Ed's 1st Tent Grow: Wappa Twisted Sisters

:cheesygrinsmiley: Day 45, and 1 week since the last photo :cheesygrinsmiley: Everyone seems happy. Cleared away quite a bit of undergrowth on Wynnifred yesterday. She would have made a great mother. Things to think about for the future :cheesygrinsmiley: As mentioned yesterday, everyone has pistils so we've switched to 12/12. Wilhelmina and Wynnifred were thirsty this morning and so got their first taste of Open Sesame. Instructions say feed only once a week and the girls are empty every other day. Keeping track in an Excel sheet :cheesygrinsmiley: So far so good.
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They look good ed!! One thing I can add is that one leave in front of the picture. Set it straight so the light hits the face of the leave. The plant does not take light from under the leaves. :bravo:
Wynnifred is quite an amazing young lady. It was just two days ago I reported clearing out a lot of her undergrowth. I believe I mentioned trimming off a few growths that would have made great clones had I been better prepared. Well, in two of those spots she's already sprouted four inch replacement lobs! I think she's screaming to be cloned.

Meanwhile, Winterrose and Winona are thirsty this morning and got their first drink of Open Sesame.

I hope I am not being over aggressive with top clearing. I've been selectively chopping off the larger leaves blocking bud space undergrowth. It kind of amazes me how much I can take off and still hardly tell from looking. So far so good.

Greetings Venerable Growers. Today is day 48 of life for the Wappa Sisters. I got a second timer for the ventilation fans and am now cycling every 30 minutes. This may have been inspired from the safety instructions of the fans which said to not run constantly, or more likely my frugal nature. :cheesygrinsmiley: Anyway, I am keeping a close eye on the ladies for any signs of distress. I also wasn't thrilled with the way my kit furnished fabric light pulley strings were supported by an abrasive flat edge clip on the light, so I improvised by adding 4 key rings. This was a cheap and easy fix, the pulley string slides with no abrasion now. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Wilhelmina and Wynnifred were due for plain water today, 72 hours since their last drink of Open Sesame. They were mostly light yesterday but I let them go one more day. They each drank up about 3 quarts. Looks to be about 1 quart per day each of the girls is consuming :cheesygrinsmiley:. Going to push Winona and Winterrose out 1 more day too so they will be 72 hours between drinks.

Today is also day 6 of 12/12 lighting. I see a few more pistils each day. Do they ever appear quickly enough? Now the Sisters Wappa teach me a valuable lesson: patience


Today is also day 6 of 12/12 lighting. I see a few more pistils each day. Do they ever appear quickly enough? Now the Sisters Wappa teach me a valuable lesson: patience

Things really set in at about wk 2 after the flip to 12 / 12. If you have a strong enough light you can cut the schedule to 11 / 13 or less at the end of wk 2. i usually finish at 10 / 14, and cut the schedule back twice during flower.

it can speed things up a couple wks. but you need a strong enough light for it, otherwise you lose both weight and potency.
Day #49, Flip Day #7

Plain water day for Winona and Winterrose. Also had to clear out top growth again. Been trying to not fuss too much, but they all needed a good trim. Counted 42 sacrificed leaves. No issues on any of the leaves. Anyhow, more light to the bud spots. A few more pistils, looks like Winona may be taking an early lead. The tent has a nice aroma now when I open it. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Day #51, Flip Day #9

Open Sesame for the house, about 2 quarts each. :cheesygrinsmiley: I saw some kind of small flying insect in the tent yesterday. :rolleyes: I had some Neem oil spray on hand so I gave that a shot just at lights out time. Today I set off a bug bomb in the room. I've put the fans back on a 24 hour cycle so it's less tiny bug friendly in there.

Winona is really reaching for the light with her main cola. Keeping an eye on the leaves so close to the light, kind of hate to raise it.

Day #52, Flip Day #10

No signs of flying insects this morning :cheesygrinsmiley: Will keep a close eye out for the wee varmints while the fans run 24x7.

Trimmed away another 34 leaves and 10 lobes. Discarding the lobes hurts me and makes me want to propagate them. Something to aspire and work towards. :cheesygrinsmiley: Mo lights mo lights

I raised the light 1.5 inches as the girls reach higher and higher upward. Winona is the tall girl (how Dutch). Her top leaves were burning in the light. The key rings I installed made the adjustment easier but I see now I twisted the pulley string around one so I have some fine tuning yet to do.

More pistils everyday little by little but ...

No Jack in the Budstalk moment :cheesygrinsmiley: yet :thumb:
I waited for lights out for this weekly photo update. Apologies, it's still less than ideal lighting and I will try the flash next time. Winona iis reaching like crazy. Since my last post only 5 hours ago when I raised the light 1.5 inches, she's already reached back up to touch it! I went ahead and fixed the key ring / light pulley issue mentioned earlier, and had to raise the carbon filter as high as it can go so the light has a few inches more clearance. I also had to train down 2 of Winona's more unruly lobes (1 & 2 below).
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Day #53, Flip Day #11

Light pots all around. :cheesygrinsmiley: Plain water day. They are all draining their drinks in 48 hours vs 72 now. :cheesygrinsmiley: I smile and envision continued root development. Winona's two trained down lobes are both recovering and facing back upward. She had another reacher to coax down today. :cheesygrinsmiley: No bugs apparent. So far so good.

Day #54, Flip Day #12

I stand corrected. It was actually Winterrose's main cola I trained down yesterday :rolleyes: . She's turned back up and seems fine. She has a bit of a brown tip on one leaf but I think that may have been earlier damage from being too close to the sun. Keeping an eye out. Otherwise all systems go. Flowers are starting to form and be visible :cheesygrinsmiley:.
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Day #55, Flip Day #13

Light pots all around for plain water day. Water came out of the tap at 5.8, so close enough for my hearty sacred botanicals :cheesygrinsmiley:. The girls are now consuming 3 quarts vs 2 over 48 hours :cheesygrinsmiley:. Had to trim another 50 or so top leaves and another 8 runners from the bottom. When they grow madly, don't you love them madly? Still, you can't tell they've been trimmed by looking, it's a jungle in there. The girls next watering will include another dose of Open Sesame, their 2nd and likely their last. November 30 they're due to switch to Beastie Bloomz.

Below is a shot of Winona's wild runner recovering nicely, arrows indicating bud spots that should now get quite a bit more light :cheesygrinsmiley:.

Not pictured but also recovering nicely and in similar fashion is Winterrose's cola. She's in the sweet spot and seems to be enjoying it immensely :cheesygrinsmiley:.
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