As I wrote this, I came up with more questions. It was supposed to only be one, then I made a list. I am a question whore, and can be a pita, so I understand if you can't answer them all. Thanks for showing me the importance of C long ago, and like always Doc, your plants look great.
Do you agree with or have any thoughts on Michael Astera's ratios, advice, and methods? He is another Albrecht/Reams/Kempf guy, are they similar to you and the lab you work through?
Do you have paste and tissue tests done, or see a point to it?
Have you tested second/third/fourth/beyond round soil and amended to recommendations? Was it worth the results?
Do you recommend soil testing done with or without the aeration materials added?
Would you recommend for or against the use of pumice or lava rock?
Should testing be done by weight or volume for growing in pots?
I've had some peat tested, next up is the veggie beds, compost, vermicompost, and then peat combos. Anything I'm missing?