Emmie's 6 Plant, True Living Organic, LED Grow Journal

Thank you for your attention, Emmie. I never thought of fert spikes. Say, a foot away from the stalk? Several spikes different distances away?
I did some tea last year, but I think it was too thick (not dilute enough)( and not actively aerated). I do want to do AACT this year though. How much do you dilute it? Cheers, and thanks
Imagine the roots are roughly the same shape and size of the plant above. I would say several feet from the trunk. Lots of them. Think of Audrey and know she will be hungry. I am thinking spikes a foot and a half deep... at least 8 of them spread out around the shape.
AACT isnt about nutrients... it is about microlife. I dilute by however much it takes to water around the room. Dilution just means a few less ppm of microlife. Some non aerated teas can actually be dangerous. A non aerated tea can easily generate not only actually bad bacteria, but it will allow aggressive anaerobic bacteria to thrive and to out populate the good bacteria that are mostly aerobic, making your tea not very effective.
Oh! Did you mean in stead of mixing my own?
yeah... If I had to replace my soil at this point in time, instead of gathering up gobs of raw materials and a swimming pool to mix them in, I would let someone else do all the hard work and compost it for me. Why not? For a few extra bucks you get a multi-use soil? Sign me up. I wish this was around years ago when I built mine.
yeah... If I had to replace my soil at this point in time, instead of gathering up gobs of raw materials and a swimming pool to mix them in, I would let someone else do all the hard work and compost it for me. Why not? For a few extra bucks you get a multi-use soil? Sign me up. I wish this was around years ago when I built mine.
Well Em, I do have faith in the Michigan Mix/ Perfect Poop combo grow. It is $38.00 for 2 cu ft. Plus another $2?.00 for the Poop. Three bags a grow. All total the components minus the trash cans and humic acid ore I spent under $240.00 I hope to build as good or better soil for a fraction of the cost. As I re-read your post I had put all the ingredients on my shelves, I'm slow on the uptake sometimes Hehe. I would like to grow a tomato plant or two this summer and hope it might be good for that too. I've heard rumors tomatoes grow similar to cannabis, have you grown any?
Well Em, I do have faith in the Michigan Mix/ Perfect Poop combo grow. It is $38.00 for 2 cu ft. Plus another $2?.00 for the Poop. Three bags a grow. All total the components minus the trash cans and humic acid ore I spent under $240.00 I hope to build as good or better soil for a fraction of the cost. As I re-read your post I had put all the ingredients on my shelves, I'm slow on the uptake sometimes Hehe. I would like to grow a tomato plant or two this summer and hope it might be good for that too. I've heard rumors tomatoes grow similar to cannabis, have you grown any?
Oh yeah... I grow killer tomatoes, corn, peas, beans, peppers, potatoes, squash, radishes, lettuce... I like a big garden. I use a lot of the local city compost in there.
What is your reasoning on waiting? Two weeks can be fully a quarter of the bloom time for many of our plants. In the meantime, the salt lockup continues to worsen and your plants continue to struggle, so I would do it now, knowing that it can be and probably is a problem.
Also, note that the timing of the flushes in the FF schedule coincide with significant adjustments in the nutrient mix, indicating that they also see a need to clear the soil of the preceding debris before moving on with the next stage.
I wish i was as good at explaining stuff, as you, Emilya.
yeah... If I had to replace my soil at this point in time, instead of gathering up gobs of raw materials and a swimming pool to mix them in, I would let someone else do all the hard work and compost it for me. Why not? For a few extra bucks you get a multi-use soil? Sign me up. I wish this was around years ago when I built mine.
Coast of Maine Platinum is another brand , being sold here in Ma.. Worked well for me. But I got Docs kit cooking, just got to try it .
I wish i was as good at explaining stuff, as you, Emilya.
Thank you, and for that I in turn have to thank academia, my parents and my love of the written word.
I believe that the ability to explain one's thoughts clearly is a learned skill. Imagine how many term papers, investigative studies, research projects and theses I had to produce in my 12 years of college... all of that was to some end. I guess all of that taught me how to write and taught me to be very wordy, and my personal theory is that all of that work taught me quite permanently to use too many commas and ellipses in my writing... those have always been my downfall.
The reason I practice my craft on this forum is simple. The best way to master a skill, such as growing a weed, is to try to explain your knowledge to someone else. When you examine what it is that you think you know about any subject so as to explain it to a friend, it becomes apparent the vast amounts that are still left to understand... those things that you can't quite put into words.
Writing should be a two way street. I give my thoughts to my reader, and then they with their interaction as well as the act of compiling my thoughts, teaches me about my own subject. I find this to be one of the joys of writing a journal such as the many I have done on 420Mag, because when I go back to read my writing several years later I can hear myself learning, and teaching my future self. It is cool to have a record of how, why and when a particular realization was made, and how it altered future decisions.
After giving her some time to think about things in the dark, WAPPA was ready to harvest this evening. She was showing 10-15% amber at the top and was starting to sag under her own weight.
The penetration into the area below the canopy was sad to say the least. There is still at least a dry ounce or more of popcorn bud that just really isn't ready for prime time down there, and I couldn't bring myself to pull it. Wappa and I are not through. I am going to stick this plant back in the flower tent tomorrow and see if I can convince her to finish out some of this lower bud and maybe produce some seeds in late season for me, while I wait for my 12 week plant to finish up.
I chopped every bud that was worth chopping and maybe a few more. I have pulled from her 286g of wet tight sticky dank bud and placed it on hangers in my drying tent.
My methods and my soil will usually produce 3-4 oz plants in 3 gallon containers. That has not happened this time, nor do I expect it from any of my plants under these budget lights. I figure this to be 2.27 dry oz... respectable, but not stellar performance on this round.

TrainWreck or IceBreaker appear to be next in line... both just starting to show amber now. It is going to be a busy week.

Last note, It was discussed earlier that these non- true full spectrum lights might not produce a strong finish, or that I might see a delayed ripening of the trichomes. I am not seeing that here. Everything seems to be on schedule and filling out as expected, despite the lack of penetrating power through the canopy.
While I know in your eyes you might be used to a greater yield, but I would love to end up with such nice buds on my babies. Good job, I can't wait to see what your monster COB can pull of.

Waiting to see what the TrainWreck and IceBreaker yield! Good work, Emilya.

I wish i was as good at explaining stuff, as you, Emilya.
Tell me about it, wish I was as good at communicating too. Might start taking notes :p
Oh yeah... I grow killer tomatoes, corn, peas, beans, peppers, potatoes, squash, radishes, lettuce... I like a big garden. I use a lot of the local city compost in there.
I'm excited now! I've become more disappointed as years go by with the taste of veggies. Even farmstand tomatoes around here have spiraled down. I'm just going to have one or two plants I think.
Several things this morning as I clean up around the tent area a bit. First, Wappa has been moved back into the flower tent to an uncertain fate. We will see if she reacts to the chopping, the 36 hours of darkness and the overall abuse the last few days as any other woman might... she is likely quite upset. Please, Please, please Ms. Wappa... a few seeds would be nice. We shall see. There are many ways to skin a cat.
Several things this morning as I clean up around the tent area a bit. First, Wappa has been moved back into the flower tent to an uncertain fate. We will see if she reacts to the chopping, the 36 hours of darkness and the overall abuse the last few days as any other woman might... she is likely quite upset. Please, Please, please Ms. Wappa... a few seeds would be nice. We shall see. There are many ways to skin a cat.
Good luck.
Next, I would like to show off the rest of the tribe.
First, let me highlight IceBreaker, who really responded well to the backbuilding cut around the 5th week point. Check out this bud. It is about the size of a coke can as we near harvest... not bad for a cheap light 8-12 inches away the entire time. Check out the slightest bit of fall colors in the leaves as well as the start of some fade.

Our next star is going to be Super Cheese. I can't wait to smoke some of this. She still has at least 2 weeks to go and a bit more building to do, but notice the distinct purple fall colors on her strong upper leaves. This plant has been the superstar grower in the tent all along, and she also has been close to the lights the entire time, 8 -12 inches away.

Next in line is TrainWreck. She is also about finished and showing the first bits of amber. I expect to harvest her in this next week, and surprisingly she may end up being the heavyweight in the tent... it all depends on how dank these buds actually are. She is fading fast, and again, I see no signs of a delayed end because of the lighting.

I will hit the last two in this post, because they are the furthest from finish. Jack Herer still has 2 to 3 weeks left. She has been showing dramatic colors for the last half of flower, and part of it was burning from the lights, part of it seems to just be her. Jack has been a puzzle this time, and we are going to chalk this one up to maybe we just need to try again. She seems healthy and happy and still is packing on size and weight.


And then I bring you one of the most beautiful plants, shape wise, that I have ever grown. NY City Diesel is a 12 week plant, and she definitely is taking her time with things. She grew up so compact and crowded in the center that I have had to go in mid flower and attempt to open her up a bit using my LST wire hoops. She seemed to love the abuse and since I have done that, her water use has skyrocketed.


That's all for today! I hope your garden is as beautiful!
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