Duggan Does Black Cherry Punch & Star Pupil With Doc's Gear!

Hey Dooog, I hope you can get out of the funk soon and start feeling better. It sounds like your weekend relationship is healthier than many full time relationships but I hope you can get more time with Mare, special adult time and otherwise! ;):slide::yahoo: If I were closer, I'd come help with the harvest.
Hey Dooog, I hope you can get out of the funk soon and start feeling better. It sounds like your weekend relationship is healthier than many full time relationships but I hope you can get more time with Mare, special adult time and otherwise! ;):slide::yahoo: If I were closer, I'd come help with the harvest.

Thanks Ween....and Hook!
My heads all messed up right now....and i dunno why!
Morning to you Duggs
Hope you get on track brother, know all to well those funk feelings that don’t seem to want to budge........ I like Hooks plan of a mental health day.......except I’d need about 4 years worth of them :rofl: Hard sometimes to see the positive in our lives when we get stressed or down and sometimes it takes a few days to settle down, call it cosmic forces or what ever. At times we just need to force our selves to really look at what we do have, great family, great woman, great friends, all top scores for us. It’s normally other outside influences that get us feeling not just right and when I feel myself getting in “that mood” (just what I call it) I do my best to focus on the top priorities family,woman,friends and block out the other bullshit that wants to take time away from my top three I was blessed with.
Love ya Duggs :)
Ya...ive been in a real funk these past few days /week..battling some depression and things going on with me! Will try to snap out of it and get some pics up of the plants! They will get chopped next weekend .Dont have boys then..but youngest has his season ending hockey tournament , so even though i dont have them...my sons games consume a lot of my 'me and Marilyn' time!! Oyr relatipnship is hurting because of so little time together.Seems like we have no time .We have had a 'weekend' relationship for ten yrs...i need more but because of our kids it cant happen .Its starting to take its toll...and i feel it!
Anyhow ...enough of my BS.
Enjoy the day.

Don't let the DEVIL steal your joy, He is the master at that.
The only thing between Him and You is FAMILY LOVE, look to them
to see the happiness
Sorry to hear you have been down bud! When we get like that it is trying. Hopefully when things clear you will be in a better place and this will have been but a hiccup leading to better times. As others have said focus on what is important to you. I know your presence here means a lot to a lot of folks and we are glad you grace us with it as often as you do. I am hoping you have a quick turn around and brighter days are ahead.
We have this sticky door at our place (the guy who hung it for us was going to come back and fix it but never did and I got bored chasing it...). Most of the time i don’t really think about it much. But at times like you’re having right now Duggs, there are days it;s about all I can think about and I’m irrtated each and every time I go through it ... “... why didn’t he just hang it right in the first place... why am I too unwell now to damn well fix it myself like I would’ve been able to before...?” and on goes the internal babble about the door... but we know it‘s not the door - it’s the demons going “ooh look at the door and how bad it is!!!” :rofl:
It seems trivial to be talking about a sticky door - but when the demons are all up in my face without being direct about anything (hence “I don’t know why I feel so shitty”) it’s these kinds of things things that can gripe your arse way more than usual and in ways that can send you right off the rails... like navigating one page at a time on the forum, eh Duggan! ;) It can be a real shitstorm of crappy feeling sometimes and I’m sending you my very best vibes for riding this one out successfully, good man - like the ocean going canoe, off to Jamaica, eh!? It’s also a dark moon in Pisces right now so that’s a bit of a potentially low ebb time emotionally - a good time to do something relaxing and not too taxing, like good food, nice wine and spend time with people close to you... and know that emotion may bubble over a bit and that’s okay, be kind to yourself :love: New moon in Aries on Sunday/Monday - should be like a breath of fresh air! Now where the hell is that hippy trippy emoticon when I need it...
Last year was a super-tough time for me. Probably the toughest of the last 30 or so. The whole time Duggan was chatting me up. I can't really say how much that helped me. So, like most all of us, I totally get how difficult life can be sometimes. I can honestly say, with a little plan and circling-of-the-wagons...maybe some perseverance, it always gets better dude.

Hang tough...your friends are here.
Good Sat. morning ,..all my friends...my gang..my brothas..and sistas! You all have helped me more than you know...get out of this "funk". Unfortunately , my life goes on and is moving too quickly for me to just stop everything and look after myself.
Running a house , job, kids and activities by one's self is a challenge , so, doing it while depressed is a losing venture..it can't happen as everyone around me soon becomes affected and that is NOT an option for me , so...
The attention given to me is/was amazing , and is another reason , i hold everyone on here close to me...we share much more than just growing ...thank you all , again for trying to 'lift' me up...Overlord , Yeti, Gov:)hugs:),Dyno , Gazoo, Van, Stoney, 119, Arctic (D and J ), Hook, Ween...and Amy , who never gives up on me...:thanks:

I took a couple pics of the lil ones this morning but my camera died before i could snap one of the newest , little Purple Envy.
Pics are two Black Cherry Punches, and one very sad looking Star Pupil. remember this lil girl/baby,..and how sickly she appears...she will survive and hopefully blow us all away with her shiny leaves again. she already has a shine on her..believe it eh...just an awesome , awesome strain.
I'l be posting a final bunch of pics tonight of the group , just so everyone can take their best shot at a final weight guess.
For members new around here , i always hold a little contest ...for the winner of the closest 'dry weight' ..wins a free ounce.
The only catch is,..you have to come get it. Previous winners have been Ziggs, Neiko, and ?(bad memory).
it's a fun time , with everyone guessing their best guess. I have one already at 28z's.
Anyhow , have a great day gang!:circle-of-love:

Morning Duggs
Ok, ya ready for the guess.............32.25 :cool::p:D Notice it’s over the hump........did ya? Lmfao so if your thinking your coming in short you best feed the heck out of them this week and if your thinking your over that.......starve them bitchs :rofl: Hey, just trying to get a win brother...........Penny an Sue kicked our butts in the Malawi 500 (500 days lmfao) so we’re do lol.

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
Morning Duggs
Ok, ya ready for the guess.............32.25 :cool::p:D Notice it’s over the hump........did ya? Lmfao so if your thinking your coming in short you best feed the heck out of them this week and if your thinking your over that.......starve them bitchs :rofl: Hey, just trying to get a win brother...........Penny an Sue kicked our butts in the Malawi 500 (500 days lmfao) so we’re do lol.

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:

OK,..great stuff D...i'l put ya down for that very 'high' guess of 32.25. :passitleft:
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