Dutchman’s 1st Grow Ever: 2018

Thanks again @MrSauga ... I wasn’t sure if you had been to my garden before so I figured I would send you an invite !

No actually I hadn't been here. I did see your bean package. I'm doing the Pineapple express auto next time so it was cool to see that in your lineup
No kidding I know I couldn’t wait and I have a few buddies who have done the same! I’ll check out that link in the am and visit your garden! Seems like we have similar choices laid out! Your running white widows as I am currently and Pineapple Express next ! Should be good times my friend !
Ok so quick update for today. Girls have been growing well and all became thirsty for a feeding today except for WW2! She got a ph water flush but more about that below. Early Miss was due for a defoil so today was her day to shine!

White Widow 2 had spotting you can read about that in my other thread. (Brown Spotting WW Autoflower)So it was determined I needed to flush her. I got 2Gal of water pHed at 5.6 ....after a full flush and runoff came out at 5.6! Next round I will be going back to 1/4 strength bloom nutes with BigBud. Big thanks to @MrSauga gor some brainstorming ! I’ll keep some detailed pictures of WW2 of the days to come !!

WW1 needed another feeding so she got a 1/4 strength feed of bloom a+b with BigBud.


All the girls in their glory !! WW2 is getting some beautiful colas forming up ! Very pleased with her performance so far ! Hoping the flush does her well and we’re off to the finish line strong and steady !

Thanks for following friends !

Happy days and have a great weekend!
Hey Dutchman, you got a nice camera from what I read earlier. Try adjusting your white balance to the flourescent section. You should find something along the lines of Vapor or Sodium which is intended more for that type of lighting. Or, turn the lights off for a couple of flash pics or incadescent lamo inside the tent. It's difficult to see all the colors in their glory.

The reason I mention is the left side of that last pic the plants look pretty good. The right side they seem to be telling us something is wrong. It's most likely the pH issues you had but adding nutes right now may not be the best option, for the ones on the right. If the plant has locked out nutrients we are only going to create a toxicity when the plant clears up if it has too much of a certain nutrient. IMHO I would keep feeding with plain old ph water at 5.6 for the next watering or two.
Others can probably tell you how to test the EC or PPM for the amount of nutes in there but that's outside of my knowledge.
Ill pull out the camera and mess around with light flux. The 2 plants on the right... the front Right one is WW2 it’s he one with spotting and got the flush today. The one behind her is WW1 out of the tent she has healthy green growth I’ll get some pictures tomorrow! That’s the reason she got a feed today. She hasn’t had any ph issues so I just made sure today’s feeding was at 5.6 going in!
My runoff of ph I got to. 5.6 so she was fully flushed. WW 2 from soaking usually takes 3days to dry out for watering again. So over the next 3 days we will see what she tells us! WW1 has been drinking a lot lately so that also the reason she got a feed ! @MrSauga
My runoff of ph I got to. 5.6 so she was fully flushed. WW 2 from soaking usually takes 3days to dry out for watering again. So over the next 3 days we will see what she tells us! WW1 has been drinking a lot lately so that also the reason she got a feed ! @MrSauga
Sweet, sounds like you got this now.

I just got caught up. Plants look awesome all around. The WW2 was very healthy up until a couple of days ago. Near as I can tell your pH was adjusted to 6.5 back on the 31 of Aug, so you had about a week of feeding outside the recommended range. Not too bad and all should be good again, or at least let's hope. Keep an eye on that clawing on her.

:welldone: :bravo:
Hey everyone! Happy Sunday!

Just a quick update this morning .. no pictures until later. All the girls perked up after feeding yesterday. WW2 repsonded well to flush can see her leaves bouncing back to her healthy self ! Starting to show a bit of frost on the widows! I’ll try and get some pictures of that later today!!
Hope everyone has a great day and I’ll get an updated photo log in here this evening!
My runoff of ph I got to. 5.6 so she was fully flushed. WW 2 from soaking usually takes 3days to dry out for watering again. So over the next 3 days we will see what she tells us! WW1 has been drinking a lot lately so that also the reason she got a feed ! @MrSauga

So photo update ! :yahoo::yahoo:
It’s been 2 days since the flush on WW2 and she’s turned right around looking beautiful and healthy again! I did a slight defoil on her today to expose some colas that were covered by fans but look at her grow!


WW1 needed a haircut today as well she’s almost dry again to so will probably get a feed tomorrow! She’s drinking like a champion and I love it, it looks like she does too!

As for the bushiest girl big Early Miss1 got a big detour today to expose all her up and coming budsites! Looking healthy as ever and SOME MASSIVE FAN leaves got removed! All in all healthy growth.

Any thoughts comments or questions please let me know! I’m looking to expand myself in the community here and want to help where I can!
(even though I’m still a novice!)

@Pennywise @SweetSue @Preston9mm
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