Emmie's Perpetual Vegetative Grow Rooms - 2020-2021

Today I have two pictures for you, but this first one is primarily for my young apprentice, whom I was just talking to last night about how to spot the perfect time to water by what the leaves are doing. Last night he spotted the one plant that was most in need of water by looking at the angle of lift in the lower leaves.

This morning, right before watering I snapped this picture so you can see that indeed, 12 hours later all the leaves are below horizontal, just as predicted. They were all properly watered at 9:30 am and we will carefully watch the timing of the next watering to see if it is time to transplant.


This second picture is thanks to some prompting by @SgtKiLLx who is making some amazing things with his 3D printer. No longer needing his specialty tent pole braces to keep the tent from bowing in on the sides, he found another thing I might like, a nifty tent pole mounting for my WYZE camera. Again, not having tent poles, I improvised... Here is the view of the plants via live camera, mounted up on the lights and looking down, and now I have the ability 24/7 from where ever in the world I happen to be, to check on the incubation room via my devices. I will of course have to similarly equip the new grow rooms when they become operational.

Dang, that is no way to start a new grow space. Looks like you’re well on your way with the new batch of seeds now though!
We are a long ways from being finished. :thumb:

7 Kosher Daddy Regular seeds just hit the spring water in the cup and all of them were floaters. I am not changing my method one iota on this try, but these are fresh seeds. The results should be totally different than what we have been seeing.
We are a long ways from being finished. :thumb:

7 Kosher Daddy Regular seeds just hit the spring water in the cup and all of them were floaters. I am not changing my method one iota on this try, but these are fresh seeds. The results should be totally different than what we have been seeing.
At this stage they haven't soaked up enough water to sink yet.. Tomorrow if there are floaters, most likely those are duds.. One thing I noticed is they like to swim together-rafting like attracted to each other by static or waters bouancy.. Cross fingers , good luck.
At this stage they haven't soaked up enough water to sink yet.. Tomorrow if there are floaters, most likely those are duds.. One thing I noticed is they like to swim together-rafting like attracted to each other by static or waters bouancy.. Cross fingers , good luck.
18 hours into the dunking and with a little swish, all of the seeds sank down to the bottom. This evening I moved all of the seeds to a thrice rinsed paper towel, drenched one last time in the spring water the seeds have been sitting in so as to maintain pH, placed in a baggie, folded to seal in the moisture and set on top of my computer that crunches numbers all night long. We should have multiple tails by tomorrow.
18 hours into the dunking and with a little swish, all of the seeds sank down to the bottom. This evening I moved all of the seeds to a thrice rinsed paper towel, drenched one last time in the spring water the seeds have been sitting in so as to maintain pH, placed in a baggie, folded to seal in the moisture and set on top of my computer that crunches numbers all night long. We should have multiple tails by tomorrow.
Cool that everyone sank,, I dont know if you remember back when i started my journal, the seed co. I used wouldn't guarantee replacement if I didnt follow their method, and they said not to seal in a baggie because seeds need air flow over them, said keep them in a dark room, and make sure the paper towel is saturated at all times but not dripping wet..making sure they have air flow over them.. I took that as being some sort of low fan in the room after thinking about it.. They guaranteed a 80% success rate.. So maybe if the baggie thing yur doing isnt working out as well as you want it to, try running a fan a short distance away from the plate? IDK Em ,this seed thing kinda puzzles me a bit lol..
Tonight was a busy night in the nursery, with all of the plants, even the little NYC Diesel, able to drain their containers in 24-36 hours. It was time to uppot.

1 gallon cloth containers were prepared by first placing 2 solo cups of supersoil in the very bottom. On top of that 1 quart of FoxFarm Ocean Forest was added.

Then a sample cup was placed in the middle so as to build up a place for the original rootball, and FoxFarm Happy Frog was packed in around it.

Then, using a plastic water bottle with a few holes poked in the lid, the ring of soil around the sample cup was watered so that the hole would remain stable when the cup was removed.

The plants were taken out of the solo cups to get a good look at the roots and then they were dropped into the holes. They were all slowly watered to the point of runoff so as to merge the old and new soil regions. The lights were adjusted to about 18,000 LUX.

Each of the girls will now be starting their own grow journals, complete with strain data and more details as far as age, length of grow and plans for veg. For now everyone is staying in the plant nursery, but that will likely change very soon as we start framing in some new rooms.


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Man, these plants already look like "Jumbo" sized seedlings.. They are responding well to the the lights and the program you've put them on.. Well done!

I had to look back to see how old they are now. Pretty much all of them were up by August 5th, making this the 11th day of Veg.
Personally, I believe we have all turned into a bunch of scared little girls who really believed chicken little when he said the sky is falling. Masks do not stop viruses, and if you are wearing yours to protect others from your micro droplets... you should have been worried about coughing or sneezing on someone well before this pandemic came along. Studies are now proving that the masks are causing more problems than they solved, although they are great at identifying those who insist on being non compliant.
What studies are they? Are they scientific studies or more these “bro science“ studies I have heard you talk about.

Masks absolutely reduce the risk of contracting droplet/airborne viruses. And you are absolutely right, people should be mindful of sneezing coughing on people as it is 100% how this virus best travels. I am shocked that washing hands is like a new covid way of life. What were these dirty fuckers doing precovid?

I think the problem is having enough hospital beds to assist the small percentage who have life threatening complications when battling the virus, because given how contagious it is even a number as small as 1% can cause huge problems health wise. I think many seem to be under this misunderstanding that hospital beds are endless. They aren’t. Covid are Respitory patients, there is a capped number any hospital can take, as numbers increase it impacts medical, surgical, not so much oncology, but other wards, you need to keep covid seperate so now you need makeshift wards. If you are fit and healthy, you’re fine, bit sick at best. But with complications a hospital bed is needed, and as we have seen around the world (not here thankfully) health systems buckle under its weight. That’s no problem if you’re well, but if you have new chest pain, a diagnosis of cancer, any itis (pancreatitis appendicitis tonsillitis) or any condition needing hospitalisation, this now produces a bigger problem.
Theres allot of unknowns here, and tend to stay on the safe side following CDC guidelines. You are a young woman and your immune system can fight it off.. I have an 86 year old mother and saw this thing really weaken her knocking her out for a couple weeks.. This thing attacks and weakens older people.. My friend Steve lost both of his parents within weeks of each other during the initial outbreak who were in a nursing home environment. Myself personally , I'm staying away from large crowds and shopping in non peak hours..
I totally agree.

There are some studies that are suggesting it can leave long term lung and heart problems. Nothing proven mind, but it will be interesting to see the long term effect.

The disregard some have of the value of these older victims is disgusting to me. I’m glad your mum is okay and I’m sorry your friend lost both parents.
this virus is scary cause you never know what it'll do to ya, my brothers friend's mom was a 50 year old nurse, ended up passing away in a coma because of Covid, whilst another friend went out with a group of people and all of them got it but none are in as severe of a condition. It's better safe than sorry.
Hydroxycloroquine ... we are being lied to. The stuff works. Just like any cold or flu, stay the heck away from old and sick people. Nothing has changed except your belief that it has.
I totally agree, but I will take it one step further, just stay home if you’re sick.

I’m interested. Do you believe the treatment for covid is as simple as being administered hydroxy?
I totally agree.

There are some studies that are suggesting it can leave long term lung and heart problems. Nothing proven mind, but it will be interesting to see the long term effect.

The disregard some have of the value of these older victims is disgusting to me. I’m glad your mum is okay and I’m sorry your friend lost both parents.
Theres allot of questions.. I'm just naturally curious-observant and ask allot of questions..Something felt a little off about this growing season in the beginning, enough to raise the question if Covid was in the wind and effecting germination and if less handling of seeds -wearing masks, washing hands was a prudent step to take next season... But you know, people have opinions and some express them differently than others or take a harder stance towards their opinions-beliefs but it all works out in the end of discussions as long as everyone is allowed to weigh in.... Germinating seeds should be one of the easiest 1st steps in the a grow, but it's proving to be a challenge lately so it raised my curiosity to look at everything around us since March till present and ask if anythings changed since then.. One thing I can say is seeds acted like they were sleepy-lazy and didnt have the energy to push out a tapper root.. They split open just showing a small nub and then quit..I think some viggor was missing..
Hydroxys documented for Covid that it doesnt have significant benefit, if any. all the studies I look at show very few tests done, and it's always like within a 2-4% window of benefit, which isnt enough of a skew to actually say hydroxychloroquine works IMO.
We can't really say here's hydroxy - when hydroxys administered 3% less people die when given it, that's silly lol.even if there was more of a like 20% number that's not a fair guess,

Hydroxy would have to be given on a scale of thousands, and we'd also have to see their data on people admitted for covid versus deaths, than find that percentage..
than do the same with covid people admitted than x of those people given hydroxychloroquine, and find death rates.
All the articles I look at have very skewed presentations on numbers.
I totally agree, but I will take it one step further, just stay home if you’re sick.

I’m interested. Do you believe the treatment for covid is as simple as being administered hydroxy?
I believe that there have been several treatments identified to stop the cataclysmic reaction in the lungs that is killing people. Hydroxy combined with zith and zinc seems to stop it cold and act as a preventative. The simple breathing treatment that any hospital is equipped to give a severe asthmatic also seems to stop it dead in its tracks. People smoking a lot of cannabis seem to be shielded somehow, but not tobacco smokers. People taking large amounts of supplements including zinc, vitamin c and magnesium also seem to be less susceptible.

So I believe that we have many ways to fight this, before it gets to the point of needing a respirator, because if it has gotten that far, you are in pretty bad shape and likely are not going to make it. You are right that the biggest reason we put the first social distancing things in place was because we needed to slow it down so that we could get the hospitals up to speed to be able to handle the pandemic. We did that, we flattened the curve... and now most hospitals are back at their normal 80% of capacity, trying to catch up on things that were put off in the pandemic.

I believe we all need to keep our heads and get back to common sense... things we seem to have lost in our modern society. If you are sick or have a fever, stay home. If you see someone that is sick, compel them to isolate themselves. Wash your hands and stop touching everyone you meet. It is no mystery why we are all healthier this year than in the past.

Regarding the masks... since they have been mandated, yet in short supply, personal cloth masks have become popular and acceptable. When not in use, they are quickly put into one's dirty pocket or purse, incubating whatever is on there, not just from your exhalations, but from the bacteria on your hands when taking off, putting on and adjusting the mask, not to mention the creepy crawlies that live in your pocket. Unless you wash them daily, they are filthy. It makes me shudder just thinking about what people are doing to themselves without even knowing it.
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