Dyold's Grow 1

Yeahhhh Light Addict. Hard choices!!!! lol. Dyold is already a heavy hitter wow. dude you have a green forearm much more than a thumb

Ah Shottafire man your makin me blush....:blushsmile: Thank you thank you for the compliments Shoottafire and Light Addict :thanks:

I believe I have some preflowering stuff showing up already.



Temperature and Humidity for the night.


Officially switched the lights to 12/12 as of tomorrow 10/10/13 the girls will have their first 12/12 day/night cycle. Video of the girls this morning.

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Dyold your grow is doing really good. Happy Weednesday :thumb:
Dyold your grow is doing really good. Happy Weednesday :thumb:

Hello Beemerbill and thanks for dropping by. Happy Weednesday too you also :ganjamon:
Busy day so I did not get to spend much time with the girls today, one brief pic for the day. :allgood:


Quick question.. When the leaves are touching and you get moisture build up from gassing out, can this be bad ? I am going to add another fan to the equation and see if the additional air movement takes care of this.

Another thought I would love some feedback on with some observations I have had this fall. I noticed on the little plant that I trained outdoors this summer and brought indoors retained its trained shape even after being moved and if anything seemed to spread out as time went by. I am thinking of removing all the girls that are in bondage and let them build some height. Any thoughts on this ? Would it ruin the bush shape or perhaps enhance it...food for thought. Would love feedback.:Namaste:
Hi Dyold,
Garden is looking great man!!:thumb:
IMO once you train a plant with LST and its been in a position for an extended time (2 weeks or more) it pretty much stays where you put it. As the plant grows after LST, the stalk of the plant becomes more rigid and is less likely to move back to its original position. I don't think it will hurt the bushiness of your plant at all, if anything it will get bushier because the stress that the plant was experiencing from the tie down is gone and it might even have a growth spurt. All just an educated guess, no actual experience with this situation, but it won't hurt the plants to try that's for sure.

Good luck
I was thinking along the same lines SG, so I just went for it :rofl:

Houston do we have a problem ? I am seeing this on just one plant atm and It is a little droopy, for sure NOT over watered or under watered. Same amount and type of Nutrients everything is same same. Here are the pic's.


Am I over crowding my plants ? Are they too close together ?

Seeing this on leaf tips also.


Appreciate any conclusions here or PM me please , as I will be researching as your reading this :thankyou:

Temperature and Humidity for the last couple of hours


Could this be my culprit ? I do have a AC unit sitting right next to it.

Ozone Damage:
Ozone damage typically found near the generator. Although a rare problem, symptoms generally appear as a Mg deficiency, but the symptoms are localized to immediately around the generator.
The A/C unit is certainly a good possibility Dyold, I know even with my small 4 inch fans in my closet, if they are blowing to closely to the leaves they show damage or signs of stress. Looks like you caught the problem pretty early though, and it didn't cause to much of an issue.
Good Luck
Quick question.. When the leaves are touching and you get moisture build up from gassing out, can this be bad ? I am going to add another fan to the equation and see if the additional air movement takes care of this.

leaves that touch each other could lead to powdery mildew, try to give your plants some room between each other to minimize contact or consider some light defoliation.
leaves that touch each other could lead to powdery mildew, try to give your plants some room between each other to minimize contact or consider some light defoliation.

I was wondering if some type of mold could have a better chance of forming if this continues, Thank you for the advice KJC. I added a fan and I rearranged my light layout , a real pia to do whilst the lights are running, believe i have a better spacing between plants.

Gave the girls a big flush over a bucket to a quantity of 2.5 -3 gallons of run thru per girl, which took forever. Why the flush you ask , well here is my thinking, It is time to water and If anything could possibly be wrong its most likely too much nutrients or a build up of salts/waste, figured a good run thru of water shouldn't hurt.


Soil PH

Good evening :byebye:

Here we are with less than 20 days remaining in October already...Jeesh time flies when your having fun.

Did some defoliation to keep the girls from sweating each other out and rearranged the lights as I posted yesterday with good results.







Some single plant shots


Canopy is very even in height.


Little much on the pictures tonight..like a proud parent or something :rofl: Enjoy the day :peace:
Thanks KJC. There is for sure some added space taking all those big water leafs out. Hopefully this gets the sweating problem solved. Now to keep my room above 65 F at night with winter barreling down on us.
your plants are looking very good, good job on the even canopy. If you are having trouble keeping your temperature cool during the day during the summer and warm during the night in winter what I do is when i flower i have my lights come on at midnight and turn off at noon. I find that during summer this reduces the overall temperature so the lights are on during the coolest parts of the night and day and during winter the lights are on during the coolest part of the night and day. i believe that during summer this reduces the total cooling energy required during the day required to cool the heat from the house to room temperature and during the winter supplements needed warmth during the night reducing the amount of additional heat required to bring the house up to room temperature.
I was not paying attention on that last post LA and thanks for the props on the defoliation.

I found some bugs on the clones I picked up off another grower and they where outside during the warmer months and low and behold I have found some dreaded bugs...Aphids of some kind if I am not mistaken.


I dropped a big ole 3 n 1 Greenroom bug bomb in the room even though I believe I caught the problem early enough that the spraying with plant soap most likely took care of the problem it never hurts to be preemptive.

Some branch artwork ( LST )


The problem I am having is keeping my room warm at night, I will move my time, hope it don't mess with the girls if I do that.

a Video of the Bugs, look close and you will see one making his escape, I saw this after I had already bombed the room with a 5.5k cubic ft fogger. Glad I did that.

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