EastCoastGhost Does Multiple Strains From Cropking - Coco - PS COB

Gen Hydro makes a spray called Azamax. It's taken out any pathogens I've ever had. Give it a look

That will be my next buy if the ones I have don't work. I ran to the store today and picked up some Mosquito Dunk than Bonsai and others have recommended. I put it in my reservoir and gave all the plants a good drenching.
I got 8in duck fans and they’re suppose to do 440cmf and I also got a clip fan but I am going to buy one more clip fan to put in opposite corner for a little better air going through the canopy. That should give me pretty good airflow.✌️

Good idea. I picked up a couple myself. I also bought a small oscillating fan and I have it on the floor. It has really been good at keeping moss from growing on my grow bags and seems to be pretty good circulating the air.
Good idea. I picked up a couple myself. I also bought a small oscillating fan and I have it on the floor. It has really been good at keeping moss from growing on my grow bags and seems to be pretty good circulating the air.
Yea I like a lot of fans lol. My very first indoor grow I got some bud rot on one of my White widows cause humidity is really high here. One good thing I have my grow room sealed up pretty good and the rooms not that big at all. My 32 pint dehumidifier is doing a great job so far. I can take humidity from 40% or less to 70% at will so far but later in summer is when humidity is worse so I’ll have to wait and see how it does when humidity is at its highest. I believe it will do pretty good.✌️
Does anyone know what the idea humidity is for the stretch. I know it needs to be around 40% if possible once you have buds stacking but I was thinking it may need to be higher during stretch since they grow a lot during that time.✌️
I’d keep around 50-55%
I’d keep around 50-55%
Thanks King for the advice. That’s about what I have it at. I try to keep it between 55-60 and they seem like they are happy. They should start stretching pretty soon, I’m anxious to see what they look like after the stretch lol.✌️
Day 3 since the flip and the ladies are thriving. Here’s a group shot I took this morning right before feeding.
I’m impressed with these girls so far, they never paid the defo a bit of mind.✌️
It seems like they come back stronger after a good defol. And that coco feeding twice a day is getting allot of oxygen into those crazy roots you got going. Looking good ghost
Ok i c brotha looking great bushy as hell lol niceeeeeeee
Thanks Jack, tomorrow will make day 4 since flip so I should start seeing pistils soon lol. I measured Jaimie’s width today, she is right at 29in wide already lol. She has turned into a bush lol.✌️
Im starting to c something allready that 48 off befor flips makes a diff lol n nice bushes lol there is goin to b nugs evreywere
Thanks Derby, that’s what I was thinking also. I don’t want to hurt myself by cramming to many plants in there. I think I am gonna take Courtney the youngest one and Kris the linky one and put them outdoor. The only thing is I think I will transplant them to 10 gallon soil cause I won’t be able to feed them every day but that will be ok, they should do pretty good in the 10g soil.✌️
Mix some coco in there !
Mix some coco in there !
They are in three gallons of coco right now. I just transplanted into some soil that I have been using on past grows. I took them to their final destination earlier today. I will go check on them in about a week to see how their doing.✌️
They are in three gallons of coco right now. I just transplanted into some soil that I have been using on past grows. I took them to their final destination earlier today. I will go check on them in about a week to see how their doing.✌️
Yah wish coco was around when i was outdoor. Could have been bigger trees
Check on the girls this morning and they are looking great. Jaimie is massive, she’s gonna take up some room by the time she gets done stretching lol. She has a lot of tops and has the potential to yield big. I noticed she is starting to shoot pistols, I could see one here and there on here barely starting out so I would say she’ll have a bunch tomorrow. The rest of the girls are on fire also. I’m so glad I finally tried coco, these plants have thrived in it from the beginning. Next run I’m gonna do one 5-gallon DWC plant and see how it goes. I’m thinking I’m going to really like dwc from what I’ve been reading and studying. Here’s a pic I got this morning of the girls.✌️
Wow dude purked up really nice n dwc simple bubbler five gal bucket net cup nutes n make shur daily keep a eye on yr ph but u goin to slam dunk a dwc bro
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