Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Doc I'm getting adequate trichs on this sour bubble day 50.

Ha, adequate, love that word!!
Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Tangerine is the prettiest girl at the dance this time.....but this Chocolope/Bluedream cross has the largest lady far.



BlueChocolope? ChocoDream? Bluechoco? I don't smells great and looks to be right around 6 zips.


You can't do arm sized colas in living soil Doc. Bad Doc!! It's just not allowed. Someone should have told you only hydro makes big trichome filled nugs. And your nugs will taste delicious too. How are people supposed to deal with that???

On a side note when I trim that trichome covered sour bubble I am going to cut off the resin rails to make a resin rail only joint. I will come back a week later when I wake up and tell you how good it was.
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

You can't do arm sized colas in living soil Doc. Bad Doc!! It's just not allowed. Someone should have told you only hydro makes big trichome filled nugs. And your nugs will taste delicious too. How are people supposed to deal with that???

On a side note when I trim that trichome covered sour bubble I am going to cut off the resin rails to make a resin rail only joint. I will come back a week later when I wake up and tell you how good it was.

This plant is a freak. I can't tell if I want to take it or let it go just a's dropping fans, but the buds look like they could swell up some more. I think I'll take a tester.

A joint like the one you describe is a wonderful thing! My favorite way to smoke.
Fantastic.....the bar has been raised higher once again....geez Doc, you really keep me on my toes......:circle-of-love:
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

You can't do arm sized colas in living soil Doc. Bad Doc!! It's just not allowed. Someone should have told you only hydro makes big trichome filled nugs. And your nugs will taste delicious too. How are people supposed to deal with that???

On a side note when I trim that trichome covered sour bubble I am going to cut off the resin rails to make a resin rail only joint. I will come back a week later when I wake up and tell you how good it was.

What are resin rails? The sugar leaf, or actual resin stocks??
Hey Doc, how long are you going between drenches now? I've always waited at least 7 days between drenches. Sometimes I have to do water 2-3 times before the 7 days are up. Just curious if you are drenching sooner than that now when they are really humming along.

Good question Neiko! I have been alternating between drenches and waterings every 3 days on the plants in flower right now. At 30 days post flip, I am already done 2 cat drenches, one straight water (with tea & 1/4 TP) and a GE drench a couple days ago. It seems that the plants are cranking along, metabolism is very high. This frequency is due to me only using 1.5 gallons per plant in 15 gal pots. I guess I'll have to see what the final results are.

Good question Neiko! I have been alternating between drenches and waterings every 3 days on the plants in flower right now. At 30 days post flip, I am already done 2 cat drenches, one straight water (with tea & 1/4 TP) and a GE drench a couple days ago. It seems that the plants are cranking along, metabolism is very high. This frequency is due to me only using 1.5 gallons per plant in 15 gal pots. I guess I'll have to see what the final results are.


For some reason I just feel like those 15 gal pot would be taking more than 1.5 gal of each time you feed, but my brain ain't always right.
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I would edge that up just a bit to 1.75 or 2 gallons. I feed 1.25 gallons for a 10 gallon pot. Especially at Cat drench week. I want the 2 Cats to last 6-7 days so I can go:

Flip--trans-- GE--trans--GE--trans--(keep alternating until before Cat trans)--Cat--Cat--trans (or OG drench if needed)--GE+1/4 trans then same continued out.

Thanks Shiggity! You grow some killer buds! I'm gonna try your suggestion out on my current grow journal, they need to veg a couple more weeks. You bring a good point up about extending the effects of the cat drench.

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