Hey Cultivator, your grows are looking great.
I hope you don't mind, but I thought I'd throw out something. There was mention of Voodoo Juice earlier in the thread. Now I used VooDoo juice through 2-3 grows and loved it. I was talking to Cory of BPN a while back and we went on to some discussion about roots and such. To keep it simple, he suggested I look for a nutrient supplement that had lots of Glomus (like 5-8 types or something) in it and use it from early on in veg through 1st week of flower. I found Fox Farms Bush Doctor Microbe Brew. It costs tons less than Voodoo juice (which doesnt have glomus) and mixes at 5ml per gal. I've used this now through 2 grows and I'm really happy. Roots get those skeletal branches to them that we want. Just like Voodoo Juice but at a fraction of the cost.
I love RDWC, it's so simple. Sure, in the learning curve we may have 20-200 gal leaks and floods through the house, but hey if we didn't it would be too boring amiright?
I've got about 8 x 5gal buckets that are going to the trash because of learning curve changes. Things like 3/4" grommet-hose type recirc that's too slow (but worked fine), to making 1.5" pvc uniseal buckets that had sealing epoxy added before installing pvc and thus refused to expand allowing pvc installation. But with each screw up comes a lesson learned and an improvement to my methods.
Today I could build a 8 bucket RDWC with 1.5" high flow pvc, pump, chiller, air stones, for under $400 and the biggest cost would be $200+ for the chiller. Purchase a similar system pre made and you would spend $1200 and wouldn't even have a chiller!
I look forward to more awesome stuff from your methods for me to apply.