EastCoastGhost Does Multiple Strains From Cropking - Coco - PS COB

Understand where your coming from. I spend way too much on my crop but justify it by comparison of what it would have cost me to buy the weed as oppose to growing it.

You will love the DIY Q-Board and COB. I was intimidated by the COB until I built my first one. I love it now and have expanded my system twice.
Yea I can’t wait till I get my new space ready. I’m not much of a diy type but have been reading up and watching some videos of people setting them up and it looks fairly easy. If worse comes to worse I will have you guys to help me along lol.✌️
Yea I have been noticing that they are drinking a lot more and the pots are really light the next day and the top of coco is kinda dry looking so I believe they will like the extra feeding lol. I might go to three times a day later on in flower.✌️

I noticed that once mine transitioned to bloom their water intake really picked up. I'm happy I have my auto watering system in place. I haven't been using the timer I have been manually turning on the pumps when I think they need some additional feeding.
I may have to up my dosage. I've been battling fungus gnats and been dosing at 2 tsp per gallon. I have them mostly gone but see an occasional one and want to make sure I get the buggers.

Gen Hydro makes a spray called Azamax. It's taken out any pathogens I've ever had. Give it a look
I noticed that once mine transitioned to bloom their water intake really picked up. I'm happy I have my auto watering system in place. I haven't been using the timer I have been manually turning on the pumps when I think they need some additional feeding.
I want to get a auto water system soon. It would make things a lot easier. I will be trying dwc next run with one plant and depending on how it goes I might go all dwc for a while if I like the results. I just want to learn different ways of growing and see which way suits me best lol.✌️
Yea right now I have the Perfect Sun Cob and I really like it so far but man they are expensive. Tbh if I had it to do over I would have went ahead and done a diy q-board setup instead of paying $1000 for one light lol. I’m not throwing off on the PS cause I love it but if you have diy skills you can get a better setup for the money.✌️

Yup that’s my new next setup I going with qb and cob combo. I’ve had a lot of different leds but need to try them all before switching out all hps to led lol.
Glad your not having any issues with you ps cob. It does grow some beautiful buds
Yup that’s my new next setup I going with qb and cob combo. I’ve had a lot of different leds but need to try them all before switching out all hps to led lol.
Glad your not having any issues with you ps cob. It does grow some beautiful buds
Yea so far no issues with the light but I’ve only had it a little over 2 months so hopefully it will hold together till I can get my diy q board setup. I mean it’s been a good light and plants love it but you can get a bad ass diy q board setup that will cover your whole 4+4 or 5+5 tent evenly at pretty much whatever par you need and you could do all that for probably the same price I gave for my light or close anyway. People are getting top results out of those diy setups and they seem like they are reliable cause I’ve not read anywhere about them breaking down so I think it would be a great move for anyone honestly. The good thing is you can build a setup for whatever size space you need.✌️
Girls looking good this morning after their light defo yesterday. Jaimie the biggest SSH is huge. She is a big bush lol. Everything is getting good penetration since the defo and I’m expecting to start seeing them stretch any day now. After I get done feeding everything I will post some pics.✌️
Here’s a pic I took of Jaimie, she looks like she might be starting to stretch already. She is a beast and I’m very excited to watch her do her thing

You can tell from the pic looking down at tops that she’s big. She’s literally wider than the door already lol. Next pic is Sherry, she’s not no slouch lol. She is doing really good so far
Next are the two GC

Next are the two CR

Kris and Courtney will no longer be with us, I have to send them out into the wild and hope they turn into some large ladies and yield me a lot of bud lol. I will get a group pic in a min.✌️
Does anyone know what the idea humidity is for the stretch. I know it needs to be around 40% if possible once you have buds stacking but I was thinking it may need to be higher during stretch since they grow a lot during that time.✌️
Thanks Derby, I was thinking it should be higher for stretch. My room is sealed pretty good and so far I’ve been able to go from 40% to 65-70 at will. The dehumidifier is doing a great job. Hopefully once it starts getting real humid outside this summer I will still be able to control it good enough to get by.✌️
Yea if you remember I used them on first grow as a preventive measure. I bought them from Amazon and got 1500 for like $7 lol. They search every inch of the plant lol. I kinda liked having them around lol.✌️
Yah that's right! I think its going to be my go to cure... and preventative measure!
I got 8in duck fans and they’re suppose to do 440cmf and I also got a clip fan but I am going to buy one more clip fan to put in opposite corner for a little better air going through the canopy. That should give me pretty good airflow.✌️
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