater. I leave a little puddle to act as the glass of water. By the time the water evaporates, I have a tail. Some require a spritz. I’m new, but I’m like 10 for 10ish.
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