DWC - Drip Irrigation Scrog 2400W

in 12x12 id run 4 600w hps min, maybe even 6. when i use tents i go with 1.2x2.4x2metres (4x8x6.5foot) and use either 2 600w or 2 1000w, just depends where i am doing the grow and what equipment i am not using as i rarely buy new lights now because i have enough to fill a large unit. Off 2 600w hps i am averaging 55oz dry. In a tent that size i will have 10 21litre dwc pots, 5 per side as in this journal. Or i will have 18-20 6.5 litre square pots with coco/perlite mix so 9-10 per side. U could put more plants in if u do them as hempys, then i'd put 120-140 in but its a ball ache knocking them over and manually feed every day for me. remember its not about the number of plants, its how u grow them under that footprint that matters. 4 well trained plants may well yield more than 10 plants squashed in.

Cultivator based on your experince with 2l hempys how many 2l's would you put under 2x600's or 3x600's? Also for 2l' hemp would you go with 2x1000's or 3x600's? Thanks
prob 2 1000w be better in that space and i'd go for min 120

Good looking out. Well I thought about going with the 600's since it would be less power usage plus 420fied was able to avg almost 15 grams per 2l using 600's. Even if I have to veg a little to achieve 14-15 grams per plant I will. I did the math and I would be able to fit (3) xxxl mangnum hoods in a 5x9 tent to cover a 4x8 tray full of hempy bottles.
ok so its start of week 5 from 12/12 today. plants are getting very bushy again, will defoliate again at weekend.






The flood drain system plants are starting to take off now. What a nightmare i had. The timer on the control unit failed so they werent getting flooded. I cant get there everyday so they were almost dead when i got there and realised. They are 3 weeks into veg and i'd of normally flipped by now but i will leave it till weekend to flip to let the smaller plants catch up. I havent trained these so much, as i just cant be there alot and the guy that minds them is a novice so best to do the minimum.





Plants are looking beautiful.
hmmm..im using genereal hydroponics 3 part flora with sensizym and cal/mag,once they get past the transition I add bud candy and kushie kush and then overdrive and final phase.its a 40 gallon res and im replacing 5 gallons a day right now I think that is why the ph is dropping,the nutes are concentrating,I used to use a dutch nutrient that I never had problems with.Ive been thinking about trying BPN been hearing good things about them.

I can use anywhere from a gallon and a half to 4 gallons a day in my flo n gro system. A lot depends on the amount of heat. How much the plants transpire and RH will all determine how much water is used a day.
quick update on flood and drain grow.

So finally things are running smoothly without incident here. turned lights off on sat for 36 hours then switched to 12/12. these pics were taken on sat before the flip.





There are a few plants that are a bit smaller than the others and they arent as uniform as i'd like but im on a time scale that meant i had to flip whether i liked it or not. but i think they will be fine and any that arent so good could be pulled although its not really necessary as they arent in the way.
so we are on week 7 of 12/12 now. i think this grow will possibly go a week lomger than usual as i defoliated too early and it slowed growth considerably. I havent really taken anything else off as i just havent had the time to do anything other than the res changes.

Here is my secret ingredient, House and Gardens shooting powder. This stuff is amazing i kid u not. But there are draw backs to using it. it must be timed right for it to work to its full effect or it will start ripening buds prematurely, and u must use it only on healthy plants. it makes the plants go into overdrive and if u use it with any deficiencies or problems there is potential for disaster. However i have tried many boosts and nothing compares that ive used for how dense it makes the buds, it definately packs extra weight on when used correctly. i have half the tent running dutch pro explode and half shooting powder with everything else identical.




and here are some general pics










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