Emmie's 6 Plant, True Living Organic, LED Grow Journal

I started reading that TLO book you guys were mentioning. Looks like it might be pricey to get started with all those different materials. Maybe this spring I will start collecting when the green houses open.
Personally I did have that experience -the expense. I think it can depend on where you live and how much of it can be sourced locally. I was using the Rev’s info and a book called “Teaming with Microbes”. In the end I got what I could afford - which wasn’t all of it - and I made a mix that took a lot of their theories and recipes into account but was nowhere near as chock-o-bloc and it worked really well! As long as the balances are ok, i think many versions of these soils can work :thumb:
Personally I did have that experience -the expense. I think it can depend on where you live and how much of it can be sourced locally. I was using the Rev’s info and a book called “Teaming with Microbes”. In the end I got what I could afford - which wasn’t all of it - and I made a mix that took a lot of their theories and recipes into account but was nowhere near as chock-o-bloc and it worked really well! As long as the balances are ok, i think many versions of these soils can work :thumb:
I did as well. I bought every single thing in the book. I figured if I'm going to give it an honest shot I don't want there to be any doubt that if I have any major issues it was because of lack of proper materials. I would have to add it up but I know I had over $300 into everything. At the same time though, if I'm able to reuse my soil over and over again just adding some amendments then it will definitely get very cheap over time. I have tons of every Amendment leftover from building 1.5 batches of the 2.2 soil. I probably have enough amendments to re amend that soil many times over again. I'm hoping everything works out okay and I can stay with it.
Plants Look amazing as always Emmie :drool: Wappa looks like a sugar ball. Great job with the Chinese LEDs The new lights will take your next garden to another level :thumb:
Thank you HG! Yes, I am looking forward to some great lights again and what that will do for my grow. This grow just felt like a 400w grow to me... The plants just didn't go out of their way to get super big and I never could get water usage up where I wanted it to be. These plants were happy to stay on a 5 day schedule, and could have gone longer. That is just not the way I like to grow.

And Wappa is done... or at least to the next stage. Today I can see 20% amber on the sun leaves at the top and about 2% on the calyxes... so she has gone to the drying tent to sit in the dark for a while to contemplate her end. This post is a cool way of documenting the time. Her 36 hour timer begins now. Pictures will be forthcoming.
Those of you who know me will not be surprised by this... but a project left undone drives me crazy. It is so bad sometimes that I can't sleep at night knowing that something needs to be done, but it wasn't quite that bad this time. While admittedly, I had to test a light as soon as it hit my bench, I patiently worked on the frame and the heat sinks and the wiring as time permitted. This morning, since I rarely need to go into work on Fridays, I got it done!
I am very pleased to present to you, the fully assembled, tested and working Pink Sparkly Momma Beast 6 COB 30w-488w Full Spectrum Light.

By the way, remember earlier when I was contemplating how to wire this thing, and whether it would be more beneficial to have one corner be on each power supply or divide them front and back?
Meditation on this revealed that there would be times when a cluster of smaller plants in veg or a single plant in flower, would be better served by lighting a corner at a higher wattage rather than spreading the light out along the length of the tent.
:bong::volcano-smiley::roorrip::ganjamon: <------------ meditation :cool:
By the way, remember earlier when I was contemplating how to wire this thing, and whether it would be more beneficial to have one corner be on each power supply or divide them front and back?
Meditation on this revealed that there would be times when a cluster of smaller plants in veg or a single plant in flower, would be better served by lighting a corner at a higher wattage rather than spreading the light out along the length of the tent.
:bong::volcano-smiley::roorrip::ganjamon: <------------ meditation :cool:
Honestly, that is the way I had hoped you would do it. I agree with you for the same exact reason. When you are just starting some seedlings or have one plant left it will light up half of your area more evenly by lighting it more in a triangle fashion. It was a great choice.
I feel idiotic reading through some of my posts. I usually use "talk text" on my phone so many of the words get messed up or use the wrong version of a word such as "bye" instead of by. I try to edit them as soon as I see it.:laughtwo:
By the way, remember earlier when I was contemplating how to wire this thing, and whether it would be more beneficial to have one corner be on each power supply or divide them front and back?
Meditation on this revealed that there would be times when a cluster of smaller plants in veg or a single plant in flower, would be better served by lighting a corner at a higher wattage rather than spreading the light out along the length of the tent.
:bong::volcano-smiley::roorrip::ganjamon: <------------ meditation :cool:
It's a great idea to be able to run half your lights I did the same with mine
Here is a quick shot of my soon to be legal family. The big one came up 11/17, the next a week later and the rest are about 5 days old. The strength of my old seeds in the fridge surprised me and I thought it would take me longer than it did to get 6 viable plants to this stage.
They just got their first AACT, bubbled for about 3 days. This should cause rapid growth in the next week, especially if the fungi they were given earlier are taking hold on the roots.
Those seedlings look healthy! I’m doing my first 1000watt led grow too!

Highya Emmie,

The trichomes are awesome, girl! Do you always get trichomes like that, or is something attributable to the organics? Nice looking buds. Cheers
Highya Emmie,

The trichomes are awesome, girl! Do you always get trichomes like that, or is something attributable to the organics? Nice looking buds. Cheers
yes, the trichomes are actually a little thin and disappointing and I am hoping that the 36 hours of darkness will help strengthen them a bit more as it typically does. Most of the good crop of them is attributable to the TLO growing method. By keeping the medium actively alive with microlife all throughout the grow, the plants were easily able to get what they needed. Everything needed was in that soil, and all it takes at that point is for the correct sugars to be sent by the plant as a reward for the correct microlife to feed exactly what the plant needed, at every point in the grow. When there is never any want, not even in the slightest way, this is what results. You can also see the health of the leaves here. There are no deficiencies in this plant nor any burning. The leaf color is perfect and this plant was able to express all of its natural flowering colors.
You are just "seeing" part of it. The taste and smell are already exquisite and the little bit I have managed to dry out over a couple of days while I test it here smoked incredibly smoothly...I was amazed at the sized hit I was able to take. This is going to be some fine smoke when I get it cured out.
I am going to cure using 3 different methods on the entire harvest this time just to practice and get them all down. All buds at final harvest will be washed. Drying will be as slow as I can manage in a separate drying tent, hopefully with the wet springtime weather pattern helping a bit. 1/3 will get the old burp the jar/boveda treatment, 1/3 are going low and slow in the fridge, and 1/3 are going to be fermented in cobs. Emmie is out to learn new things this time.
Highya Emmie

Congrats on trying the COB. I did last year, and love it.

I have a question for you. I never get trichomes like that but I grow in the ground. I've used the garden area for this year will make the 4th growing season. Soil always produces large plants, but not real nice buds and trichomes. Nothing to complain about, though. I've only used natural ingredient compost (from around our land) with no chemicals at all. So, would you make any recommendations (teas, natural ingredients, etc.) as to maybe why? I do know I need to trim back the height before they get so big, and branch out more, and manipulate the branches to get more light into the interior. Still searching for answers. Cheers
Highya Emmie

Congrats on trying the COB. I did last year, and love it.

I have a question for you. I never get trichomes like that but I grow in the ground. I've used the garden area for this year will make the 4th growing season. Soil always produces large plants, but not real nice buds and trichomes. Nothing to complain about, though. I've only used natural ingredient compost (from around our land) with no chemicals at all. So, would you make any recommendations (teas, natural ingredients, etc.) as to maybe why? I do know I need to trim back the height before they get so big, and branch out more, and manipulate the branches to get more light into the interior. Still searching for answers. Cheers
Well, I think it would have to do with what is there available for the plant in the typical ground soil. I would investigate a couple of different avenues that would allow you to simulate what I am doing here, and it really should work better for you out in the sun and natural soil. I would investigate creating nutrient spikes down deep into that soil and I would put many for veg and many more than that for flower. This way you are sure the needed elements are there. Make sure your soil is loose by using pumice or perlite to stop soil compaction and to give microlife places to thrive and keep doing what you have been doing. Then I would regularly make AACT brews timed for the specific periods of the plants and to make sure the microlife is thriving out there in the ground.
Your big plants size are a reflection of the size the roots are able to achieve out there in the wild. This is awesome. Now give them the nutrients that they need in that same footprint, and you will get what I get, x1000. Frankly, I can't wait to hear how this turns out!
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