E-rok /first grow bagseed/ 09

ok quick update. finally working on a more legit grow operation. bought a 4 ft 4 bulb fluoro ready to install it tonight and get the new plants and any after it into a good veg cycle. the new location will have much more space than a window sill and better conditions in regards to temp and humidity. also bought a small fan to strengthen thos stems.

im really excited about this new location but not so much the move. oh geez.
pics up tonight or tomorrow morning.
oh and i may be getting ahead of myself but i wanted to be sure i got some girl. i have another 3 coming. so this makes 9 since i had to get rid of plant A. just stopped growing...and i needed the soil... anyways.
Great job E-rok, you're going to see drastic improvements with the fan in there, you're humidity should go up as well! +rep for the upgrades!
whew. well the move was sketchy but very worth it. i now have the plants growing on shelves under 2 4 ft fluoros with 4 of those 40 watt bulbs. and the fan works well enough for the size of the room.

quick question. i've had a problem with one of the bulbs so i had to replace it with one i found lying around. its from the previous owner and they grew stuff im sure. its one of those purple sylvania gro-lux bulbs. i haven't found whether they are any good or not. i figured having 1 in one of the ballasts is better than not having a bulb in at all. anyone know anything about these?
whew. well the move was sketchy but very worth it. i now have the plants growing on shelves under 2 4 ft fluoros with 4 of those 40 watt bulbs. and the fan works well enough for the size of the room.

quick question. i've had a problem with one of the bulbs so i had to replace it with one i found lying around. its from the previous owner and they grew stuff im sure. its one of those purple sylvania gro-lux bulbs. i haven't found whether they are any good or not. i figured having 1 in one of the ballasts is better than not having a bulb in at all. anyone know anything about these?

hey E-rok, its perfectly fine to use that bulb, it's a full spectrum grow light, meaning it has the blue you need for vegging and the red for flowering
sweet. i have more. should i switch them all to grow-lux or leave the cool whites up? i read some bad reviews about grow-lux not being any more efficient and some saying it was even less efficient for plants. but im sure one wont do any damage.
hey E-rok, its perfectly fine to use that bulb, it's a full spectrum grow light, meaning it has the blue you need for vegging and the red for flowering

Where can i get a bulb like this i think floros would be much cooler than cfls and now that im flowering i wanna try them! i found a small 8 watt that use for an hour before they go to sleep and i love it!
they should have them at the hydro shop, space is an issue for me so the cfls work great, i had to build a box bc my gf wanted her closet back. what i think i'll do is scrap those teeny 27w cfls and get two 125w ones one for vegging and one for flowering. e-rok you might want to consider that too, up to you tho!
how many plants could i flower under a 125 w cfl? i wanted to get an HPS but they are far out of my budget.... thought of nabbing one of the street lamp posts for it haha.

if everything goes according to plan then i should have about 4-5 plants in flower while another 4-5 veg. but in reality this might be very far from actuality after considering that i may get males and some seeds wont even pop or just die. i've been planting as many seeds as possible. i figured i would exhaust all the seeds i have before i begin to clone a good mother or possibly two.
i have enough space for at least 10 females if i get enough light over them. but indoors i rather not deal with so many in flower. its still my first grow. ill still have at least 10- 20 plants outdoors. if all goes well i can keep crops growing continuously through out the yr.

for me personally i would be fine with a single cloning mother. but it couldn't hurt to have some extra. i just have to find the right mothers and I'd be very surprised if i don't grow at least one.
then i'd say use the 125w and if you have some smaller 27w throw those in the mix as well with about 5 ladies and have those chicas flowering and providing you with clones to go outside!
good idea. i can set up another room specifically for some good mother plants to clone. that way i have room to keep growing during the winter. shame summer growing can't last forever. it'd be sweet to let the girls go wild n get ginormous.

cant wait to see them this weekend. they've been away for so long. hopefully i have some new additions to the family. pics up soon.
ok so checked on the babes today. left the three oldest outside for the warm sunshine and it seems like they're loving it. although i am noticing these weird black spots on one of them... any ideas to what it could be? pics up later.

i also have some new sprouts growing nicely under the the fluoros. and more seeds have come up since i was away. the new grow room is soo much better than the window sill. but of course it can still be improved.

ill have some pictures up tonight. its a pain getting pics off a phone to a comp w/o a usb cable.
too bad we don't live closer e-rok i have like 16 usb cables just from fixing and updating people's computers lol. Can't wait to see your updated pics! I'll have mine updated tonight too, everything's lookin' good so far, but I'd love to see some shots of any plants that are in their first week-ish since that's where mine are right now! :p
ok sorry to keep you guys waiting.

these are the plants that were left outside. im thinking of putting them either into bigger pots or into the earth altogether soon.



this is the one with the strange black dots. tried getting a close up.




and here we see the sprouts and some new comers under the light.



i guess i over estimated how strong the new shop lights were after i saw the young plants stretching. so i lowered the light to a couple inches above them. you can see 4 new sprouts that still have their seed coat on in the tray. those are now in cups for more root space. and the plant that looks stretched to about 10 in. tall was actually someone elses but they gave it to me to take care of. and if anyone is wondering, theres actually a random pepper sprout growing in there. didn't notice it in the pic till now haha.
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