Here's my own little bit of a news to report, I talked to a person who works at a collective or should say while I was there, what I was told is that the collectives are trying to drive the growers prices down, so they can lower their price to the members, but all I know it is growing indoors is way more expensive than an outdoor grow any day of the week! and to try to drive prices down during the winter season shit while the power company is driving electrical prices up like in calif, well this is a bit crazy.
I am sure their are those who can handle donating at lower prices, but if your growing to
donate besure to do your math on this before donating to a collective that is trying to drive prices down because in my book if I can't make back at the least what it cost me for the nutrients and electrical and just a little of the time required to care for them then I would rather smoke all of what I grow rather than
donate for less than what it cost me to grow a high quality product, I know and you know where this goes to! they get the growers to lower the wholesale price only to rise the sales prices back up a few months later once they set what they will purchase at in rock (watch and see)!
Then sometime in the future some big ass group of growers will come together and will make a push in Washington DC to keep people (you & me) from growing in their homes.