I learned something today... not exactly sure what yet... but it is something.
I got home from work and as promised went down to measure water usage during the day while I was at work. I could not believe what I found! The water use had gone down to next to nothing, .03 ounces during the entire 7 hours! I would have been concerned had it not been for the fact that 4 out of 5 plants had quickly thrown up the second set of leaves and gotten them to a decent size in the short time I had left them alone! But no water usage? What gives?
I decided right then that measuring only one plant was not at all scientific and I carefully weighed each container so I can check them again before bed. I am pleased to announce that water usage has again commenced, and all the plants seem to be using 1ml/hr at the moment. By the way... I am switching away from ounces in this experiment... ml are much easier and accurate in this range.
Conclusions? Hypotheses?
It would make sense that significant changes in the light, whether it be in intensity, duration or content, are very important to a plant... probably its first concern, second only to water. I casually increased the light intensity by 25% this morning, and the plants immediately shifted into a different mode. Uptake stopped and the plant went into a new growth frenzy. Normally we see shifts in purpose like this in conjunction with day/night changes... this time it was simply the increase in light that triggered it.
I am starting to also understand the Auto phenomenon a little better by studying these plants so intently under this scientifically controlled light intensity, while simultaneously closely monitoring water uptake. These plants under the 24/0 light are in full on mode, just as an Auto would be. I now wonder if a lot of the accelerated growth that we associate with Autos is simply the full on light? I am seeing greatly accelerated growth, and I am starting to understand how the plant gets things done even in the absence of a day/night cycle, like our mysterious Autos do. Maybe the only magic about Autos is their ability to flower without a night period... but in all this other stuff, they are just like their photo cousins! I suspect that I am on to something good here.
Agent M... signing off.
Good night my little garden, even though your light keeps right on shining.