Ed's 1st Tent Grow: Wappa Twisted Sisters

I see the Girls are getting their last stretch in. And you have taken off a boat load of leaves ed....they look good. :snowboating:

Thank you AZ. Here is a more or less top down, split screen of the tent.
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Day #58, Flip Day #16
Using yesterday's photo for reference, today was training in and down day for lobes #1-#6.
Also attempting a rescue on lobe #7 which wasn't recovering as well as I hoped.
@AzLaker was right, after 2 weeks in 12/12 they begin to look like different plants. Beautiful to behold.
Not a water day, but the girls don't mind my continued periodic carbon augmentation

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Day #59, Flip Day #17

Girls are due for plain water, but the pots are heavier than normal. :rolleyes: I think the girls are putting on weight because they wound up drinking almost 3 quarts each again before shedding some water into their trays. The last tie downs all seem to be working out fine. Below is a montage in crappy purple light where I try to give some idea how the Twisted Sisters are coming along. Couldn't help a bud shot now that they are visible :cheesygrinsmiley:. Leaving just a bit of water in the tray. So far so good.
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Day #62, Flip Day #20

Pots were super light this morning, but thankfully no wilting that I could observe. Plain water day, at this rate they will have their first drink of Beastie Bloomz at the next watering. Wilhelmina has swallowed up one of her iron wire LSTs so I guess her buds will be rich in iron. There is no getting it out at this point. The buds seem to be developing nicely, definitely nicer than anything in my past! Circumstance had me away 3 days. It's quite a difference vs. staring at them all day :cheesygrinsmiley: . See you in 3 days ladies, when I reckon you will have reached your mid flowering stage. I am so proud of you Winterrose, Wilhelmina, Winona and Wynnifred. You're all such lovely ladies.
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Day #65, Flip Day #23

:cheesygrinsmiley: Thirsty girls, everyone took about 2.25 liters of Beastie Bloomz. Speaking of beastie bloomz, 3 days away makes a big difference at this stage, what a lovely surprise to open the tent. Squeezed another inch up for the light, which I know is counter intuitive but ... Winona's highest bud was suffering a bit being too close. The buds are developing beautifully, now beginning to smell strong to the touch. Wilhelmina is even beginning to frost over. Looking good.
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Day #69, Flip Day #27

:rolleyes: Ideal watering time may have been a few hours ago? Everyone was starting to droop a little on their bottom growth with Queen Wilhelmina causing my heart to skip a few beats. Going to have to adjust this 4 day cycle to 3 or 3.5 :cheesygrinsmiley: Thank Goodness no harm done, everyone started perking back up before our ritual was even over. Today is plain water following their first drink of mid cycle Beastie Bloomz. All the leaves have a nice uniform green color and nothing unusual that I can spot so I guess the ferts did no harm. Everyone is now getting coated in crystals :cheesygrinsmiley: with some nice big buds starting to form up. I am reluctant to do much leaf trimming or further training back at this point and letting them be as much as I can. Very nice sweet floral scent now after touching the buds. Be back on Day #72 Flip Day #30 for another dose of BBMZ.

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Day #72, Flip Day #30

:cheesygrinsmiley: No wilting on arrival. Beastie Bloomz for their light pots. It would appear the girls have finally stopped their reaching ways. Buds are getting heavy and one of the outside stragglers inspired me to install a second net at their tops. It got a little cool while I was away, down to 66F. Adjusting that back to room temp. It's also dry, less so in the tent. Still dry enough to let the humidifier run a while. I am very happy with the bud development. :cheesygrinsmiley: Just one more road trip watering excursion and then back home for daily tending. So far so good. Another 5-6 weeks ... the most beautiful ones :cheesygrinsmiley:

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