Dutchman’s Pheno Hunt!

Pheno Hunting

Hello everyone! I was meaning to get this up last night but I got a little busy and didn’t get it completed. I have been researching the process behind Pheno hunting and selecting mothers. To make this easier I have separated this into 2 parts.

Part 1

Pheno hunting is the process of narrowing down a selected strain for the dominant genetic features expressed from a specific plant. When looking at selecting a specific Pheno from a group the same seeds there is a selection of traits looked at to choose the best and strongest mother (or father) plants. In the early growth phase of seedling to later Veg some of the best traits to be monitoring are:

-Root Development
-Node Spacing
-Vegetative Growth and Development

These features expressed are critical to picking a strong mother.

Part 2
We know Veg growth is very important but so is the end product. If you have an incredibly strong plant all through Veg that produces poorly come flower time then it’s not a trait you want to keep. Allowing each plant to grow from seed to harvest with a cure and test smoke will help you determine which is best for you. Before sending the plants into flower it’s important to take a clone, mark it and get it rooted before flowering. Once in flower mode the next process of the Pheno Hunt begins. Paying attention to the development of the plants buds and growth duration. After successfully growing your plant from seed to harvest it’s important to give it a dry and smoke test before doing a final selection. This will help ensure you have found the highest potential from your group to select your mother from. A few traits to keep an eye on are:

-Bud Development

If all the boxes are checked and your happy with the smoke and look then you have found your keeper! Toss away your other plants and begin a dedicated mother plant of your specially selected gem!

This here is how I will be going about selecting my mothers to keep around for years to come. Once I have selected and started my special mothers they will remain in Veg state as a bonsai mother.

I hope this helps you in some way if you decide to do a Pheno Hunt of your own someday. It’s quite simple really as long as your paying attention to your plants and monitoring their lifecycle you will do great!

If there’s anything you can add to this that I may have missed or forgotten please feel free! I’m still new at this pheno hunting thing and I’m up for learning whatever I can!

:thanks: and Stay Medicated
Pheno Hunting​

Hello everyone! I was meaning to get this up last night but I got a little busy and didn’t get it completed. I have been researching the process behind Pheno hunting and selecting mothers. To make this easier I have separated
Hit send too soon? Sitting here like "what did he seperate?!??!! Lol lol
Been meaning to thank ya for the tips on lower temp dabs.

@bebes de zorrillos hooked me up with a fat ass booger of rosin. I've been playing with different temps all morning.

Think I'm dialed in now... finally made it to Terp Town! Haha!

On a side note... I've been searching around for a press, and think I can actually get away cheaper by building my own. I found a 6 ton bench top (bottle jack) press for $90, and a good sized set of plates & controller for like $180. I might pull the trigger... gotta squirrel some money away next month.

Been meaning to thank ya for the tips on lower temp dabs.

@bebes de zorrillos hooked me up with a fat ass booger of rosin. I've been playing with different temps all morning.

Think I'm dialed in now... finally made it to Terp Town! Haha!

On a side note... I've been searching around for a press, and think I can actually get away cheaper by building my own. I found a 6 ton bench top (bottle jack) press for $90, and a good sized set of plates & controller for like $180. I might pull the trigger... gotta squirrel some money away next month.


That’s awesome Preston! Glad you found your sweet spot for dabs! It makes the flavour so much better and way smoother!

I’m interested to see how you will build your press! Looking forward to it brother and once you squeeze once there’s no going back!
That’s awesome Preston! Glad you found your sweet spot for dabs! It makes the flavour so much better and way smoother!

I’m interested to see how you will build your press! Looking forward to it brother and once you squeeze once there’s no going back!
I'm thinking something along these lines...


Still looking at different companies for the plates & controller, but... you get the idea.
May 28

Hey everyone! What’s goin on! Day 25 today and these girls are getting big!

So after all the girls got started on their quadline adventure they have all been doing well. They seem to be picking up steam again and as their branches get bigger I’ll begin training down and outward! Here’s a picture of Canuk Cookies #2

Yesterday the CBD girls poked their heads above soil. So today I’m calling Day-1! Introducing the CBD babies!

The Purple Gorilla Autos are growing good and I’m happy with how they look so far. My only wish was that they were a bit bigger before they started flowering. Here they are today enjoying life!

So the Critical+2.0 mother is due for a cleanup. She’s bushy and needs to be thinned out. I’ve got a buddy asking for a bunch of clones so I’ll get to that tomorrow! Here she is today all thick and lush! I’ll take some photos of her cleanup tomorrow and my cloning process!

Well the garden is rockin and training time is just around the corner now! It won’t be long till I’ll be pulling out the clips and ties to start spreading these girls out! I’m going to have to spread them out in the 3x3 soon to give them some space. The trays I’m using now are keeping things neat but a little clustered so tomorrow I’ll be moving everyone around! Anyways that’s about it for this update!

One Love and Stay Medicated
May 31

Well Hello Hello! What’s up everyone! I hope your all well and ready for the weekend. I wanted to get an update on here last night but I was beat after a long day of work and then an even longer evening of transplanting!
I ended up moving all the girls around and boy what a job that was! 6x girls went into 5Gal fabric pots to prep for future flowering and the remainder of the girls went into 3Gal pots which I’ll be transplanting out of later on!

All of them had nice strong healthy rootballs.

I sprinkled the bottom of the hole with Mykos and after a light spray with a mister on the roots I sprinkled them down with Mykos as well! After getting them placed I watered them all in with a nice feeding of MegaCrop at 4.0g/Gal. Next feeding I’ll be giving them another dose of SweetCandy as well.

The plants I’ve chosen to flower first are:
-Wedding Cake #2
-Wedding Cake #4
-Canuk Cookies #1
-BadAzz Kush #1
-BadAzz Kush #2
-BadAzz Kush #3
They will all enjoy a good few weeks of veg before flip! Here they are yesterday after transplanting.

The 2 wedding cake girls I chose this round were the strongest and healthiest of the 4 so far so I chose them to bring the other ones back to full strength! Canuk Cookies was just a good way to fill in a 3rd spot and then I chose the 3 BadAzz Kush because with one being a triploid and the other 2 being strong candidates for the Pheno Hunt it made sense. I had 6 open spots to fill the 4x4 and they won! I want to flower the Purple Queen / Pink Kush and the remaining Canuk Cookies in the Mars tent once the purple Gorilla autos are down! They should be a great array of colours and smells and I’m excited to put the SP-150s to the test!

One thing I’m noticing is how strong a few of these girls smell already. The BadAzz and Wedding Cake ladies smell something fierce when you rub up against them! I’m super exited to see and smell them when they get to flowering!

The Critical+2.0 mother is thriving and doing great! She’s sitting comfortably with a bunch of clones that I think may be rooting soon! I’m really excited to see the first roots in my Bubble Cloner!

Well it was a lot of work getting these girls all moved around but I’m excited to watch them grow and begin the training! They will need to start being spread out and tied down tomorrow or Sunday! Let the fun begin!

Stay Medicated gang!
Highya Dutchie,

Very impressive lineup. They all look so good. And your cloner looks like you have another winner. Very thorough as always. Good job! Cheers
Coming along nicely, how do you like the SP 150's?
Well with my first round of autos I was impressed with the buds they produced very dense and Trichome rich but never really got to experience the veg power of these SP150s! Doing a full round this time I’m extremely impressed with how strong they are. I’m very happy with how they push the plants in veg and I’m even more excited to push their abilities come flower! I still haven’t turned on the 3rd SP-150 yet because just the 2 of them are strong for veg in the 3x3! I’ll be turning the 3rd one on just as we go into flower!

Looks good from down here!
Thanks Shed! I’m happy with how things are progressing so far!

Highya Dutchie,

Very impressive lineup. They all look so good. And your cloner looks like you have another winner. Very thorough as always. Good job! Cheers
Thanks a bunch Bode! I’ve spotted the first root modules poking through the stalk on 2 of the critical clones so I think it’s a success! Picture of them to come in todays update! Hope your well brother
Great update, Dutch! Everything is looking nice and green. :high-five:
I sprinkled the bottom of the hole with Mykos and after a light spray with a mister on the roots I sprinkled them down with Mykos as well!
Have you noticed a significant benefit to adding the Mykos at transplant?
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