DWC - Drip Irrigation Scrog 2400W

id be very careful with the pollen from the hermie, it will get in your clothes and on your skin, you will only need to go near your fem plants to spread the pollen to them, also having air moving around will also spread the pollen for miles, so you need to be careful with the pollen, its very easy to ruin a whole crop
id be very careful with the pollen from the hermie, it will get in your clothes and on your skin, you will only need to go near your fem plants to spread the pollen to them, also having air moving around will also spread the pollen for miles, so you need to be careful with the pollen, its very easy to ruin a whole crop

I moved it to a closet on a different floor from my flower room, I hope it's ok, but it was all I could do. Thanks for the input. I am concerned about it. All that work and money spent. It would suck to screw it all up. Especially at day 70! I also have some other plants that are at around day 35 flower. So I am very concerned. I hope I caught it early enough. I had to use a microscope to see the nanners.
5.6 ph is low for flower, im not an expert soil grower so i cant give u the ph it should be at in that media. However in hydro in btween 5.4-5.6 in veg and 5.8-6.0 in flower with a little fluctuation here and there. 5.6 sounds real low to me in soil though, its been a long time since i did a soil grow but if i remember rightly around the 6.2-6.4 was about right for flower.

Just jump on the hydro wagon. I grew coco for years and my biggest regret is that i never went hydro ten years ago. It sounds overly complicated at time but its far easier than growing in soil with multiple times the yield like for like and quality as good as any organic soil grow if done correctly. Hydro systems can be so cheap, the only thing that i would never skimp on now is a quality ph meter. Once u have a quality ph meter and a ppm/ec meter its a walk in park. Stick meter in and adjust accordingly, but to be fair hydro grows look after themselves. I still grow coco but if i could have my own way it would all be dwc.
Thanks Cultivator, I have two grows going now one is finishing in soil and will be my last soil grow the other is DWC, and I'm totally sold on hydro. Hydro is so much easier, and my plants and buds are way better than the soil ones were at the same time in flower. It's way easier. Way faster and I'm doing it right so i know it will be the same quality. I know people say it won't be but IMO they are wrong. Obviously we have to flush it right but you have to do that with soil also and it's ten times harder in soil.
Can you explain. How you use the Ona for the odor control? Right now I have trays filled with ona that the exhaust is blowing air over, how do you do it? The way I'm currently using it the Ona is helping but I am looki g for a Better way to do this. It seems that I should have some kind of box that has a duct going into it. And Ona somehow in the box. I don't know. I'm looking for some ideas
u are probably going through alot of ona doing it this way. I normally have my carbon filter, on the end of my lights with my fan pulling the air through the filter and lights. Then at my out take i'll add a t-piece and tape a jar of ona into that, or if venting into attic i just place an open jar or on next to the out take vent. I use quality rhino carbon filters and its rare they dont do the job but placing the ona this way sorts out any leaks of smell. Ur outtake should be taking the smell where ever that vents to. If u find u are getting smells away from that area when the odours at outtake are treated u probable have positive pressure in the room. So if u use intake fans, it could be filling the room faster than the room is vented, therefore the excess air finds it way out the room whereever it can and carries the smell with it. U should be able to stand on the other side of ur door and smell nothing. Another prob could be that ur outake fan isnt strong enough. Try adding the t-piece to ur duct and place ona in there though, that should make quite the difference. Obviously u will always have an odour when u are stood in the grow room.....

Good move on the hydro. I avoided it for years as folk told me it was too complicated and buds were less quality. With respect to those people that is utter bollocks! Alot of guys who say u cant get the quality have A: never tried it or B: tried it and done it wrong. Hydro doesnt need to be complicated and u dont get any simpler than dwc. Not only is it so simple, its also the best way to grow IMO. As long as u have quality ph meter and ppm/ec meter u'll be cooking on gas. ;)
u are probably going through alot of ona doing it this way. I normally have my carbon filter, on the end of my lights with my fan pulling the air through the filter and lights. Then at my out take i'll add a t-piece and tape a jar of ona into that, or if venting into attic i just place an open jar or on next to the out take vent. I use quality rhino carbon filters and its rare they dont do the job but placing the ona this way sorts out any leaks of smell. Ur outtake should be taking the smell where ever that vents to. If u find u are getting smells away from that area when the odours at outtake are treated u probable have positive pressure in the room. So if u use intake fans, it could be filling the room faster than the room is vented, therefore the excess air finds it way out the room whereever it can and carries the smell with it. U should be able to stand on the other side of ur door and smell nothing. Another prob could be that ur outake fan isnt strong enough. Try adding the t-piece to ur duct and place ona in there though, that should make quite the difference. Obviously u will always have an odour when u are stood in the grow room.....

Good move on the hydro. I avoided it for years as folk told me it was too complicated and buds were less quality. With respect to those people that is utter bollocks! Alot of guys who say u cant get the quality have A: never tried it or B: tried it and done it wrong. Hydro doesnt need to be complicated and u dont get any simpler than dwc. Not only is it so simple, its also the best way to grow IMO. As long as u have quality ph meter and ppm/ec meter u'll be cooking on gas. ;)

That's a great idea about adding the T and the jar of Ona. I am getting a negative pressure, I run a 6" inline extraction fan in the tent and one in the flowering room. Both of these grow areas are in the Same room. I wish I would have gone with 10" fans though. Oh well live and learn, right?

I've been checking out differant hydro grows, and from my own recent Experiance with it, it's deffinately the way to go, as you said it just has to be done right. What are you using for nutes? I have been using AN, I k is there is a lot of controversy, buti love the stuff. It ain't cheap but its the route I am going for now. Are you using RO water? I have been using tap wAter withe chlorine bubed off as I think you told me a couple of months ago. I am switching to RO though because lately my base TDS in my tap water has been 450 ppm. This kind of thru me off because my Rez TDS seems to never go down. I was reading this wrong, I was reading my TDS after I added back pure water, which wAs always adding back 450 ppm. So I started checking before I added water and realized the plants are in fact eating. The lroem is that if I change the Rez soup every 10 days, at 10 days I'm still reading 1350 ppm, at this point it's what ever is in the water. I think it's ca which means I'm gona start haveing a mag deficiency. I think. Supposedly, and this I s of the things I like a bout AN the ca/ mag is in the base so I won't need to add more. This is part of the reason that I'm changing to ro water. I do think that the chlorine is beneficial though and will have to use h202 or clear Rez to keep bacteria threats at bay. Clear Rez is a product that came with my cloner it works wonders. As it turns out after doing some research it's chlorine! That kind of tripped me out. Here I was trying to bubble off the chlorine and then adding it back in. The reason I need this kind of treatment is because my Rez temps are always around 78, but IMO opinion I haven't had a bacteria problem because of the chlorine in the tap water.

My next grow will be in a 6 site diy ebb & flow system. It's so easy to make and it works great! My friend made one, its sooo easy and I ce set up pretty much runs by itself. You can easily build it with less than $200. It's really versatile you can take out and add sites in about 10 seconds, anyways can't wait to start my next grow in it.

Thanks for the great idea with Ona and the T!
Hey C, have a quick question. Do you use a bubble cloner or aero? And if its aero what is timer set on? Im planning on dusting my aero cloner off and using it again in my new veg/clone space. Thanks! Great info on the carbon filter and ona.

aero. on 24/7, only tap water no nutes. just a clean cut on cutting, no scrapping. roots in a week, bush of roots in 2.
That's a great idea about adding the T and the jar of Ona. I am getting a negative pressure, I run a 6" inline extraction fan in the tent and one in the flowering room. Both of these grow areas are in the Same room. I wish I would have gone with 10" fans though. Oh well live and learn, right?

I've been checking out differant hydro grows, and from my own recent Experiance with it, it's deffinately the way to go, as you said it just has to be done right. What are you using for nutes? I have been using AN, I k is there is a lot of controversy, buti love the stuff. It ain't cheap but its the route I am going for now. Are you using RO water? I have been using tap wAter withe chlorine bubed off as I think you told me a couple of months ago. I am switching to RO though because lately my base TDS in my tap water has been 450 ppm. This kind of thru me off because my Rez TDS seems to never go down. I was reading this wrong, I was reading my TDS after I added back pure water, which wAs always adding back 450 ppm. So I started checking before I added water and realized the plants are in fact eating. The lroem is that if I change the Rez soup every 10 days, at 10 days I'm still reading 1350 ppm, at this point it's what ever is in the water. I think it's ca which means I'm gona start haveing a mag deficiency. I think. Supposedly, and this I s of the things I like a bout AN the ca/ mag is in the base so I won't need to add more. This is part of the reason that I'm changing to ro water. I do think that the chlorine is beneficial though and will have to use h202 or clear Rez to keep bacteria threats at bay. Clear Rez is a product that came with my cloner it works wonders. As it turns out after doing some research it's chlorine! That kind of tripped me out. Here I was trying to bubble off the chlorine and then adding it back in. The reason I need this kind of treatment is because my Rez temps are always around 78, but IMO opinion I haven't had a bacteria problem because of the chlorine in the tap water.

My next grow will be in a 6 site diy ebb & flow system. It's so easy to make and it works great! My friend made one, its sooo easy and I ce set up pretty much runs by itself. You can easily build it with less than $200. It's really versatile you can take out and add sites in about 10 seconds, anyways can't wait to start my next grow in it.

Thanks for the great idea with Ona and the T!

couple things.

firstly, imo dont go full ro if possible, that can cause its own probs. if u can make it work great. but if ur reading is high go half and half, that way u water down the minerals but still get their benefit.

secondly, chlorine is a definate no no for growing. im not aware of he product u use but it wouldnt be me. I'd go with liquid o2 for sanitation (peroxide). Not only will u keep pathogens at bay at higher temps, u will also oxygenate the water. used sensibly it is great asset for hydro.

I emplore u to try dwc before building ur ebb and flo system. its cheaper to set up and imo its the best way to grow. u need the same ph and ec/ppm/tds meter for any hydro and so long as u have that ur laughing. A bucket, a net pot, an airstone, how simple is that? But if ebb and flow is the way i wish u all the very best. ebb and flow is just dwc with dry periods lol.

As far as nutes go, ive ran all sorts over the years. Right now in running dutch pro as my base nutrient. Its huge in Holland and it works. Its far cheaper than AN, dutch pro dont try make a million side products to get u to part with cash, quite like bpn. Speaking of BPN i am considering trialling it as i hear good things but the truth is, although i beleive absolutely that cory from bpn has a good product, i dont believe it will do better than what i use now. So its a question of preference. with AN try not to get sucked into all of their marketing hype, its all about money. Having said that they do have some good products, bud ignitor being one of them, it works great especially in coco.

Currently i run:
Dutch pro a+b grow, Dutch pro a+b bloom, Dutch pro explode, AN voodoo juice, House and Garden roots excellurator, AN bud ignitor, superthrive, b-52 and carboload. I play around with diff things here and there, foliar spray with nitrozyme. Oh and cannazyme and guardian for root enzymes. I never get root rot and i run at higher than recommended temps. I use peroxide to sterilise and i put a little in res if i dont use guardian and cannazyme, the peroxide kills the enzymes. check out dutch pro, i not sure if its available where u are but its the best base nutrient ive used so far, and the explode is great too.
Thanks, I just took cuttings today to put them in the aero cloner. But I forgot it wasnt needed to scrap. Will they still root normal even though I scrapped the stem? Also do I need a dome over top of them?

Yeah they'll still root mate, so long as they are healthy cuttings. Personally i do use a dome, ur cutttings will root without one but i find they root slightly faster with the dome on, its not a must though. I'd def have sprayers on 24/7, ive tried different timings and for me this is the most effective. Make sure u have air stones in res, u can use aerocloner without them, but again it will act as dwc wen roots hit res and keep nasties at bay.
Yeah they'll still root mate, so long as they are healthy cuttings. Personally i do use a dome, ur cutttings will root without one but i find they root slightly faster with the dome on, its not a must though. I'd def have sprayers on 24/7, ive tried different timings and for me this is the most effective. Make sure u have air stones in res, u can use aerocloner without them, but again it will act as dwc wen roots hit res and keep nasties at bay.

Thanks C. I have a air stone in the res as well. Im running it 24/7 along with the sprayers. I didnt have a dome to fit over top of the bin so I made individual domes for each site out of foam cups and sandwich bags. Works great,. So far so good. I did as you said and added hygrozyme, super thrive and rhino skin/silicon. Other then that only problem is keeping the res temps down so Im actually about to go out right now and pick up some pint size milk cartons to freeze them. Keeping the res at 5.8 -6.0. It seems to creep up over nght so I usually drop it below 5.8 I say around 5.2 so that when it rises it will hopefully teeter around 5.8 and stay there. I had great success with propagation tray and dome but im not going to lie they look alot healthier in the aero. I guess doing it the right way is and will be best when using areo/hydro. Thanks alot again C.
Peroxide is a must for all hydro. I use it constantly at a 0.03% solution.

I'd say it's a must to have on hand. But only use if root issues arise. I haven't had a need to use it in about a year. Ever since I added a chiller.
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