Emmie's 6 Plant, True Living Organic, LED Grow Journal

How is he losing his house , when it's legal ??
He selling and getting caught? Not the part letting you have a garden. There's going to be an example made of the first person arrested for selling this wonderful flower. This state can take the place it was sold from and grown in. As a homeowner I wouldn't want to take this risk. Maybe I'm paranoid? That's me.
We are brewing a special AACT for the girls tonight. It is the second day of this tea which started out as a little bit of calmag, a spoonful of molasses, some liquid fish, kelp meal, all purpose 5-5-5, high N AND high P bat guano, and a 1/4 cup of FF Big Bloom, with a spoon of banana extract and dandelion extract thrown in for good measure. After 24 hours I added 1/2 cup of cow manure and 1/2 cup of worm castings.

Not in Her kitchen!

How many fluid ounces of water do you brew with? What do you use to filter out the particles? Thanks!
I brew in 1 gallon of water, or so. The pitcher is 1 gallon, but I don't always fill it to the top because of the bubbling over. After brewing I filter it through a metal kitchen strainer and dilute with at least one gallon of additional water before applying.
You have quite a bit of brews for the children, I need to write down some of Auntie Emmie's Life Recipies :morenutes:
It's all about the microlife. Aside from my natural fermented fertilizers, the 5-5-5 and whatever is water soluble in the raw ingredients, the purpose of an actively aerated compost tea is to cause very specific aerobic microlife to be incubated and to exist in the millions in this mix. I have grown in my culture the very microbeasties that eat potassium and phosphorus and calcium, and all the other good things that exist in that mix, and since dandelion extract is in there, every mineral and amino acid known to our weeds is also in there so that if we have a microbe that specializes in it, it will thrive in this aerated soup. Now we will continue the dance between the roots and these mini processing centers, the plants hand off sugars to keep them going, and they send pure nutrients into the upstream. It is a beautiful process, especially when it is being directed by the plants themselves, without us trying to tell them what we think they need. Today is watering day.

I have not opened the tent yet but I need to take a close look at Jack today. She is either the only one in the tent with an odd deficiency all of a sudden, or she is being burned by the proximity of that lower light. I moved the lights up 4 or 5 inches last night before lights out, and I will be looking for less stress today. The NYCD seemed to love the same light at the same distance, but she seems to be a very tough old sativa... and that mexican sun must have taught her a thing or two about strong light.

I will have a report in a few hours. The tea is done and it is time to get started. Enjoy your evening everyone! :peace::love::morenutes:
Jack is ok, just a little bit of sunburn. These lights are more powerful than I gave them credit for. She seems happy now and is again reaching up vigorously, and even after having been in the watering process for over an hour now.

The buds all look amazing, some more so than others. We are at day 33 of flower. Ice Breaker, a 49-70 day plant looks like she is starting budswell, the buds are getting so chunky, but I am sure that I am just seeing the effect of the backbuilding cut. We definitely are in mid flower, maybe a little advanced of where I would normally expect plants to be in the 4th week.
Also noting tonight that some of the lower branches on some of the plants are starting to sag under the bud weight. This weekend I may have to dig out the twine and rig up some support hosiery for the girls.
Highya Emmie,

Sounds like a great tea! Yeah, that should provide whatever the plant needs, for sure. Good that the development is ahead of the old way you're used to. So fascinating to me about using plants to provide nutrients for plants. Kinda has a ring to it. Akin to composting, only in an accelerated time frame.
I just smoked some carnival from all natural grow last year, and two bong hits is good for about 3 hrs! Great stuff. Can stay busy, and like it! Cheers
Have you seen the book "The Ideal Soil V2.0" ? Been looking through it and its pretty dam good.
What are you learning?

The required ratio's in the soil. The explanations in it are great.
That sounds good Meds :thumb: thanks for the tip. I think I’ve heard of that but never sought it out. I never tire of reading about it and figure that one day, eventually if I’ve read it enough times, I will start to remember without needing to look stuff up. New sources are always good! :D

Edit: I found a full PDF of it. I know it’s ok to share reference links so I’ll guess it’s ok to share this one - i dont think it’s an illegal copy or anything.

In case anyone is interested:

That sounds good Meds :thumb: thanks for the tip. I think I’ve heard of that but never sought it out. I never tire of reading about it and figure that one day, eventually if I’ve read it enough times, I will start to remember without needing to look stuff up. New sources are always good! :D

Edit: I found a full PDF of it. I know it’s ok to share reference links so I’ll guess it’s ok to share this one - i dont think it’s an illegal copy or anything.

In case anyone is interested:

Excellent resource and apparently this was the guy that my agg professor friend, (also here at the University of Missouri) studied under for his undergrad work. My friend and I have been working on formerly documenting my watering method and we have also been studying super soil theories and examining the High Brix system together for years. Current work at the agg labs at UCM are still following up work that we started here on this forum with my solar cell experiments and why this electrical charge causes predictable increases in Rhizoshere activity. Someday, we may actually understand all of this!
Jack is ok, just a little bit of sunburn. These lights are more powerful than I gave them credit for. She seems happy now and is again reaching up vigorously, and even after having been in the watering process for over an hour now.

The buds all look amazing, some more so than others. We are at day 33 of flower. Ice Breaker, a 49-70 day plant looks like she is starting budswell, the buds are getting so chunky, but I am sure that I am just seeing the effect of the backbuilding cut. We definitely are in mid flower, maybe a little advanced of where I would normally expect plants to be in the 4th week.
Also noting tonight that some of the lower branches on some of the plants are starting to sag under the bud weight. This weekend I may have to dig out the twine and rig up some support hosiery for the girls.
I have always been a believer that for some reason they grow and flower quicker under LED. I dont know why but I truly believe it.
Current work at the agg labs at UCM are still following up work that we started here on this forum with my solar cell experiments and why this electrical charge causes predictable increases in Rhizoshere activity. Someday, we may actually understand all of this!

I have been considering doing an experiment using DC power in the soil myself. I was actually trying to figure out if it would be a worthwhile experiment by setting up a DC source that will switch polarity every few seconds and document the effects if any. I was considering a constant-current set up so as the watering cycle varies I could keep a very small current consistent. Any thoughts on doing this with a power source I could put together and set up to switch polarity every few seconds?
I have always been a believer that for some reason they grow and flower quicker under LED. I dont know why but I truly believe it.
There are several video studies out there doing side by side tests of HID/CFL/T5HO and LED, both red/blue and full spectrum. It seems clear from what I have reviewed that full spectrum LED by far out performs all these old forms of producing light in not just growth but also overall efficiency. Out on the bleeding edge of the lighting technology we still have plasma trying to become viable, but it is going to be very hard to beat what is going on right now in the COB world.
There are several video studies out there doing side by side tests of HID/CFL/T5HO and LED, both red/blue and full spectrum. It seems clear from what I have reviewed that full spectrum LED by far out performs all these old forms of producing light in not just growth but also overall efficiency. Out on the bleeding edge of the lighting technology we still have plasma trying to become viable, but it is going to be very hard to beat what is going on right now in the COB world.
Yes, cob and quantum boards are very efficient for sure. Some people like the new Quantum boards even better however I feel there are still several advantages to cob LED over the quantum boards. I'm sure the quantum boards probably have an advantage or two also.
When using a light source that can provide around 3 umol/j they just work.
I'm actually working a bit with CSA group in Washington for some light sphere testing on a few particular Cree chips that haven't been in a sphere.

I had not been aware of studies done on the different light sources. That's very interesting.
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