Emmie's 6 Plant, True Living Organic, LED Grow Journal

Getting rid of it sure helps clean up a long journal like this... see what you think; I think it makes it a lot more readable. That is the downside of having a long informative signature with lots of links and info and personality in it... in a rapid conversation or a long journal, it sort of gets in the way and I knew there was a way to turn it off at will. I will still use it when commenting to new people having problems and in intro threads and such... but I hated how oppressive and pretentious it made someone like me look, using that long thing all the time. Surely there is a way to quickly find those links without it?
All right... I am committed now. I just bought:

6 x CREE CXB3590 (3000K 90 CRI), a couple of power supplies and someone is sending me some wire. I think someone said the red connects to the black...

If you havent already bought heatsinks, hit me up. I have a bunch of predrilled from rapidled. My lighting direction changed before I used them.

Peace :)
Great :green_heart:

but maybe u should ask someone else how to wire them :thedoubletake::laugh::rofl:
I bet there is a youtube video! :thumb:
If you havent already bought heatsinks, hit me up. I have a bunch of predrilled from rapidled. My lighting direction changed before I used them.

Peace :)
Appreciate that a lot, but they were part of the purchase. Rapid has a 10% off on first purchase, so I took advantage and I think ordered everything I needed so as to get a huge discount.
Plants are looking awesome Emilya! Is your wappa still losing more fan leaves than the rest? I also have 1 out of my four plants that is losing fan leaves much quicker than the others
She only lost 3 or 4 of the under canopy leaves this week, and part of it is because I didnt trim very well down below before we went to flower so I could see what the penetration looked like. It has been nothing alarming and happening just to her because she is the densest plant in the tent.
Your babies are looking incredible!!! What beautiful buds!!!

I was wondering if I could get some insight! I have been watering using your amazing method since that first time we interacted, and it has been amazing. I’ve noticed the past week and a half, when I water, it floods at the top and takes a while for it to drain (possibly about 10-15 minutes) and not much water drains. Also, no new leaves are showing signs of damage, but lower leaves are continuing to yellow and die off, mainly small ones on the bottom. I only watered for 3 waterings to try to rebalance my nutes. I’m thinking she may be needing some more potassium? I’ll post some good pics and some of “bad leaves”. Thanks for your help!


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Your babies are looking incredible!!! What beautiful buds!!!

I was wondering if I could get some insight! I have been watering using your amazing method since that first time we interacted, and it has been amazing. I’ve noticed the past week and a half, when I water, it floods at the top and takes a while for it to drain (possibly about 10-15 minutes) and not much water drains. Also, no new leaves are showing signs of damage, but lower leaves are continuing to yellow and die off, mainly small ones on the bottom. I only watered for 3 waterings to try to rebalance my nutes. I’m thinking she may be needing some more potassium? I’ll post some good pics and some of “bad leaves”. Thanks for your help!
Looking very good DramaMonkey, but maybe just a little bit hungry. Be patient with the watering and let gravity do its thing. Maybe wait a bit longer for that first little bit at the top to drain on through before you water to runoff. The yellowing from the bottom tells me that she is hungry and needing you to feed her more. You might also look into getting some calmag+ flowing through her too... that dead leaf at the ends thing looks like a magnesium deficiency.
Looking very good DramaMonkey, but maybe just a little bit hungry. Be patient with the watering and let gravity do its thing. Maybe wait a bit longer for that first little bit at the top to drain on through before you water to runoff. The yellowing from the bottom tells me that she is hungry and needing you to feed her more. You might also look into getting some calmag+ flowing through her too... that dead leaf at the ends thing looks like a magnesium deficiency.

Do you find it normal to wait about 15 minutes in between watering the quarts?? And I have been feeding every other watering. Do you think I should be feeding every water? If I add calmag + (the stuff I have has 2-0-0) should I dial back on some nitrogen from my grow big? The foxfarm schedule has me feeding 3tsp/gal big bloom, 2 tsp/gal grow big (6-4-4) and 2tsp/gal of tiger bloom (2-8-4).
Do you find it normal to wait about 15 minutes in between watering the quarts?? And I have been feeding every other watering. Do you think I should be feeding every water? If I add calmag + (the stuff I have has 2-0-0) should I dial back on some nitrogen from my grow big? The foxfarm schedule has me feeding 3tsp/gal big bloom, 2 tsp/gal grow big (6-4-4) and 2tsp/gal of tiger bloom (2-8-4).
Please don't get mad DM, but let me be blunt. You are not following the directions. You just got done telling me above that you didn't feed for 3 waterings. (No wonder they are showing that they are hungry) What is this balancing your nutes nonsense? Just follow the directions and FF will give you a wonderful grow... I know, I used that system for years. Stop thinking that you know more than the FF designers as to how to use their stuff and quit trying to micromanage the amounts of this or that... just do what they say to do for each week of growth. If you are not following their weekly feeding chart, start doing so and don't second guess the amounts by trying to feed 1/2 or 1/4 strength. If you want to further supercharge your FF grow, buy the 3 solubles and add them to your regular watering as recommended. Lastly, be sure to flush when they suggest to do so... and maybe that would have been a better strategy to use when switching from veg to bloom mixes... flush out the old, start with the new. No balancing required.
Regarding the 15 minute wait... totally normal. I typically will come in and give every plant 1 quart of water only, and then I walk away for an hour. That next hour I may only give another quart, and then wait again. Watering 6 plants for me takes a few hours to do correctly, but you don't have to take that long if you take your time with the first couple of applications, and then water to runoff.... but then come back in a few hours later or even the next morning, and top them off again just to make sure that you watered them completely. Some people refer to this strategy as "watering twice" and it works very well for those who wish to hurry the process a bit.
I totally understand, and I am not trying to act like I know more than FF or the professionals. I had been following the FF schedule for my entire Grow, but I started noticing issues with the leaves. That is when I started to try to figure out what was wrong with the plants and what might be different. I added calmag because I initially thought it was a mag issue as well and new growth wasn’t showing the issue, but old leaves were becoming damaged. So a friend who is experienced in growing suggested I only water for a bit to allow things to even out. So I did. And now I’m back to the schedule. Because I too believe that the professionals know way more than I do. And my Grow has been great, but I have noticed issues and I know they are on my end, so I’m trying to find out what I can do to help fix them.
ah... I understand. Did you try a flush right before going to flower, or when you first noticed the slowdown? Oftentimes, a good flush with 3x the container size of water, will clear out those salts and get things going again. Using FF makes it almost mandatory to do these flushes 3 or 4 times during the grow because this system does leave a lot of debris in the soil. Trust the system, but you have to also do the work to make sure it can do what you expect it to do. Sometimes a salt lockout can look exactly like what you have here... the plants for some reason not being able to get the nutes you are supplying.
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