Dutchman’s 1st Grow Ever: 2018

Looks amazing!

Much better than my attempt at Early Miss...

Had a whole batch of spogs.
Looks amazing!

Much better than my attempt at Early Miss...

Had a whole batch of spogs.

Did you end up growing those out! My 2 early miss plants have been crazy strong from the beginning I’ve been training all my autos from the start and they have all faired very well from it! I think I will train all my autos from here on out. I want to SOG my Gorilla Bomb (gorilla glue x THC bomb) by bombs seeds this winter. But that’s after another autoflower run!
Did you end up growing those out! My 2 early miss plants have been crazy strong from the beginning I’ve been training all my autos from the start and they have all faired very well from it! I think I will train all my autos from here on out. I want to SOG my Gorilla Bomb (gorilla glue x THC bomb) by bombs seeds this winter. But that’s after another autoflower run!
Hell yeah I grew them out! LoL :rofl::rofl:

That was my very first grow. No lights yet, windowsill grow in a hot ass shed. I had to have picked the most unforgiving strain for my first run.

Hello and good day everyone!! I’ve been having a blast with these girls so far and the smell that’s starting to come from my tent is succulent and sweet I must say!

Early Miss 1
Still not flowering yet but extremely healthy! Her flowers sites are ready to start exploding! ( I hope lol )

White Widow 1
She is impressing me more each day! The stretch was biggest on her and has shown an amazing amount of flower sites! All the spacing on the nodes are nice and tight approximately 1” apart all the way down! Her flowers have just started to pack on some size hoping to see more of that in the next few weeks before switching her over to her final phase nutes!

White Widow 2
Now she has been a bit of a buggar lately trying to get her back on track. She has a flush 7 days ago. Runoff pH was 5.6 so today we went back to 1/4 strength nutes. There are some old leaves that had the spotting from previous pH problems but have since yellowed further and spotted finished. After flush center growth has Greened and stayed healthy. The old growth looks sad though I must say! Hoping that it doesn’t result in any problems with harvest weight or quality! But for my first grow it’s a good learning lesson!

The buds on WW2 have the most girth so far and are smelling lovely! Please send me your thoughts !! Any and all are appreciated!

EM2 I forgot to get pictures of today as I was running out of time! She’s looking good though and I will get some pictures of her up on next update!

TENT TEMP: 78.7’F RH: 50-55%

I hope everyone’s weekend is relaxing and sunny! Keep it green and happy days!
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