Duggan Does Ace's A5 x Malawi & Thai Chi In DBHBB


Hey Amy,...where'd ya get that cool , new emogie ?
It’s just an image version stolen from elsewhere. I saved it to my phone image gallery and just attached it to the post ;) (so you could save that one and use it in the same way...
Sweet sue sent it to me in a PM!)
I need one of those lil tarzan characters first...toy store. Gotta put him in there swingen from top to top...what a hoot...ya, just puffed some BCP...:ganjamon:.....:passitleft:

I would let you borrow mine but Godzilla took care of him
Ok.....glad to see ya back Scotia! Where ya bin?

Yes bud been in a hurting stage. In hospital with bad stomach issues. Doctors can’t figure it out. Got good and bad days just haven’t been able to get on much. Doctors say it’s cause I won’t take there poison medications and possibly drink to much. Nope don’t drink that much.basically only drink water and milk lol. Then blamed it on some crazy thoery about smoking cannabis. Had a crazy name for it and all lol. Just can’t remember. Anyhow still alive and moving and smoking all day that’s all that matters isn’t it.
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