Dyold's Grow 1

Spectacular! Very descriptive update Dyold.
KJC! I will start the 18/6 today. Is it easier on the girls if I ease them into it, or will it make no difference?

you can simply reduce the amount of light to 18 hours without gradually diminishing the lighting schedule.
:bravo:Catching up. Glad I got here in time for the fireworks. +reps for a killer journal and grow.


Thank You Pantagruel and welcome to Journal, one of many I am hoping. Will have to drive by your journals for sure and thank you for the reps.
Here is what ended up happening when I started to plan my grow. I read this article How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know then somehow I managed to find this article https://www.------------.com/how-to-scrog-marijuana which of course I had to read https://------------.com/lbh-scrog-tutorial followed by https://------------.com/lbh-4-way-lst-tutorial#clones and needless to say I was determined to grow some medicine.

I naturally returned to 420 MAGAZINE ® because this is by far one of the most reliable depositories of legitimate grower posted and tested information on Marijuana cultivation that I can locate that is freely given and for that I give a big :thanks:

I transplanted only once from solo cups to 5 gallon containers. Light schedule for weeks 1-3 was 20 on 4 off (20/4). I then switched the girls to 12 on 5.5 off 1 on 5.5 off (12/5.5/1/5.5) or Gas Lantern Routine aka GLR light cycle for weeks 4 and 5. This built up the flowering hormones and started the girls down the path to Heaven.

I then just removed the 1 hour of light from the schedule starting week 6 or there abouts. I applied FIMing and Topping combined with Low Stress Training aka LST to some while I just FIMed and LST others from week 1 thru week 6 which I still have yet to post to my Journal. I used Sunshine #4 mix with Fox Farms Big Grow, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom and Cha Ching. Finally I am "flushing" with Humboldt County ES Sweetener during these last weeks.

I used two 6 gallon Carboy's for Co2 production using 3 packets of Champagne yeast introduced to 5 gallons of water with 10 lbs of sugar for a solid 7-10 days of Co2. I connected these to my fans via airlock and hose. Anyway PinkyGreen its pretty simple, keep an eye out for bugs and powdery mildew and make sure you use reliable timers for lights and fans keep the girls green until you want them to finish and you should be fine.

Use the search function on this site and other sites as well. I spent much more time doing research reading this and that, filtering out the BS from the facts and went from there, than I ever spent in my grow room caring for the plants. And without a doubt there are the many people that joined the journal that have given me sound advice which I also say :thanks:

I feel I arrived pretty close to my target without all the strings and things.


Good luck and enjoy. :rollit:

I hope I didn't break any posting etiquette when i posted my research links ( I made a folder <----Geek ) :bigblush:
Anywho.....how many goats ?

Awesome repost canna, and great original statement Dyold. Great grow and has been a pleasure to be here from the start. Looking forward to following all your future endeavours my friend. Also cant wait to see your stats and pics at the end of this one. Great job Sir!!!

Thank you LA I appreciate your genuine remarks and for taking the time out of your day to drop by the Journal. :rollit:

12/04 - Day 52 of Flower @ 12/12 currently I am diminishing the light cycle and have reduced the light to 11 hours with 13 hours of dark time, its falling into Autumn for the ladies. The girls are really sucking out the last of N from the fan leaves so I added 6 teaspoons of Cha Ching to 30 gallons of water for a little nutrients this amount is so miniscule the girls should likely just use whatever was added. They are not much to look at with all the leaves turning yellow. I have them spread out for the Sulfur burn tonight.




Have Fun and Enjoy right now :peace:
You are hitting it out of the park! Looking spectacular!

Thanks RainStacks your girls are looking good also, love your LST girls.
Couple pics of the Ladies after 3 hr sulfur burn in the room last night. Been flushing with water and BS Molasses starting week 7 so the ladies are yellow already.


My 6th light unit arrived the other day and another wall mount fan ( boxes next to the wall). Next grow will be 7kw and hopefully 45 plants for a full medical grow and with the universes help hopefully I can post what a 1800 sq ft canopy grow looks like.

Have fun and enjoy today. :peace: :rollit:
Well here we go starting to take the girls down. Going to harvest in two steps, first all the tops one more watering and another 5-7 days of light. The tops of three of the girls we decided to take out of room tonight.



I washed the bottom row of tops to try the bud wash.


Have fun and enjoy !
Congrats Dyold.
Grats, Dyold! :cheer:

They look great.

I'm really looking forward to your opinion on the washing. It sounds legit, but makes me a little nervous at the same time.

+reps :high-five:

Thank you Dresney, couple pictures of washed freshly harvested bud.



As you can see the trichomes are still safely attached and intact. These where washed in Baking Soda room temp water, rinsed in hot water and then in cold water. Cleaned them very nice and made them stink something fierce. They are drying nicely, going to try the Baking soda with Lemon, I am a tad nervous about adding any type of outside sugars to the bud, however I will try this with some nice tops that I removed earlier.
Updates coming soon, been really busy at this particular time of the year. Thanks and will have some pic's and what not soon. :blunt:
Couple pictures of the medicine on it road to cure.


The Perks of trimming the duff...


One of Many...


couple days on the racks so far will bring some numbers when I get a chance. Happy Holidays to everyone and enjoy :rollit:
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