Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Oh yeah BB.....on the ceiling... I love to laugh ... Hahaha... Loud n long n clear...

Okay, i admit it I've watched it once .... Maybe twice !!!!

Im not a closet glee fan, in case your wondering... :rofl::rofl::rofl::)

Glad i made ya giggle dude....

Anyways back to the weed ... Hows the gonad hunt going dres ??


I am currently enjoying a stash of Bubbleberry. But i have too admit im like it without
Hi Dresney. You get reps for growing that Gorgeous girl. Pascalle that is.:thumb::peace::green_heart:

And to think just a few days ago I called her ugly. She has really turned herself around. It's a good thing I have a yucky yellow HPS or I'd probably spend all day in the flower room staring at her. Thanks, Mick :)

Stunning indeed such lush colours :) bloomin beautiful my dear :)

She's definitely prettier than anything I thought I'd be able to grow. Thanks for the compliment! :high-five:

Loving the purple, and it's all quite normal.

I loooove that I got a purple phenotype. She's won me over; I think I'm going to re-veg her and turn her into a mother, especially since this strain isn't available at the seedbanks right now. GDP for life!

"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and - SNAP - the job's a game!" - Mary Poppins.

Striking colors, Dres. Keep it fun!

She was full of sage advice. I really wanted to see "Saving Mr. Banks" in the theater, but I hate going to the movies nowadays. Thanks for the kind words, Peejay ;)

Dres, those pics are dazzling. They could grace any magazine. Love those colors. If I can grow colas anything like yours, I'll be thrilled!

I wish my decent camera wasn't broken. If we don't owe a bunch of money on our taxes I might get a new one. Then the photos won't come out slightly blurry all the time. :laughtwo:

And I'm sure with as healthy as your girls are, your colas will blow mine away! :yummy:


Thanks, CC! :passitleft:

Stunning ladies! Looking FAT too. Amazing work.

Thanks, CareStaker! They are definitely bulking up. I was a little worried Pascalle was going to stay skinny, but I can see a lot of bud growth in these past couple of days. :partyboy:


:laughtwo: When I was about 10 years old I memorized the spelling of that word... how nerdy was (am) I? :geek:

Hows the gonad hunt going dres ??

So far, so good. Still just those two balls from the other day. Let's hope it stays that way! :phew:

Great update yesterday Dresney! Happy Valentines to you and your hubby!:circle-of-love:

Thanks, Flo! Hope love is in the air for you today, too :dreamy:

Congratulations on your Sample :battingeyelashes:


:battingeyelashes: Thanks, Rico. I haven't been able to stop smiling and dancing all day. :battingeyelashes:
Loretta wishes everyone a Happy Valentine's Day today! :kiss:

Loretta wishes everyone a Happy Valentine's Day today! :kiss:


~ Hempy valentines day ~ :welldone:

hey dres...miss loretta is looking like cheddar in her HPS sweater... and you know, " Dank like a Tank " , loving the trich growth. And the Calyx to leaf ratio is looking pretty awesome too. I wished we all lived on the same block, we could be in bud heaven!!! excuse me, do you have any grey poupon? ... but of course!!! Hallelujah... enjoy your day farmer :Namaste:
Hey dresney, massive congrats in your MOTM NOMINATION. :bravo:

Our grows started around the same time, both went the DIY route..

I still remember you constructing the grow room.... And getting stressed. But all was worth it my friend. Your nearing the end. You have great looking girls.

Maybe you will have a nug jar for your efforts

You got my vote.... And the kudos of being nominated on this excellent forum

Congrat's Dres.:bravo:MOTM Nominee.:thumb::circle-of-love:

Hey Dresney, congrats on the MOTH nom....Very well deserved buddy :high-five:

Hey dresney, massive congrats in your MOTM NOMINATION. :bravo:

Our grows started around the same time, both went the DIY route..

I still remember you constructing the grow room.... And getting stressed. But all was worth it my friend. Your nearing the end. You have great looking girls.

Maybe you will have a nug jar for your efforts

You got my vote.... And the kudos of being nominated on this excellent forum

Whhhhhhhat?! This is crazy talk! :thedoubletake:

Wow, I am really stunned! Talk about unexpected!

This has been an exciting and eventful week for my canna-life, to say the least. What a wonderful weekend surprise!

Really, I finally plucked a Loretta-sample and now this... I'm not sure of any way I could possibly feel better today. :tokin:

Thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement, guys! :) I love you all for making my time here so wonderful! :circle-of-love:

I'm going to do a mini-update with some proper journal responses in a moment, but I just couldn't wait to get that out! :) :love:
Beautiful dres
Happy valentines back at ya!

man that looks good

:) Thanks, Shotta! I listened to some Devendra B. during my sample time. It was most excellent. (I'm not sure why, but I used my "Bill & Ted" voice in my head with that sentence. :tokin:)

hey dres...miss loretta is looking like cheddar in her HPS sweater... and you know, " Dank like a Tank "

Haha, you're killing me... I love it! :rofl:

Thank you for the witty words and compliments, Mango! Hope you're enjoying your recently harvested beauty :bravo:

I'd better come clean. Here she is Dres.

Aw, I don't think she looks that bad. She might like a new view though ;)

Compliments never hurt either. :)

Now thats a flower to receive on valentines

I tried giving it to Mr. Dres, but he just rolled his eyes :icon_roll at me. Can you believe it?!

Hope your V-Day was a good one, Bud :partyboy:

Congrat's Dres.:bravo:MOTM Nominee.:thumb::circle-of-love:

:thanks: What a fun day it has been!

Hey Dresney, congrats on the MOTH nom....Very well deserved buddy :high-five:

Thank you and a big congratulations to you, too, Heady! They chose a great group of people this month, as always. I was glad to see your name on the list! :high-five:

I still remember you constructing the grow room.... And getting stressed. But all was worth it my friend. Your nearing the end. You have great looking girls.

Maybe you will have a nug jar for your efforts

You got my vote.... And the kudos of being nominated on this excellent forum

:rofl: I'm glad I can think about building that flower room and laugh now. Thanks for keeping me motivated while I was doing it - I needed it. :laughtwo: Seeing such lovely blossoms now is definitely making the build worth it, indeed. I am so happy!

Thanks for being such a great friend! :)

For a small update... my magnifier finally arrived yesterday! :partyboy:

I played with it for a bit to see what I'd come up with. I definitely need to come up with a better system. It's cumbersome holding all the various components needed for decent pictures at this point. I'm itching for a new camera. :)

This is Pascalle yesterday - day 45 since the flip, day 37 since flowering began.


I think she looks like a mysterious, underwater creature of some sort.


She's still got maybe like 2 weeks? Maybe 3? Maybe longer?!

I think they'll both get one more feed of just 1-8-7, and then they're on their own until the chop. They both still have a decent color to their leaves, and I think they have plenty to live on. We'll see how it works out.

Wheeeee! :rollit:
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