Duggan Does Black Cherry Punch & Star Pupil With Doc's Gear!

Good morning to ya'l. Gang...what a bunch of good,..knowledgeable votes! Wanna thank everyone for all the nice words , thoughts and vibes. My gang....:circle-of-love: Plants still have one week to gain a lil more weight and mature a bit more. Unfortunately it seems the Star pupil is stealing the show , somewhat , but lemmy tell ya these two Black Cherry Punches have the biggest , fattest , most colorful colas i have ever grown in Doc's gear. The colas are massive and the smell from them is delicious...can't wait to try them . Gotta throw another big thank you out to Neiko for the opportunity to grow them....:adore:..thanks so much bud!:high-five:
This is the time in the grow , when i like to say ...bigger pots=bigger, fatter, more buds! Please gang...use the absolute biggest pots you can, period...it's the single most important factor in a problem free, stunning grow. Sure ,..we can do it with smaller containers, but ya won't get colas and buds like these....just sayin ,..OK!:surf:
I love it when i see gang members switching to 15 + gal. pots....cuz i know they will be smilin when they see their plants thriving and growing like mad in them....:thumb:
Have a great Sunday ,all my brothas, sistas and you lurkers out there too!...Cheers eh!
Dont get me wrong your BCPs are killing it! It is just the color of those Star Pupils is breath taking bud! I enjoyed growing in 15s when I did it. One day I will get back to it. For now variety is the spice of life and to get as much of it as I can I run the 7s. Once I work through some of these seeds (ok a lot of these seeds) I will go back to bigger pots!
Dont get me wrong your BCPs are killing it! It is just the color of those Star Pupils is breath taking bud! I enjoyed growing in 15s when I did it. One day I will get back to it. For now variety is the spice of life and to get as much of it as I can I run the 7s. Once I work through some of these seeds (ok a lot of these seeds) I will go back to bigger pots!

Same here, love the big pots but I need to run some seeds.
Wow Duggs! Totally impressive all around. Star Pupils are really pretty and the purple bcp looks better than the instagram pics used to sell that strain. You knocked it out the park this run. I will be flipping my Cherry pheno of BCP tomorrow.

Hope you are feeling better. The weather here is getting nicer, more sun which helps uplift the mood. Take care bud and enjoy the rest of your Sunday.
Holy crap duggs those are some beauties!!!! My guess is 28.8. Looks like you may have a photo contest winner in there....
Same here, love the big pots but I need to run some seeds.
Holy, eh hmmm sorry first time visit here, but not last, No hating there D, jealous lol tho thx for sharing pics inspirational...
Hey there Hacker!!..Top of the day to ya ! Welcome to my journal. Yes,..please , make yourself at home and feel free to ask any questions ya like . If i'm not right on them , one or more of the 'gang' would be glad to help you out. Your visiting just as the crop is about to be chopped...few more days to put on a little more weight,..and then it's "trim jail" for me and my bud!
We have a four hour window between my son's hockey games (tournament) this Sat....so that's when it 'l happen.
Have a great day hacker and ounce again,..welcome to my journal and 420 mag!:welcome:...:cheer::circle-of-love:
Ok,...remember..eh...those who have voted , can not change now, ...after these pics i took a few min's. ago.:ganjamon:
Colas are getting ripe now,..resin still has another 7 days to mature. I'm very happy with both strains and highly recommend them both for our soil.:slide:Anyhow , here are some pics.
Have a great night everyone.:circle-of-love:....oh ya , i'm writing down all the 'guesses'.:bravo:...LMAO...:rofl:


Oh.....holy crap. wow.
Evenin to ya'l tonight!:passitleft::passitleft::passitleft:Pass these around , would ya's..:rollit:
Anyhow, the four got their very last drink tonight..GE w/Tea...4 gal's. , each pot! Very strong mix!! Harvest is Sat. Timers will be pulled Fri. after work, so the last light they will see , will be Thursday around 2 AM. (actually 3 , cuz of the time change)
I know i've said this before but ,..for newer members. the extra dark period before chop , is NOT to increase resin (this does NOT happen) it's to inhibit the plant from drawing up all it's fluids and nutrients from the soil , for another light cycle. If you have ever seen those time laps grow journals, you will see that they 'drop' fluids into the soil for the dark period and suck them back up for the daytime. You can see how the plants perk up at sunrise, as the leaves rise and fall.
Anyhow , crap sakes...that Purple Envy baby had a case of 'damping off'...rats! Started to soak another two of them...hoping for a healthy one.
The Star Pupil seedling is not looking good neither..FFS! Got some good news though,..the two Black Cherry Punches are rockin the house...hahaha. Hey Neiko...what a decent strain bud!! :cheer:
Have a great night everyone...:circle-of-love:
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