Duggan Does Ace's A5 x Malawi & Thai Chi In DBHBB

Hi Killer,....and gang! Wow....crazy i tell ya,...just crazy!! They are now officially taller than me. I tried to raise the lights some more but failed....too hot...no room , no help...fu..k it! Broke down a few more colas...not happy! They have trippled in height since flip...wtf!!! Buds are everywhere...and i mean everywhere. A few colas are just a few inches from the lights...what a big pita!
I'm gonna just have to keep breaking them as they approach the lights.....gonna be a lot of bleached tops this round! The supports haven't even come into things yet....i'm not lookin forward to staking them all up when they decide to fall over...what a friggen mess this is gonna be. What i would give...for another four feet of ceiling space...do a Sativa properly.
Anyhow , enjoy the night everyone!:circle-of-love:
I think I found a key though, Duggan. Next time you get the urge for sativas, grow 16 of 'em - all single colas. :slide:

They just don't respond to training the same way hybrids do.
What size pots do you use in this style?

I'm growing mine in 3 gallon pots. I can grow long blooming fluffy sativas with a strong stalk and solid nugs naturally, as single colas. So far it looks like I can get 2-3oz each if I time the flip right - that's tricky. But they don't go all floppy. I have one 4 -footer that's still standing on its own, with a big ol' heavy spear-shaped cola balanced on top.

I've tried to tame the fluffy ones several times - topped 'em, LSTed 'em - and always ended up with a buncha weak floppy stalks and airy nugs. They yielded fine, but they were a huge PIA.
Wow, this is why Ace is the place!! They are gonna pack on the weight for sure. I feel you on wanting more headroom Doogs. I have barely any and let my girls veg forever and let the canopy get to tall. All are sitting just 6 in from my lights and one I have to SC just about every day or she’s touching the LEDs. I’ve learned my lesson for sure!!!! Stick with the plan, do not deviate from said plan when growing in a constrained environment lol man I hope all is well my friend and your feel well these days!! Check it out, the last pic is my buddies spot here LV. Gonna be badass when it’s up and running


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Hey guys! Just wanted to let y’all know I have my new journal up. Will be my first Brix run and would love and appreciate to have any of y’all along for the ride. It’s the G13 Haze link in my signature.
Pretty quiet around here ,...so i better step in and say sumpin eh! Thanks Gray , Neiko, Magoo, '7', Rooster and Killer for hangin around and offering up your support , tips, etc.
Stretch has STOPPED on my four Sativas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some colas are only 2-3 inches away from the lights but seem to not mind , so...just gonna see how they behave. Tonight they got Recharge and a Transplant Drench of 7 full gal's. , each pot with 60 mls. of it (each pot) along with some Tea. Recharge was scratched in as deep as possible without harming healthy roots.
This Trans Drench is in preparation for their first of two CD's. coming up next week. Next drink will be of straight water ,...after that they'le get the CD's.
Pots barely hold 7 gal's each with some seepage out the bottom...they are soaked , and should be good for another 6 days. Normally they get a drink every 5 days , but with the added two gal's. , they should go a full 6 days.
Colas are forming nicely and i see NO burnt tips or wonky /bad leaves. Healthy as can be. Pics in a couple days.
Oh , Neiko...nope , not gonna top them now...no way! Would rather break them over , than cut off tops now.I will just have to deal with all the floppiness...cuz it's here now , and only gonna get A LOT worse over the next several weeks.

Anyhow , hope everyone has been well and groovin , as usual. Not getting any notifications for my subbed threads as i said a while ago...kind of frustrating , but , but wat can we do eh!
Enjoy the night gang!:circle-of-love:
Pretty quiet around here ,...so i better step in and say sumpin eh! Thanks Gray , Neiko, Magoo, '7', Rooster and Killer for hangin around and offering up your support , tips, etc.
Stretch has STOPPED on my four Sativas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some colas are only 2-3 inches away from the lights but seem to not mind , so...just gonna see how they behave. Tonight they got Recharge and a Transplant Drench of 7 full gal's. , each pot with 60 mls. of it (each pot) along with some Tea. Recharge was scratched in as deep as possible without harming healthy roots.
This Trans Drench is in preparation for their first of two CD's. coming up next week. Next drink will be of straight water ,...after that they'le get the CD's.
Pots barely hold 7 gal's each with some seepage out the bottom...they are soaked , and should be good for another 6 days. Normally they get a drink every 5 days , but with the added two gal's. , they should go a full 6 days.
Colas are forming nicely and i see NO burnt tips or wonky /bad leaves. Healthy as can be. Pics in a couple days.
Oh , Neiko...nope , not gonna top them now...no way! Would rather break them over , than cut off tops now.I will just have to deal with all the floppiness...cuz it's here now , and only gonna get A LOT worse over the next several weeks.

Anyhow , hope everyone has been well and groovin , as usual. Not getting any notifications for my subbed threads as i said a while ago...kind of frustrating , but , but wat can we do eh!
Enjoy the night gang!:circle-of-love:
Finally! It'll be fun seeing them fill the place up though, won't it ? :)
I'm here, just quiet, stoned, and in the corner, like usual... :bong::rollit:
Pretty quiet around here ,...so i better step in and say sumpin eh! Thanks Gray , Neiko, Magoo, '7', Rooster and Killer for hangin around and offering up your support , tips, etc.
Stretch has STOPPED on my four Sativas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some colas are only 2-3 inches away from the lights but seem to not mind , so...just gonna see how they behave. Tonight they got Recharge and a Transplant Drench of 7 full gal's. , each pot with 60 mls. of it (each pot) along with some Tea. Recharge was scratched in as deep as possible without harming healthy roots.
This Trans Drench is in preparation for their first of two CD's. coming up next week. Next drink will be of straight water ,...after that they'le get the CD's.
Pots barely hold 7 gal's each with some seepage out the bottom...they are soaked , and should be good for another 6 days. Normally they get a drink every 5 days , but with the added two gal's. , they should go a full 6 days.
Colas are forming nicely and i see NO burnt tips or wonky /bad leaves. Healthy as can be. Pics in a couple days.
Oh , Neiko...nope , not gonna top them now...no way! Would rather break them over , than cut off tops now.I will just have to deal with all the floppiness...cuz it's here now , and only gonna get A LOT worse over the next several weeks.

Anyhow , hope everyone has been well and groovin , as usual. Not getting any notifications for my subbed threads as i said a while ago...kind of frustrating , but , but wat can we do eh!
Enjoy the night gang!:circle-of-love:
Glad they stopped stretching! Looking forward to seeing pics in a couple days!

Yup, vertical growth on the mains has virtually stopped, they have been slowing down over the last week or so. Ya, i'l grab a few pics in a couple days. I need one of those lil tarzan characters first...toy store. Gotta put him in there swingen from top to top...what a hoot...ya, just puffed some BCP...:ganjamon:.....:passitleft:
Finally! It'll be fun seeing them fill the place up though, won't it ? :)
I'm here, just quiet, stoned, and in the corner, like usual... :bong::rollit:
Ya Stoney....cheers eh...:passitleft:....Yup, they will no doubt get full and ...well....it aint gonna be pretty in my lil GR but ya know bud......:passitleft:.... learning , the whole way thru. Next time , i know just what to do with these.......:passitleft:...........that's it...:ganjamon:, enjoy the night Stoney.
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