E-rok /first grow bagseed/ 09

haha that'd be pretty sweet. this grow i just kinda wanted to see if i could even get anything off the ground. but my next grow ill def need to invest a lil more money. foxfarms seems pretty expensive. and lighting and pots add up too. i dont even know if ill need any ferts later on. do you need to add nutes to MG soil? or sould i just let them be?
i understand thats how i was at first i was like let me see if i can do something with the grow but then after a while i was already into it and learned so much stuff that i slowly started to upgrade everything, but Miracle grow has nutes in it already so it should be good for the first three months and after that you might want to change the soil or add some but i would wait till the plant ask for them should be good at first.Generally the MG soil nutrients are sufficient to get through most if not all the vegging stage before you need to add anything else, You just have to monitor your plants. If they start looking like they are a little nutrient deprived add a "small" amount of whatever fertilizer you choose to use.
haha that'd be pretty sweet. this grow i just kinda wanted to see if i could even get anything off the ground. but my next grow ill def need to invest a lil more money. foxfarms seems pretty expensive. and lighting and pots add up too. i dont even know if ill need any ferts later on. do you need to add nutes to MG soil? or sould i just let them be?

E-rok, if you can you can pick up a 4 pack of 27w cfl from any home depot for about 8 bucks and 2 y sockets for another 4, have them for a circle above your plants to maximize the available light. you can also pick up some perlite for that MG soil, help your girls spread their legs a bit! NO nutes like L8 said, none at all, MG has time released first and i learned that one first hand. just use mineral water or tap that's been out for about 24hrs. you're doing fine no worries
thanks for the help guys. yea i've been pretty strapped for cash lately. ill def try and scrape up some money for lights. and i'd like to get some perelite soon. is it just mixed into soil?

pictures up later tonight.
thanks for the help guys. yea i've been pretty strapped for cash lately. ill def try and scrape up some money for lights. and i'd like to get some perelite soon. is it just mixed into soil?

pictures up later tonight.

hey listen if you can't get more lights try this, get an aluminum can and cut it so it's like a flat sheet, attach it around it to reflect the light onto the plant instead of being wasted. that'll work for u until u get more lights, u can also try using aluminum foil to line the inside of where u have the plants, be sure to use the dull side and keep it smooth no creases, otherwise u'll have a laser beam pointed at one of your lil ladies! ++rep for good luck on ur grow!
well heres what the plants look like as of tonight.

plant A. 2-3 weeks old. yellow and shriveled starter leaves. SLOW growth. faintly yellow leaves.


Plant B. 1 week old. seems fine and healthy. weird leaves.


Plant C. 1 week old. burnt leaf tips. nute burn im guessing. its getting kinda bad. any idea what i should do?


plant D. 1 week old. nice and healthy looking.


the plants are stretching a good bit so i really need to go get another light or two this week. im just guessing but i think both plants A & C are sufering from nute burn. if im wrong could anyone tell me what it is? or maybe a way i can fix this?
thanks for the tip pericodaking.

sorry the pics came out kinda messy. shitty camera.
I don't know what to tell ya man, u really should change that soil, what ya can do is just stop using nutrients for now use only water and maybe if you already have a spray bottle, you can spray a lil water on the leaves every now and then. another thing to consider could be your humidity, add a small bucket of water to your grow space if its enclosed, us a humidifier if have one, if not you can always do it the budget way, get a soaking wet towel hang it on something and point a fan at it, or even how close your lights are to the plant, try keeping then about 3 inches away. hope that helps!
merry 420 everyone! :)
just posting some new pics to keep you guys updated.

plant A has grown slowest of all. so slow its painful. she doesn't look the healthiest either. incredibly small for 3 wk old. i've been considering pulling her for the space and i can replace her but i keep her around just cuz i'd feel bad i guess.

plant B has quickly become my star child. has shown the most growth and is looking nicest of them all. two weeks old and already has more leaf sets than the others.

plant C still has those burn marks on her first leaves but other than that, seems to be growing fine without any newer burns.

plant D is growing nicely. no burns, no problems. can only hope i get some girls out of these.

more babies on the way....

so i should be getting some money this week for a better set up. might rig a grow area under the bed if i can get it up. also i've been thinking of perpetual gardening. sorta like have a couple plants in flower at a time and continually harvest. anyone with any advice on this?
oh and i know its still early but...
when should i sex these babies? about a month?
im excited to see if i have any girls or not.
as it is they are already growing at 12/12 pretty much. they get sunlight from about 8-9 am to around 8 pm and then they get darkness till the next morning. will this mean they will flower automatically? i read there has to be a change in the light cycle for flowering to begin, which is where you would switch to 12/12 lighting from 18/6 or whatever the plants are growing at. but if they are already growing at around 12/12 is there still need for a change in light cycle?
If you do a 12/12 light now then they'll start flowering very soon. Without an 18/6 or 24/0 light you just skip the veg state. So the answer is no lol. Lookin good.
even if they do flower quickly they can be brought back to veg state can't they? by just switching the light cycle?
Taking a plant thats in flower and making it veg again shocks the plant and it takes a while for it to resume growth. That's what I've heard but I've never tried it myself.
ahhh so i see theres a risk... well i've heard 12/12 grows don't yield as much as veg'd plants but i have plenty of seed to grow a small cannaforest. but of course space is a bit of an issue. most, if not all, the plants will be moved outside eventually where mother nature will take over for the most part.

the plants are feeding off of sunlight as it is anyways so i guess it shouldn't disturb them much when they are moved. what do you think?
thanks guys. yea im sure they'll transition fine.

so today i ended up with 3 new sprouts. now a total of 7 plants coming up. we'll see how these three come along.
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