Duggan Does Black Cherry Punch & Star Pupil With Doc's Gear!

Jax Rider...Great day to ya ...sir? I know a dog named Jax..are you affiliated..:)
Anyhow , great to have you along . Welcome to my journal and this neighborhood. You have found a very special forum ,..this is the best weed forum on the web, by far! The growers here are all passionate about what we do and are very real , caring people. i know , cuz i've met a bunch of them. Most of us are growing in some type of soil and among them , most are using Doc Bud's gear , or 'Kit' as we like to call it. A very reliable , low cost system that produces excellent High Brix cannabis every time, no problem. Don't hesitate to ask all the questions ya want , OK...one of us will help ...or all of us..:)
Take stroll around this neighborhood and do some reading in some of the other High Brix journals , like Doc's Q and A thread or especially his tutorial thread him and Scotia have on the go right now. A great thread to follow , to learn what we're all doing. Anyhow , have some pics and an update to get to so , a big warm welcome to ya Jax Rider....cool name .

Ok gang...here goes with all these pics. Just got done and all cleaned up. The girls don't look their best , obviously cuz i woke them up to get this transplanting done. Gonna have a hot bath with a glass of wine shortly. Enjoy gang!

Starting point. My rec room .
Tarp spread out ready to go!
Showing how i store my soil filled totes...off the floor with 2inch SM, Insulation.
Both totes .
getting ready to empty and clean up all the old soil.
The homemade 'Rootbuilders and how they come together/apart. OK , these pots come as a sheet and are rolled into a pot , then a pre-made factory bottom is installed. What i did was use two sheets (each one is a 7 gal. pot) i just overlapped them to size which turned out to be 26 gals. A different bottom was created using 1/2 x 1/2 galvanized chicken wire and landscaping cloth.They are then placed on a homemade 'beer cap' style aluminum trays, then set upon a 5 caster HD plant trollie.
Each pot was washed in my laundry tub to remove salt build up in those little dibbits around the outsides.
Showing how they easily go back together , using a few tie wraps.
Ready to fill the first one.
Four bags of the old soil , double bagged (used 8 HD garbage bags).
This fresh, still damp new soil feels and smells wonderfull.
First plant to get into the fresh DBHBB soil is a BCP..not rootbound but healthy .Dusted the holes and rootball with Doc's 'roots' from the 'kit'.
Just adding more soil to completely fill these huge pots...i want them to hold 26 gals....NOT 23..or 24!!
All done, Star Pupils up front...Black Cherry Punches, at the back!
Rec. rm all cleaned up....it's all done for another 4months...Yeepa , yeepa !
OH ya forgot to mention . Each pot got 2 gal's. of 1/4 Transplant W/Tea. The Advanced XTE 400 is set to come on now as well, since my footprint just got a lot bigger.
Hope ya's all are having a great day Gang...:circle-of-love:

sent from my DeLorean...in the future!
Those roll out pots are brilliant! Like air pots made with floor mats in my mcgyver mind lol

Your plants are looking lovely!

Hope you don't mind me tagging along and maybe asking a few q's. This community is so caring and organic, experimental with twist of scienctific without being to rigid.... Really made me want to be active and engage!

Subbed for sure and thanks for sharing so many pics of your process and really taking the time to kinda think out loud. Very helpful! Peace
Just bought basically same Huey as the one posted earlier in this journal and wow what a difference it makes. Mine holds 3.5gallons roughly and good for up to 2300or 2600sq ft mine has 9 speeds.it was 219.00 at crappy tire I can now have my heaters going and the humidifier will still overpower the rh drop and keep rh between 55-60 but keep my heat at 78-79 now instead of 75ish. Just what I need

Hey there Dark... Just wondering how loud that humi is... could it go in a bedroom and be quiet enough not to disturb sleep?
Those roll out pots are brilliant! Like air pots made with floor mats in my mcgyver mind lol

Your plants are looking lovely!

Hope you don't mind me tagging along and maybe asking a few q's. This community is so caring and organic, experimental with twist of scienctific without being to rigid.... Really made me want to be active and engage!

Subbed for sure and thanks for sharing so many pics of your process and really taking the time to kinda think out loud. Very helpful! Peace

Evenin to ya Buddy. A big warm welcome to you . Very cool you visit my journal . Post #2 for you ...OK...great to see you wanna get 'engaged'. The members around these parts are very , very real people and will help answer any questions you might have. May i suggest getting around to some of the other HB journals and do a little reading ,..just to get a feel for our group. We are all very passionate about growing the finest quality cannabis , world wide. We all do it regularly...:slide: We have a very big advantage to this , as Doc Bud is here among us ,..in our journals , always a presence. We are mostly all using his High Brix 'kit' to produce our produce. it's a mineral based amended , soil utilizing a large Micro herd to process it all below the soil.
This 'kit' as we call it , takes most of the guess work out of growing in containers but still provides room for experimentation (Ziggs...:high-five:) and tweaking things a lil here and there.
Anyhow , welcome to 420 mag Buddy.:welcome::passitleft:
Good morning Jax, Ween and D....hope ya's all had a nice sleep.I'm at work already...bahhh.Should be in my nice warm bed...still dark out ffs!
Anyhow , Ween you are too kind my friend. You have been rockin your grows too....learning and having fun along the way...so cool.D....did you send us this warmer weather...thanks eh.Got up yoday to see all our snow has melted...yeepa!...Have a great Tuesday everyone.
Morning Duggs!!
Dang dude, your at work too early in the morning for us up here, 3 AM, no thanks!! Still dark here too :rofl: where at around 3.5 hrs of daylight or so now, almost done with this loosing daylight crap and can start gaining a few seconds a day after the 21st of the month. You’d love love love working the daylight hours here in the winter brother, 3-4 hrs and your done :rofl: plus don’t have to go in until like 11 AM :rofl:

Have great day Duggs and gang!

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
Morning Duggs!!
Dang dude, your at work too early in the morning for us up here, 3 AM, no thanks!! Still dark here too :rofl: where at around 3.5 hrs of daylight or so now, almost done with this loosing daylight crap and can start gaining a few seconds a day after the 21st of the month. You'd love love love working the daylight hours here in the winter brother, 3-4 hrs and your done :rofl: plus don't have to go in until like 11 AM :rofl:

Have great day Duggs and gang!

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
OK then , so your 3 hrs. behind us . What ever took ya up that far D , FFS man,..LMAO.
Was wondering how ya like wondering around all your plants now,...that ya got a bit more room.
Gotta fly,..Mare's on her way over,..i got the boys tomorrow night for supper and this weekend ,..so , she needs me now..:grinjoint: Hey ..you guys have a great night D ,..and J, too:)

You just did by typing a comment on a thread. Otherwise do what the other member stated.

Girls look awesome in their new home Duggan! Happy and healthy. Bet them wenches explode real soon!!
Oh , thanks Van,..yup, they like it. Turned on the other big light too...:tokin:
I really like this part ,..when they start to send roots out among the 26 gals of DBHBB soil.....it's fun to watch them go!! Unfortunately, i timed this all wrong ...by about one month....yikes...:wood: I wanted to be in this position a month from now. These four are going to be big girls when the canoe trip comes..:surf:..oh well, It's happened before. Anyhow , thanks for droppin in Van.
Have a really groovin night everyone...:Namaste:
Thank you Duggan for the very warm welcome!

Docs kit is on my list as I've seen you, sue, LA and many more rock the kit and just add water and amendments as needed. His soil with sips and a few top fed here and there is my goal but for now I'm scraping in an apartment lol. I'm close though and I'm waiting to transplant a little longer so I can find a small batch option or just pull the trigger after holidays on docs concise and well designed site there.

I don't want to hijack your thread at all but naturally I'm becoming more 'engaged' because I have plants and questions lol.

I'll be reading up and taking notes while I figure out how to post my 100+ pic over two months GLR flux journal thing so I can get a little guidance. I've been around as a helper with other people's projects but now it's my world lol. Lurking on here and learning as I go in a more intimate way has gotten me pretty far but now I got specific questions about different areas such as environmental conditions and ventilation and lighting that require some back story so I gotta get that journal up.

Anyway thank you for being my first real person interaction on here or anywhere regarding our wonderful plant ! I have a great old friend named Duggan so pardon me if I get too cozy lol
Thank you Duggan for the very warm welcome!

Docs kit is on my list as I've seen you, sue, LA and many more rock the kit and just add water and amendments as needed. His soil with sips and a few top fed here and there is my goal but for now I'm scraping in an apartment lol. I'm close though and I'm waiting to transplant a little longer so I can find a small batch option or just pull the trigger after holidays on docs concise and well designed site there.

I don't want to hijack your thread at all but naturally I'm becoming more 'engaged' because I have plants and questions lol.

I'll be reading up and taking notes while I figure out how to post my 100+ pic over two months GLR flux journal thing so I can get a little guidance. I've been around as a helper with other people's projects but now it's my world lol. Lurking on here and learning as I go in a more intimate way has gotten me pretty far but now I got specific questions about different areas such as environmental conditions and ventilation and lighting that require some back story so I gotta get that journal up.

Anyway thank you for being my first real person interaction on here or anywhere regarding our wonderful plant ! I have a great old friend named Duggan so pardon me if I get too cozy lol
Hey Buddy....yes...no worries.Please ask any and all questions ok.So glad you are getting involved and have your very own grow to have fun with. Docs kit is the way to go and you will enjoy growing with it....its actually really boring at times because most of the guess work has been removed by people who wear white lab coats every day....oh and Docs hard work over the last 6 yrs. or so. Once you get 50 posts in...you can pm other members ok! Remember....no question is a stupid one ok!
Cheers and good on ya.....for coming over to our neighborhood.....you will soon be 'assimilated'...into our 'kit' world!
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