DWC - Drip Irrigation Scrog 2400W

no light. or very lil[like shaded light. and definatly no heat. ] i leave leaf on and it takes about 3 to 5 days as they still grow tricomes and get very sticky. i take everything down to smaller branches at the 4 day mark when the out side leaf starts to crumble[get lighter in color] and trim as that happens. below 35% humidity and i pack them together and seperate them all the time.and small fan on. long slow dry cure.
ok i have been and defoliated my 24 pot flood and drain system today. It is 21 of 12/12 today and as u can see the flower formation is great. I havent stripped them bare, i took around 50% of large leaf off and some lower stems that wont produce much.

I made a recovery feed which consisted of:

175litres tap water e/c 0.3

Canna Aqua Flores A+B 600ml e/c 1.5
Dutch pro explode 120ml
Rhizotonic 350ml
B-52 150ml
superthrive 40ml
ph-bloom (phosphoric acid) 30ml

PH 5.8













Looking great Cultivator -

Really great flower formation for 21 days as you stated. Nice work! :bravo:
Hi there Cultivator,
I just finished reading 42 pages. I like how you grow and how you run things. I joined the party and subscribed.

I have a small grow room now (only for veg state). I plan to make another two rooms, and get rid of the existing one.
I am looking to go into DWC, same as you, but i tend to rethink things over and over till the last second.

thanks x. the ams really suited to hydro, and for some reason the flower formation is faster in the flood and drain than it is in the dwc. they get exact same nute regime. maybe it likes the dry periods.

Since i want to have two separate rooms (veg/clones and flower), do you think is a good idea to go with DWC for the vegetative room and something more dry, like flood and drain or so on, for the flowering room?

Do you think it would harm the plants the transplant from dwc into flood/drain?

Thanks. Cheers!
Hey C whats that OXY stuff you use again? Is that good in soil or should I use 3% peroxide?

i use oxyplus. its just horticulturale peroxide but not sure what strength. i dont advise using it in soil as it will kill all beneficials and i only use in coco to kill pests but only on very hardy well rooted plants. what u thinking of using it for and why? then i can help u more.
hi tony and welcome. i hope u have enjoyed the journal.

Since i want to have two separate rooms (veg/clones and flower), do you think is a good idea to go with DWC for the vegetative room and something more dry, like flood and drain or so on, for the flowering room?

Do you think it would harm the plants the transplant from dwc into flood/drain?

Thanks. Cheers!

i wouldnt transplant from dwc to flood and drain. the roots will develop differntly for dwc and with flood and drain u want the clones or plants in some substrate like clay pebbles or perlite. its always best to go like for like. its def possible to do but its not ideal and i wouldnt unless there was no option. what experience do u have?
i buy cheep dollor store hydrogen peroxide. i use 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. for the fill of the resivoir. and dont add it unless my water temp is too high.or if i need to wipe and or kill something i use it stronger. i also keep micro brew around[fox farm] and use that regular.and/or a fish tank microbe bio for under water plants and wastse management. has good bugs in it.use that as directed. if your bio's are good and high[should be ,you use molases if i recall] then adding to water to take out clorines ect and kill bad bugs is ok. just dont flush with it. it can kill all the microbes. but there are tabs and liquids out there and it is all h2o2. it will put oxy in the water. i have temp sensors all over the place . and use air stones in the water.
Great job goin on here C.

You guys in UK would love Blue Planet Nutrients if Cory gets it over there. I use his 2 part line with his Vita Blue (same as AN B52), his Liquid Seaweed, and his Liquid Blue Bloom Booster. For non BPN products I use Fox Farm Bush Doctor through veg to 1st week of flower (a microbe brew for root development) and Hygrozyme.

Btw, I saw the naysayers post in that thread you linked and just had to respond. I hope it didn't start a pissing contest.

So here's some humor for ya to lighten things up a bit. I finally got everything jarred up and curing and cleaned out the tent, sanitized stuff and got it so when I got the heater repair guy over there was no way he'd notice the grow(s). So he came by today and fixed the heater (been heating 2100 sq ft home with the oven/stove for two weeks). as soon as he was gone I took clones and made up nutrient mix and moved vegging girls into tent with plans to flip them in about 5 days. So all was good, rdwc recirculating nicely, but I noticed I wanted to rotate a plant in the back around a bit. Step into the tent, slip, step on recirulating pump, BAM!, knock off the output fitting, face and chest full of nutrient geyser, slap off the power, flip the flow valve off, and look at 2 gals of nutrient all over the tent which we already know leaks underneath to the carpet if wet.

Twenty minutes later the tent is dry. the carpet of course will not be, but hopefully not too bad. Fortunately I have a spare pump and extracted the old fitting out and put a new fitting in from the new spare pump and everything is running perfectly again.

I swear if it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all sometimes. Of all the places for my foot to land.

Edit: oh btw, my vote of course is to go RDWC.
lmao you and i are both having some type of water nute issues. lol. damm.i am haveing issues with the city water all over the place and keeping it ok with way high tds and way low ph. and i am tripping in my head over it while you are physically tripping over it and taking a shower. thats too funny.
hahahaha its not funny......lol but it is haha

ive messaged bpn but its the shipping im worried about and not the cost.. Im just a little paranoid about customs. remember ive done time for growing so dont want loads grow nutes coming to my address from abroad. i will definately trial the line, its just finding someone to order for me.

some people will always hate or have opinions before understanding full picture. its not about a pissing contest, its about asked or finding the facts before attacking. being well prepared so to speak. Ive been growing a long time and done lots wrong as i never used the net and learned by trial and error. im not the gospel on growing, far from it, but and its a big but, i do get results. it could be down to many things, but ive put my time in and i just dont appreciate being called a liar without anything to challenge me.

but no worries, enjoy ur wet carpet hahahaha
i use oxyplus. its just horticulturale peroxide but not sure what strength. i dont advise using it in soil as it will kill all beneficials and i only use in coco to kill pests but only on very hardy well rooted plants. what u thinking of using it for and why? then i can help u more.

To retain the o2 in the root zone thats all. Just something basic but im going all coco next grow i can use it in that right?
@Cultivator Thank you foe your answer.:thanks:
I have zero experience what so ever. This is my first grow. I am still in veg state. Custom ikea (lol) Drip on rockwool and clay pebbles.

I want to change my system, and i am open minded and i believe the try and error methods. (i hope less errors :P).

I would like to ask you few questions and i would really appreciate your opinion (witch i value a lot). I don't want to bug the hell out of you, but i really would like to speak with you about what i want to do and how i do things now.

Oh... Excuse my English. My grammar sux.
...and i cannot send private messages. great.
Just caught up on what i have missed over the last few weeks C!
Awesome pics bro and good looking gals!
Also read that thread with the defol argument and well there are always gonna be haters! Just most hate simply because not through experience! Defoliation works for me and plenty of other growers and that is fact! Most of the people stating it does not work simply have shit grows and blame the tools not the tradesman!

My opinion anyway!

Love your work mate! +reps

To retain the o2 in the root zone thats all. Just something basic but im going all coco next grow i can use it in that right?

dont use h2o2 for that in coco and soil mate. u better off mixing ur coco 50/50 with perlite and that will keep o2 in the root zone. it will draw air into the roots as u feed. i only use it to kill pests when not using for hydro mate. if u do use it, just go 1/4 recommended strength or u'll end up with bare roots with poor capillary action.

I would like to ask you few questions and i would really appreciate your opinion (witch i value a lot). I don't want to bug the hell out of you, but i really would like to speak with you about what i want to do and how i do things now.

You can ask questions here mate. thats what journals are for, sharing info. dont be shy, theres no stupid questions if u dont know something.

Just caught up on what i have missed over the last few weeks C!
Awesome pics bro and good looking gals!
Also read that thread with the defol argument and well there are always gonna be haters! Just most hate simply because not through experience! Defoliation works for me and plenty of other growers and that is fact! Most of the people stating it does not work simply have shit grows and blame the tools not the tradesman!

Hi mate, where u been hiding? Congrats on the pregnancy!

People will always have differences of opinion, but thats life i guess. Thanks for the reps mate.
Thanks mate.
First thing first. Defoliation. I want to defoliate my plants. My growing space is 57cm x 79cm. I have 4 plants. A bit tight the space, but i believe that i can make it work for vegetation this round. (for the next round i will change the rooms)

The plants are about 4 weeks old and measure about 25-30 cm in height. They didn't stretch, they are bushy.



(the pics above were made 6 days ago)

The plants have big fan leaves. Under them there are a great number of developing branches that i feel they are under lighted.

Is there a proper time, when you prefer to defoliate? And a level / technique you use?

I wasn't against defoliating, just afraid of my first grow taken down by my blade. Now, since the space is tight, and since soon i will have to take clones, my blade will cut here and there anyway.

I would rather defoliate to let the new branches enjoy the light and afterwards, when they develop and the plant finish recovery to take the clones.

Since my plants are in week 4, in a month or so i will have to move them into the flowering room. For that to happen i want to schedule my next move, to allow the plant to have time to develop the best she can.

Thanks. Any advice is more than welcome.
If you mind posting pictures on your thread we can change location,but i believe here, more people will read/reply your comments and take notes :)
dont go crazy with defoliation as u are still learning how the plants grow naturally. I'd just take off a few leaves here and there to let light through. 50% of fan leaves max at this point. i just use my fingers to snap them with a downward motion but u should use a pair of sharp scissors or snips. in veg u can be a little more brutal but be careful not to damage growth nodes.

oh and what size lights u flowering with, it'll take a little longer to recover under cfls.
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