Well-Known Member
Veg, Day 9
Today was an interesting day in the garden, where nothing went as predicted. First, water use was slightly down across the table, with one major exception. Three more plants (the next three above the ground) were light enough to water (feel light, scale says there is around 70ml of water in there) and they got watered this evening too. The last two are another day behind and I expect them to need attention tomorrow.
I am not seeing anything that I can measure that says it is time to water, like exponential water use near the end. It was a cute theory, but I do not see it happening.
What did happen however was a growth spurt, or more closely described as a growth explosion today in our first born and first properly watered. This plant practically doubled its leaf surface area today and water use went up 61% to a yet unseen record of 1.94 ml/hr! This one is massive compared to its siblings at the moment, and it is going to be fun to see the next 3 do the same thing over the next 12 hours.
Wow this growth is rapid under this 24/0 light! Note that this is node 4 popping up right now, and when this one opens up and we start seeing node 5, it is going to be time to top this little monster. It is remarkable to me that this is all happening in less than 2 weeks. We really need to rethink veg lighting.
Since you guys are discussing topping ...
Do you guys allow your growth nodes to develop a bit before topping?
I found that if I top when the growth nodes are tiny, the growth nodes grow very slowly.
Also, I just flipped two photoperiods to 12-12 and I was wondering "when is the latest I can top"?
I read that pistels don't show up for 2-3 weeks ... so I figured I could still top in the first week.
Do you guys think topping in the first week might slow down the photoperiod's stretch?
All feedback is welcome