Duggan Does Black Cherry Punch & Star Pupil With Doc's Gear!

I’m spraying brix at every

I’m in of I’m welcome. Not quite a hb vet but by next February should have at least 8-10 more different hb grows in.

Also as to to much foliar spraying I stuck to every 10 days mixing I think 10ml brix with 350-400 ml of water( don’t hold me on that as I’m not in front of book but 95% that’s what it was). Also have sprayed brix 2 with snake oil. All environment is on point.

This very next grow I’ll do 2 with cat drenchs and 2 without to see the difference. The funny thing is that I have 2 passions growing and 2 bluecheese amd all have gotten same amounts of mixes and only 2 really show crispy leafs the other 1 passion has good colour maybe a little darker green the I would like. But the other bluecheese which is shorter looks wonderful with a very small bit a tip burn but other then that wonderful colour. She’s definitely a lot smaller then rest. So then I start to think maybe I’m under feeding girls

Just a HEADS UP DB has also mentioned we should not use Snake Oil/WayAhead more then twice or
chance of cooking the Roots is a possability
I’m spraying brix at every

I’m in of I’m welcome. Not quite a hb vet but by next February should have at least 8-10 more different hb grows in.

Also as to to much foliar spraying I stuck to every 10 days mixing I think 10ml brix with 350-400 ml of water( don’t hold me on that as I’m not in front of book but 95% that’s what it was). Also have sprayed brix 2 with snake oil. All environment is on point.

This very next grow I’ll do 2 with cat drenchs and 2 without to see the difference. The funny thing is that I have 2 passions growing and 2 bluecheese amd all have gotten same amounts of mixes and only 2 really show crispy leafs the other 1 passion has good colour maybe a little darker green the I would like. But the other bluecheese which is shorter looks wonderful with a very small bit a tip burn but other then that wonderful colour. She’s definitely a lot smaller then rest. So then I start to think maybe I’m under feeding girls

I thought so Scotia..IMO those roots got a lil burnt from too much Brix and too much Snake Oil. I know , cuz i did the same thing a while back not realizing the foliars can be hard on roots. You remember Doc sayin so too right? About too much snake Oil and the chance of burning the roots from too much of a good thing. Neiko named all the usual culprits for it but i mentioned the foliars cuz i knew your enviro was 'on 'point'! Only use the Snake Oil if things are not rockin like when u grow frankenstrains like OG's and Chemdawg types. Straight Brix is plenty ..OK! every week to 10 days but hey...don't fret if ya miss a spray ! I miss em once and a while ..no harm bud! cheers.
Oh and BTW,..you will be more than welcome on pour next 'canoe trip' . I will be sending out invitations around Aug, Sept OK! Stay tuned!:thumb:
I've gone to spraying Brix about every 14-18 days now and my plants seem to be ok with that. My leaves are staying greener a lot longer so you are probably right Duggan. I did this out of pure laziness, I hate trying to spray the back plants in the tents.

Yes....ive found the foliars are hard on roots if given too strong...or too often and should be given sparingly. Ya...spraying the back ones are always a pita too!
Enjoy the day bud...oh ya btw..u heard anything from that job possibility yet?
I've gone to spraying Brix about every 14-18 days now and my plants seem to be ok with that. My leaves are staying greener a lot longer so you are probably right Duggan. I did this out of pure laziness, I hate trying to spray the back plants in the tents.
hey neiko as we get older it gets harder to reach back at those girls lol!
Umm, where's Pat999 when you need him!? :rofl: I'm gonna go to Brix every 14 days instead of 10.

Yup,..Gov. speaks with mucho 'kit' experience. Every 2 weeks is plenty,..When i miss a foliar day , i never fret. Never like that back pot..LMFAO always seem to get sprayed in the face...OK,..OK...there are some very cool 'emogies' missing from our selection,...has any one noticed which ones. What happened to the lil guy knockin on the door...or the lil 'green' guy puffin one...where are they ....I miss them ,..they were cool!! 'drifting'..LOL..:rofl:
Evening to you Duggs and gang
Glad your drifting brother :rofl: will be soon myself :rofl:
Ms J and I wacked the Pineapple Express tonight......what a nice plant she was, super dense Buds fare yield not fantastic but pretty good for a noob :rofl:

Two Malawi girls left brother.......fridge is getting pretty full so you best be planning that trip over this way pretty soon eh, got a gallon jug of nug waiting on ya :rofl:

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:
I imagine there could be more emoji's after the more significant issues with the site have been addressed... By the way...which one of you gents smell like a hooker after a sailors payday!??...:eek::rofl:...cheerz... h00k...:rollit:
Ya Hook...i know its minor but..why would they do things half ass...like our titles and the emogies???Don't ya think it woulda made more sense to finish the things they started.??
Just sayin!
Enjoy your day bud!
Evening to you Duggs and gang
Glad your drifting brother :rofl: will be soon myself :rofl:
Ms J and I wacked the Pineapple Express tonight......what a nice plant she was, super dense Buds fare yield not fantastic but pretty good for a noob :rofl:

Two Malawi girls left brother.......fridge is getting pretty full so you best be planning that trip over this way pretty soon eh, got a gallon jug of nug waiting on ya :rofl:

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:
Hi D....great to see ya my friend.Also good to see you fill up your fridge too.Nothin like a fridge full of top shelf produce eh...
Your Malawi...lmao.....maybe ready by Christmas....:cheer:
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