E-rok /first grow bagseed/ 09


New Member
so this is my first go at growing some cannabis. i started my first sprout (A) about a week ago (03/22/09) and i have two more sprouts (B & C) from 3 days ago (03/28/09). so far they've grown off the light on my window sill. they are in pots filled with some hyponex potting sol. only thing i could get without any money. worried the seedlings might be stretching.

where did the seeds come from? not a clue really, friend gives em to me out of his bags so... i know its not the greatest stuff. came from a bag full of kinda browinish pressed-flat buds. brick weed.

i have one 10w floro lamp which i used on the first one a couple times at night. but have stopped when i thought it was burning. am going to re continue overnight lighting with lamp. will invest in some decent lighting very soon. not really sure what i need.

any ways heres the latest pics

plant A


Plant B


Plant C


Night time setup

any help or advice along the way would be awesome. first timer here. hope i have a good season.
it is. it was all i could get since i got it from a friend.
the soil's pretty terrible. its kinda like mud.
but i plan on changing the soil later or filling the new plants with good soil.
ok so i finally got some new soil. its MG but its tons better than the dirt they grew in before.

bad news. plants B and C died. babies just couldn't make it through. but i now have some new sprouts up so hope is not lost. i now have plant A which is 2 weeks old now and three new sprouts (B, C,D) which are all about a week old.

the girls are starting to look a lot healthier in the new soil. new leaves are coming in much faster than before. still need more light for them.

does any one know how far cfl's have to be from the plants? or how many lumens is good for a small 4 sqft area?

ill post up some pictures of the new members later tonight.
I currently have 4 cfls 27 watt each and im gonna get 2 more tomorrow so ill have 6 in total. but if you have a 4ft area i would get 2 for each ft... and i usually keep mine an inch to two not to close and not to far i also keep fan on them so the bulb heat wont build up and burn them. Good to hear they are doing better that old soil was keeping them from growth
thanks guys. i actually have one 27w cfl which hangs about 2-3 in. above them. i guess ill buy one or two more tonight from wal mart. pics up soon.
They're also stretching quite a bit. Did you fill in more soil around them when you replaced with MG soil, which by the way is horrible, but you said you know. Try getting your lights closer.
ok so i think i have a problem...
The oldest plant i have is turning yellow. all the leaves have begun to grow yellow. i thought maybe it needs more root space or something. so i repot it with more soil and im hoping that will fix things a little. any ideas as to whats going on?

well after repotting it, its gained most if it color back. it looks pretty normal now. i moved all the other plants into new bigger pots as well just to avoid another scare like that.
i water it whenever the soil feels dry. about once a day to every other day.
Oh i was just wondering because i you said that your plant was starting to turn yellow and that is what was semi happening to me when i was over watering just curious cant wait to see that baby grow!
actually i found marks along the leaf tips on one of the plants which im guessing is nute burn. i guess thats what i get for using MG soil.

any ideas how to help alleviate the problem?
i just changed the soil and cant really afford another bag of soil right now. im not using any nutes but im pretty sure there are some kind of nutes in the miracle grow soil they're in. should i flush them>?
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