Doggy Daddy's Dive Into Coco

Well I made a small purchase on the Zon today. I bought an air pump and airstone combo and some calibration solution for my ph pen. I've been using the drops lately and it's a pain in the ass. Here's the pump I got. It's cheap but has great reviews.

Then I'll have to rig everything up and set it on a timer. This will be my biggest challenge trying to get the watering schedule down. Any suggestions on how many times I should feed a day? I'm currently watering them a little less then a gallon each every day and half.
Yes and remember coco holds 30% oxygen when fully saturated. So watering/feeding daily will increase metabolism.
God coco is a beautiful thing
So I couldn't help myself and started to germ another AK and NL. I'm looking for a good sativa next and was wondering if you guys had any suggestions. I'd like to go with one of our sponsors here so I can contribute to our community. Of course I won't be able to do this until save a little dough.
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