Duggan Does Purple Envy, Star Pupil & Black Cherry Punch With Doc's Gear!

Morning Duggan and the BRIX gang!!! Yeah buddy I got it this round so far!! Now, if I can figure out this environment. This is is a very difficult situation I’m in. Being as I’m set up to just up and go, ya know. But this dry weather and the heat!!!! The heat was reading 118 outside yesterday. Jeepers Doogs, keeping the GR at near 82 was a sob. I finally... seriously, just finally got a combo fan filter installed but it feels like it’s taking more cool air out than hot air. Arrrrr, that’s annoying lol. Was reworking everything last night when looked up and 5 hours had just rolled on by. Ffs man, time is such an illusion these days lol. Anyhow, I’ll get it right. This traveling GR will be top notch even though I’m not traveling any time soon. Hope you have a great weekend my friend. I have planned my grams 87 birthday and have 15 family members I haven’t seen in who knows how long coming to celebrate. This should be.... well hopefully not a disaster lol. Chat soon my friend!!!
Morning Duggan and the BRIX gang!!! Yeah buddy I got it this round so far!! Now, if I can figure out this environment. This is is a very difficult situation I’m in. Being as I’m set up to just up and go, ya know. But this dry weather and the heat!!!! The heat was reading 118 outside yesterday. Jeepers Doogs, keeping the GR at near 82 was a sob. I finally... seriously, just finally got a combo fan filter installed but it feels like it’s taking more cool air out than hot air. Arrrrr, that’s annoying lol. Was reworking everything last night when looked up and 5 hours had just rolled on by. Ffs man, time is such an illusion these days lol. Anyhow, I’ll get it right. This traveling GR will be top notch even though I’m not traveling any time soon. Hope you have a great weekend my friend. I have planned my grams 87 birthday and have 15 family members I haven’t seen in who knows how long coming to celebrate. This should be.... well hopefully not a disaster lol. Chat soon my friend!!!
Man...where u at??

I thought it was hot here...lol
Morning Duggan and the BRIX gang!!! Yeah buddy I got it this round so far!! Now, if I can figure out this environment. This is is a very difficult situation I’m in. Being as I’m set up to just up and go, ya know. But this dry weather and the heat!!!! The heat was reading 118 outside yesterday. Jeepers Doogs, keeping the GR at near 82 was a sob. I finally... seriously, just finally got a combo fan filter installed but it feels like it’s taking more cool air out than hot air. Arrrrr, that’s annoying lol. Was reworking everything last night when looked up and 5 hours had just rolled on by. Ffs man, time is such an illusion these days lol. Anyhow, I’ll get it right. This traveling GR will be top notch even though I’m not traveling any time soon. Hope you have a great weekend my friend. I have planned my grams 87 birthday and have 15 family members I haven’t seen in who knows how long coming to celebrate. This should be.... well hopefully not a disaster lol. Chat soon my friend!!!

Hey bud...holy fu...k. That's friggen hot ! Get as much air flow as you can manage. Also , try and run your lights at night time OK. Your girls look really good .....u got big ass pots right?? Lots of light ,..right?
Got boys ..very busy...gotta fly...enjoy the day ...friend a mine!!:high-five:
Hey bud...holy fu...k. That's friggen hot ! Get as much air flow as you can manage. Also , try and run your lights at night time OK. Your girls look really good .....u got big ass pots right?? Lots of light ,..right?
Got boys ..very busy...gotta fly...enjoy the day ...friend a mine!!:high-five:

Yes sir! All of that!!! Take care and have fun, very busy as well, chat soon!!
We got 1 dribbly day of rain a week ago, only rain in about 100 days

I'd take a couple days of rain
Same here, way too hot and no rain... send it this way guys!
How's it going duggs, I think I have a bean addiction

These are my doubles and triples lol, I may let few go if anyone interested in any of the bunk I've been stashing back.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend :Namaste::green_heart::passitleft:
That’s an impressive collection you have... I have one of the small mason jars that I keep ALL mine in:rofl: still in the little plastic bags of course... maybe someone needs to set up BA... Have Beans Anonymous weekly meetings...
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