EcDriver Goes Hydro For The First Time

Going to make your zucchini again, for family.
I'm going to dice some portabello and red pepper, and will mix with the feta, then bake.
My father in law was an Exec Chef, and he'll be here tonight :)

Plants look bomb bro!

Hi C.S.
nice that you cook for your familly, one of the things i love to do myself as often as possible.
i'm very glad you got inpiration from my recipe...
You can decline it in many ways with different cheeses and veggies,
you also may had herbs or aromates,but keep in mind to try to create a good balance beetween flavors
and less is always better than too much.
spices and aromates are a bit like nutes, you can put more later if needed but can't do anything if it is too much salted
or spicy like fire.
i was at work today from 7:00Am untill 9Pm, otherwise i would have answer to you earlier.
i hope you and your guests will have a nice dinner C.S.
thanx for the comment about plant too M8, i do all my best in this first hydro run, i also play a lot and have fun
with outdoor plants on the terrace
let me know about the dinner.:thumb:
hi Doc,
thanx for the compliment on plants,
i have a 200cm high tent, i have to cut to that, the height of the hydro system which is about 20cm and the vented hood
which should be about 20/30cm height , i should have a good 140/150cm for plants themselves, maybe a tad bit less.
i will upload next pics in 3 or four dayz to make a real difference in the pics and really see the stretch results clearly.
i wish you a nice day Doc.

That sounds like great space for the plants. 5 feet (150CM) is great for just the plants themselves with the hydro and lights already accounted for. Those have the room to be real monsters.

Playing outside on the patio sounds fun. I want warm!

Bob ;)
Hi Doc, yes i think, the plant-space is enough to grow 4/6 large healthy plants.
i sat up a nice large fan in the groom because the leaves are touching each other since a couple dayz
and i found plant sweat on many leaves. then i sat up the fan but as it is huge, i remote it with a timer to start it 30minutes
every hour to keep a bit of moisture in the space.
have a nice day Doc.
thanx for the input on fans guyz, today, no update, i'm lazy, i just topped the rez to EC1200 with 10 liters feed solution
at PH5.9.
that's all i've done today.
hi all Friends growers,
today, i took a few pic of the girlz,
they don't eat much since flip, they just take water and i tiny bit of nutes.
they are growing huge everyday, i wish i could make a nice harvest... really need it.
i hope all is nice for you too and that your gardens are exploding.
green thoughts,
i'll upload in a minutes.

hi friends, i'm sad to say that my second batch of cuts have all died because of my friend who didn't take care of them at all!!!
the only thing to do is to spray them once every other day and let the lid 1inch open .
it seems to be to complex for him...
no problems, i can just do all by myself and i must stop thinking that people could help, even for hyper-easy things.
i think i'll never do again anything that need precision even for 1 minute a day , out of my house.
i'm sad to see that, no one is never able to help and they all want good weed.
they are all lucky i'm someone not in any business except for my job.
i'm so angry with the fact no one would makes any efforts for collective goods.
sorry to shout but you are the only people i know who can understand my lonely-grower-feeling.

it is just the same situation that fucks us up when it comes to important collective things; everybody want everything but without any effort at all, or only with small money contribution.

it does not work anymore for me in this way.

anyway, despite this "standard deception" all look soud in the gardens, indoor the stretch is going on wildely and outside
most of the 5 Hawaiian skunk haze regular should break the soil today or tomorrow.
the others outside are ok and apreciate the first dayz of real hot sun.
didn't visit the 4 think differents i transplanted last week, i hope they are growing nice.;)

have a green day, fellow Growers!!
hi friends, i'm sad to say that my second batch of cuts have all died because of my friend who didn't take care of them at all!!!
the only thing to do is to spray them once every other day and let the lid 1inch open .
it seems to be to complex for him...
no problems, i can just do all by myself and i must stop thinking that people could help, even for hyper-easy things.
i think i'll never do again anything that need precision even for 1 minute a day , out of my house.
i'm sad to see that, no one is never able to help and they all want good weed.
they are all lucky i'm someone not in any business except for my job.
i'm so angry with the fact no one would makes any efforts for collective goods.
sorry to shout but you are the only people i know who can understand my lonely-grower-feeling.

it is just the same situation that fucks us up when it comes to important collective things; everybody want everything but without any effort at all, or only with small money contribution.

it does not work anymore for me in this way.

anyway, despite this "standard deception" all look soud in the gardens, indoor the stretch is going on wildely and outside
most of the 5 Hawaiian skunk haze regular should break the soil today or tomorrow.
the others outside are ok and apreciate the first dayz of real hot sun.
didn't visit the 4 think differents i transplanted last week, i hope they are growing nice.;)

have a green day, fellow Growers!!

That sucks ECD. I totally agree though. I no longer trust anyone, but the small circle of growers that I know, which means two people, other than Mrs. Staker. I babysit for them, they babysit for me. I hope you find some reliable help bro. Your girls are looking amazing! Big flowers are in your future! ;)
thanx C.S.
i don’t have anybody i could trust about these things atm, and i’m not in a position i can look for someone, have to do all by myself with helps of a few guys like you through the web.
nice to read and pop M8 :)

i just had a PM about someone who had many hermies and male with Dinafem moby dick, just a few months before now...
i’m a bit upset tho’ ...!!!:bitingnails:
Hey EC. What a great group of pics from yesterday. I missed that somehow last night. The flower room does look incredible sir. Better be going to the gym and doing whatever exercise will keep your trimming hand in shape because you are going to need it.

You are right on people being willing to give to the general good. It happens but seems less common these days. I will say that it still is out there in some remote rural places to this very day. Gotta rely on oneself. At least we have each other on here! Wish I could virtually spray your clones from here. I promise it would get done. I am guessing that letting another member's plants die would never happen if another member could fix it from here! Ok, I am dreaming again. Ignore me.

Bob ;)
you are 100% right Doc,
and please continue to dream, it is the best thing we have to do.

thanx for the comments on the groom.
i see your is becoming bigger everyday too under those leds...........:bravo:

i'll get a few pics on wednesday, we should see a few flower and i'll start the foliar feeding :woohoo:

all the best Doc.
Yep, I think it's time for bud pics around here! It is going to be fun in a bunch of journals that we all hang around in over the next couple of months. :party::theband::smokin::bongrip::party::rocker: Should make for a great summer for all of us. When do we get to see some outdoor patio flowerings at your place?

Bob ;)
Yep, I think it's time for bud pics around here! It is going to be fun in a bunch of journals that we all hang around in over the next couple of months. :party::theband::smokin::bongrip::party::rocker: Should make for a great summer for all of us. When do we get to see some outdoor patio flowerings at your place?

Bob ;)

hey Doc,
usualy here the photoperiod plants start to bud around middle/end of july until end september to middle november (end of
november for the most longer favourites!!)
i'm gona make a protection against the sun next week on the patio and it will be good against big automn rains (if longest
hawaiian snow or hawaiian skunk haze are not totaly rippen at this date)

i wish you have a nice green day Bob.
high Friends,
today is a very great day for my company and I !!!
i had a meeting this morning which was fixed a month ago, i just come back from this meeting with an investor and have great news!!
it is all about money for a new place and new tools to deal with bigger demands and contracts.
like for example making the food for any
big festivals or long movie recording as well as big parties around the pool for private V.I.P customers.
so, i hope it is a nice and long-term change-up in my working abilities and contracts size i'm now able to accept.

my team is thriving and i love it friends !!!
i will be able soon to change the life of a couple new staff too, and this is one of the main goals for me and my crew.

i'm a happy worker and grower these dayz, i wish your are nice and cool too.

green warm vibes from the south.
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