I am lucky in that I have always had fighter pilot vision ( 20/16). But when I hit 40 I had to get reading glasses. I'm up to x2 reading glasses now. I can read a sign far away much easier than a book up close!
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Yes Shiggs, that's me too, same , same! I'm at a x3 now...I am lucky in that I have always had fighter pilot vision ( 20/16). But when I hit 40 I had to get reading glasses. I'm up to x2 reading glasses now. I can read a sign far away much easier than a book up close!
It's true, I just posted a big update to my latest journal. If you follow me on IG you already know what's up.We have more Brixers who aren't journaling than who are.....which is wrong! We should all be here helping eachother.
Ok, before a re charge, RO feeding with TP and tea along with epsom dressing; this is what the ladies look like at day 19 post flip
Enjoy .
Ace Panama green Pheno
Ace Purple Peyote 2
Ace Purple Peyote 1
Ace Panama 1 Red Pheno
Hey Doc,
I was lost in thought, imagining what it might be like if some evil corporation found a way to alter cannabis genetics to make it immune to mites for instance ...
And a more pertinent question came to mind. Your mites. What effect does a sulfur burn have? I'm guessing it's too much risk to the blooming girls? It's gotta be annoying to have to live with them, even if they're manageable. My experience with whiteflies still gives me the the creeps. It's like Mother Nature smiling sadly down on us, shaking her head. You can't hold siege against those forces - one day you have to open the sally port.
Nice.....nice....what are your night temps? The reason I ask is because taking very good and making it truly great can often be a few degrees in temps. You've got more purple petioles than I like. See if you can up temps a few degrees....like 3.
Even if that's not possible, you're about to harvest some amazing weed. But if you hang around here EVERYONE has great weed, so we'll tell you stuff besides "good job." You're doing a F'n GREAT job. Get those night temps up, make sure day temps are about 78 and humidity about 55% and you're elite in quality. Just like that.
No problem Doc, can do. I've had the night temps around 68-70 with rH at 50-55. And Day temps around 75-76 with rH at 50-52
Coincidentally, over the past couple of days I've had the opportunity to smoke buds from two different HB growers, and it hadn't occurred to me that I lit 'em up with confidence. Didn't give it a second thought!
Over the past four years, I've only smoked from a few buds that weren't my own. A couple were awful, a couple were punchy but "dead" ... one smelled like it had been sprayed with blueberry perfume ... ick.
Not on a cold floor at all. Looks like this.
Thanks doc, I feel like everything is finally rolling in a good way. I just got the temps good about 4 days ago. Hopefully this stay good like this. It's hot here so..... you know how it goes.
Ok, I'll get some styrofoam tomorrow. Thanks. I was thinking that because I was off the floor that I was good to go.
I've been smoking nothing BUT well-aged HB weed.
Smoothness is probably its best trait, plus the fact that it holds in mason jars for years on end.
You're right - it's kinda like brandy and port in that regard. One savors it.
Oh, you helped it immensely by being off the floor. Watch what happens now.