Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I think you're going to be fine as well. Just wait a day, put them back on their regular schedule, wait em out and then assess whatever situation arises.
Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Hey Doc, I got a question for ya. You're on the west coast right? Is HB widely know about where you are? No one I know has ever heard of it and people only ever still talk about hydro being the best of the best.

I'm also wondering if a grower is growing say at a state legal max of say 99 plants. What is the the amount of soil and kit one would need for the year?

I will say that all just came from the top of my head
Hey Doc, I got a question for ya. You're on the west coast right? Is HB widely know about where you are? No one I know has ever heard of it and people only ever still talk about hydro being the best of the best.

I'm also wondering if a grower is growing say at a state legal max of say 99 plants. What is the the amount of soil and kit one would need for the year?

I will say that because I'm so baked all that just came from the top of my head

There's a few people who know about this....hopefully a few more next week and the week after.

For that many plants you'd want gallons of everything and 32 lbs of rocks at a time. No problem,
Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

There's a few people who know about this....hopefully a few more next week and the week after.

For that many plants you'd want gallons of everything and 32 lbs of rocks at a time. No problem,

If you had a super power right then it would have been the power of being "Vague" ..
Hey Doc, I got a question for ya. You're on the west coast right? Is HB widely know about where you are? No one I know has ever heard of it and people only ever still talk about hydro being the best of the best.

I'm also wondering if a grower is growing say at a state legal max of say 99 plants. What is the the amount of soil and kit one would need for the year?

I will say that because I'm so baked all that just came from the top of my head ��

Hiya Mag,

Here's how I see it.....don't know where you live but I lived in Cali for 15 years but am originally from Michigan, where I live now. I have a BS degree in Horticulture, so I know a thing or 2 about growing organic....Doc gets his products from a Minn. AG organic company that has adapted their organic products for vegetable farmers to grow tomatoes and cucumbers for cannabis.....

yes, hydro is a kick ass way of growing, if you can master it.....bigger yield, awesome colas, but big time expense for synthetic nutes and once you discover a problem, look have to be on top of the grow 24/7 and anything and everything can go wrong.....

In my legal medical state, I can grow 72 plants....if you want to PM me I can tell you what my experience has been in ordering soil and doc nutrients and I can attest and tell you it is for a very nominal cost....the benefits of growing this way....very high quality, the building of a reputation of being serious in the industry to move it forward toward increased acceptance in my state, and all that goes with growing this way is priceless....okay, commercial over....except this is not a commercial.....this is the real deal of living on the edge.......and I love it abracadabra....... :circle-of-love:
Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Hiya Mag,

Here's how I see it.....don't know where you live but I lived in Cali for 15 years but am originally from Michigan, where I live now. I have a BS degree in Horticulture, so I know a thing or 2 about growing organic....Doc gets his products from a Minn. AG organic company that has adapted their organic product for cannabis.....

yes, hydro is a kick ass way of growing, if you can master it.....bigger yield, awesome colas, but big time expense for synthetic nutes and once you discover a problem, look have to be on top of the grow 24/7 and anything and everything can go wrong.....

In my legal medical state, I can grow 72 plants....if you want to PM me I can tell you what my experience has been in ordering soil and doc nutrients and I can attest and tell you it is for a very nominal cost....the benefits of growing this way....very high quality, the building of a reputation of being serious in the industry to move it forward, and all that go with growing this way is priceless....okay, commercial over....except this is not a commercial.....this is the real deal of living on the edge.......abracadabra....... :circle-of-love:

I like you Shawnee. That made smile when I read it. I do believe that everything that is going on right now and all that you, Doc quite a few more growers are doing, is well above my understanding. In time I hope to understand a bit more and then some more. I do understand the guidance we share with each other here. I want to be apart of moving forward. Keeps me coming back here and talking and learning and growing my own DBHBB. Keeps me smiling .. Took me 20 min I think to write this. I deleted so much nonsense
Hiya Mag,

Here's how I see it.....don't know where you live but I lived in Cali for 15 years but am originally from Michigan, where I live now. I have a BS degree in Horticulture, so I know a thing or 2 about growing organic....Doc gets his products from a Minn. AG organic company that has adapted their organic products for vegetable farmers to grow tomatoes and cucumbers for cannabis.....

yes, hydro is a kick ass way of growing, if you can master it.....bigger yield, awesome colas, but big time expense for synthetic nutes and once you discover a problem, look have to be on top of the grow 24/7 and anything and everything can go wrong.....

In my legal medical state, I can grow 72 plants....if you want to PM me I can tell you what my experience has been in ordering soil and doc nutrients and I can attest and tell you it is for a very nominal cost....the benefits of growing this way....very high quality, the building of a reputation of being serious in the industry to move it forward toward increased acceptance in my state, and all that goes with growing this way is priceless....okay, commercial over....except this is not a commercial.....this is the real deal of living on the edge.......and I love it abracadabra....... :circle-of-love:

Nice! Duggan will be proud! I like how you see it! :)
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I like you Shawnee. That made smile when I read it. I do believe that everything that is going on right now and all that you, Doc quite a few more growers are doing, is well above my understanding. In time I hope to understand a bit more and then some more. I do understand the guidance we share with each other here. I want to be apart of moving forward. Keeps me coming back here and talking and learning and growing my own DBHBB. Keeps me smiling .. I'm sooo baked. Took me 20 min I think to write this. I deleted so much nonsense ��

Stick with this crowd, Mag, and you can't go fact, I think you need us so let it all out because I do, because I can....and I is so wonderful....who loves ya baby.....rock on :circle-of-love:
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I like you Shawnee. That made smile when I read it. I do believe that everything that is going on right now and all that you, Doc quite a few more growers are doing, is well above my understanding. In time I hope to understand a bit more and then some more. I do understand the guidance we share with each other here. I want to be apart of moving forward. Keeps me coming back here and talking and learning and growing my own DBHBB. Keeps me smiling .. Took me 20 min I think to write this. I deleted so much nonsense

A smile in a day is worth a lot.....I am honored that I made you smile....
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

A smile in a day is worth a lot.....I am honored that I made you smile....

.I'm smiling more now as I just got off the phone with my grams. She's a stubborn but charming little old lady. She's so awesome, she's the one of only reasons I even go back to my birth city.
Nice! Duggan will be proud! I like how you see it! :)

You are so funny!!!!

Lemmy just say one thing ....i have a very good reason why i talk so highly of this place and the people who grace these pages every day!
Every single day i read things from our members that blow me away...this group we have is so very special...i see it every day! Just an awesome place to spend a couple/few hours every day (yikes...don't you have something to do Duggan....:) )Everyone try and spread some smiles around and help a person in need today , whoever it may be. cheers gang!:circle-of-love::Namaste:
Hiya Mag,

Here's how I see it.....don't know where you live but I lived in Cali for 15 years but am originally from Michigan, where I live now. I have a BS degree in Horticulture, so I know a thing or 2 about growing organic....Doc gets his products from a Minn. AG organic company that has adapted their organic products for vegetable farmers to grow tomatoes and cucumbers for cannabis.....

yes, hydro is a kick ass way of growing, if you can master it.....bigger yield, awesome colas, but big time expense for synthetic nutes and once you discover a problem, look have to be on top of the grow 24/7 and anything and everything can go wrong.....

In my legal medical state, I can grow 72 plants....if you want to PM me I can tell you what my experience has been in ordering soil and doc nutrients and I can attest and tell you it is for a very nominal cost....the benefits of growing this way....very high quality, the building of a reputation of being serious in the industry to move it forward toward increased acceptance in my state, and all that goes with growing this way is priceless....okay, commercial over....except this is not a commercial.....this is the real deal of living on the edge.......and I love it abracadabra....... :circle-of-love:

Here's what's on the horizon for CA:

The medical marijuana model that we are all used to is going away. The means to accomplish this will be a combination of laws that favor well-funded, large scale, politically connected growers. IE property setbacks, and expensive licensing and required testing of all produce.

Virtually "All" medical marijuana in CA tests positive for pesticides and fungicides. This is simply horrible! But it's also factual and the current bunch of "growers" who spray all kinds of crap on their buds for mites and PM will not be allowed to bring such products to market......

People like me will have a very difficult time paying all the fees and licensing on top of the electric bill, etc. This will all hit in 2018.

On the other hand, EVERYONE is allowed to grow 6 plants at some cases more.

The choice will be between agribusiness and homegrown produce. I'm hoping to help those folks grow a small number of plants do such a good job that no one will buy the mass-produced crap.
Here's what's on the horizon for CA:

The medical marijuana model that we are all used to is going away. The means to accomplish this will be a combination of laws that favor well-funded, large scale, politically connected growers. IE property setbacks, and expensive licensing and required testing of all produce.

Virtually "All" medical marijuana in CA tests positive for pesticides and fungicides. This is simply horrible! But it's also factual and the current bunch of "growers" who spray all kinds of crap on their buds for mites and PM will not be allowed to bring such products to market......

People like me will have a very difficult time paying all the fees and licensing on top of the electric bill, etc. This will all hit in 2018.

On the other hand, EVERYONE is allowed to grow 6 plants at some cases more.

The choice will be between agribusiness and homegrown produce. I'm hoping to help those folks grow a small number of plants do such a good job that no one will buy the mass-produced crap.

Same is on the horizon for my state and it makes me cry....I have enjoyed living and growing in "the wild west" and never thought I would have the privilege to experience this in my lifetime.....but sadly, it will be coming to an end.....I consider us brixers to have a leg up, because we have chosen to be ahead of the game in growing organic and doing the right thing.....going boutique, as you say, Doc.....

I don't know what the end result will be, but living in this moment has been absolutely glorious :circle-of-love:

I won't even go into what is considered freedom when something is deemed 'legalized' when it comes to fees for even growing in the first place and limiting plant answer to that is always......QUESTION AUTHORITY!
I agree Doc. There's always going to be the deep-pocketed shakers and movers that look at it for the dollars they can put into their fattening wallets. Sadly those guys are the ones that try, and often succeed, to control everyone else too. The best way to combat that (in this instance anyway) is to produce better stuff than the 2 acre factory operations. Small-scale, boutique growers will STILL have an opportunity.
Hey Doc, how long are you going between drenches now? I've always waited at least 7 days between drenches. Sometimes I have to do water 2-3 times before the 7 days are up. Just curious if you are drenching sooner than that now when they are really humming along.

It's largely strain dependent, Neiko. Some get drenches with 1/4 trans water inbetween. Others get 2 doses of 1/4 transwater between two drenches.

Because I don't usually soak the crap out of them in bloom, certain plants might need watering every other they might get 2 drenches a week.

Keep the soil moist and not wet seems to give the best results in bloom.
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