Hey mate
so if u look at H2O2 as a tool rather than an additive first. H2o2 is hydrogen peroxide, when it goes into water a chemical reaction starts that frees up oxygen which in turn oxygenates the water. But It is caustic, it can strip roots bare or dissolve them altogether if too strong a dose is applied. Also if used every res change the roots are in a constant state of repair. I use H2O2 as a sterilizing agent firstly. I'll run it through my system in high doses in between grows to kill any nasties, its more effective than bleach and less harmfull if some residue remains. I Some times go whole grows with out applying it, as if he root zone is healthy then its unnecessary. if roots ever look slimey or brown (make sure its not just dye from nute) I will make weak solution in a bucket and wash the roots off, i would then change my res out with just my base nute and weak H2O2, that will ensure if there were nastys in res they be gone. I'd maybe use once in veg (if vegging longer than 3 weeks) and then once or twice in flower just to help roots strip any shit off and give a little oxygen boost. As I said its a tools not an additive.
Enzymes are completely different to H2O2. They are living single celled organisms that help break down dead organic material and help the plants reuse this matter as nutrient. Now im not a scientist so i cant tell u exactly how they work, there will be more qualified than i to give more specifics. But in any substrate (soil, coco, rockwool, clay pebbles, dwc etc) enzymes are a must for healthy roots, as ia a healthy rhizosphere. Basically as healthy a root system as possible. U have enzymes such as cannazyme, sensizyme, hygrozyme and others all of which can be used in any substrate. I personally use cannazyme as thats whats easiest available to me and it works. U also have beneficial bacteria and fungi which work to make chains with the roots and hold onto nutrients to be used later on and act as protective buffers. Its quite complex subject as there are so many diff types but over time bacteria's and fungi have learned to help plants with uptake of nutes in exchange for carbohydrates.
Using H2O2 with enzymes and beneficials will kill them. The H2O2 kills organic living things so thats why u dont mix. And that is why u dont over use H2O2 also as u cannot create a good rhizosphere. If u use it through a grow u are sterilizing ur rez so u need to reintroduce the good stuff after using. Some people will argue that a sterile rez in hydro is safer as where good bacteria can grow then bad will follow. But i find the opposite, if u fill the res will good beneficials first opportunistic bad bacterias will rarely get into the res as the good stuff is not leaving anything for the bad to feed on.
I cant stress enough the importants of a solid root zone. U'll never see a high yielding, potent healthy plant with poor roots. Great roots = excellent bud.
Bit long winded but hope this helps.